King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 236 We Should Compromise With Each Other

Chapter 236 We Should Compromise With Each Other
"But you still have no way to kill me, right? If I die, your primordial spirit will probably also dissipate. That's why at the beginning, you clearly had the ability to kill me, but in the end you chose to compromise and let my body The reason for recovering a little bit?"

Even though it was difficult, she did not choose to compromise.Ming Shiyin wanted her to be his marionette, but she didn't want to.

Her words made him silent for a while, and Gu Nian knew she was right.

Ming Shiyin can make him die of pain, but at the same time, he is in her body, and she should also have a way to make him die of pain, but she hasn't found a way yet.

"It's meaningless for us to torture each other, let's compromise with each other, tell me, how can you leave my body? I think, this is not only what I want, but also what you want the most, right?"

"You're right. I want to reshape my physical body, but the premise is that I can gather some elixir. I thought that if you were alone, it would take a hundred years of effort between you and me with our current strength. Well, it may not be possible to achieve it, but now there is a person who loves you very much, you can easily find an excuse to beg him to help you achieve it!"

Gu Nian doesn't like Ming Shiyin's natural attitude. The Nightmare Flower can only be obtained under certain conditions. That's because Kayn himself has a magic armor, and the Nightmare Flower can't let him reshape his body. What he wants must be hard.

"Perhaps, you feel it's unfair now, but if you are a loving husband and wife, but there is someone watching every day, is it a disappointment? As for you, don't think of any crooked ideas, go to Angela for help, I will tell you The spells she practiced are different, and those things of hers are useless to me! You can also choose to tell Kai, but even if Angela can't do it as a magician, he can't do it as a swordsman , unless he can pierce the magic blade through your heart again and kill you with one sword, the connection between you and me will naturally be broken, and we will live and die together, but I believe that he will not do it. You also think it is How about this?"

Ming Shiyin's tone became brighter, probably because he understood that Gu Nian had no better way to expel him right now.

He is not in a hurry because he has no worries.

He has deserted all relatives and has no friends or relatives anymore.

But Gu Nian still has it, she finally settled down with Kayn, and it was hard for the two of them to work hard to get together. If he is in the middle, they still can't cross the boundary between each other. Maybe a year or two can be said. It was two years, but if it was ten years or eight years, it would only make Kayn believe that she still couldn't accept him in her heart.

Gu Nian only sneered: "First, I can't guarantee that after you find these elixir, you will not turn against us when you regain your body. Second, how do I know that what you said is true or false? Maybe, the final result you want It is quite different from what you said, for example, what you want is my body."

I have to say that whoever comes from modern society has not read a few novels.

Ming Shiyin's situation is very much in line with the theory of the devil in the cultivation world. What if she really worked hard to get him the elixir, and in the end he swallowed her soul and took over her body. At that time, she had no reason to go.

Hearing this, Ming Shiyin was stunned for a long time.

Not to mention, the situation that Gu Nian said is not impossible, but he never considered it at all.

After a long while, he said: "You don't have to worry about this, the spells I practice require my physical body to be a filthy body, and you are no longer."

It took Gu Nian a while to understand what this meant, and her face turned red, if this was the case, it would still make sense.

"As for you, after my physical body is completed, I will deal with you in reverse. You are too unconfident in your man."

When he said she was a man, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. Confidence is one thing, but no matter how much you trust him, you can't let him take it even if you know it's dangerous.

Probably seeing through Gu Nian's psychology, Ming Shiyin then said: "Of course, you are right, we are not in a hostile relationship now, to show my sincerity, I can tell you how to make your family curse the delay .”

Gu Nian couldn't believe it, how could Ming Shiyin know these things.

But later, she had to believe what he said. It turned out that it was because he got a fragment of a heavenly book in his early years. Just after that chapter, he talked about the curse of the Mo Dao family.

Gu Nian actually suspected that what he tried his best to obtain might be the fragments of the Heavenly Book from Thousand Cave City.

However, he said, she will try.

"Specifically, to solve the curse, you need to cooperate with other fragments of the heavenly book, so that it can be completely solved. And the other fragments of the heavenly book, although they are not in my hands, but I know where they are."

Gu Nian was persuaded, and she had to say that the curse could be solved, which made her unable to stay unmoved.

No matter what he said was right or wrong, she had to choose to give it a try.

What's more, the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope now, and she also believes that he has no reason to choose to deceive her on this point, just like what he said, he still needs to use A Kai's power to help him find the soul. medicine.

Therefore, he first taught her the formulas of the exercises, and now it is up to Gu Nian to convince Kayn to trust this.

"By the way, can you feel what I do?" Gu Nian asked.

Ming Shiyin knew what she was worried about: "I can also turn off my five senses and choose not to perceive. Don't worry, if you can help me with my affairs, I won't disturb my date."

But Gu Nian still has no idea in his heart, who knows when he will close it or not?
But she still told Kayn immediately about solving the curse.

Especially when she recited the secrets of the exercises, Kayn's expression was a little shocked. He more or less knew that there were some secrets about her.

For example, that day, how she escaped from Raphael's hands unharmed, for example, how she got the secret of this exercise, even they have been looking for a solution to the curse for so long, but they found nothing, but she easily Take it out.

But he didn't say, and he didn't ask.

This is trust, because he knows that she will not do him any harm.

Gu Nian watched him choose to accept and believe so easily, and the uneasiness that existed in his heart was gone.

She actually breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that he would ask her the truth, she was not ready to tell Ming Shiyin about the situation, so she felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Second, it was because he was afraid that he would not accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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