King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 239 You Have a Good Friend

Chapter 239 You Have a Good Friend
Her eyes were soft, and it was only now that she let go of her past grudges and began to accept him in a real sense.

He stretched out his hand and touched her head. In fact, at this moment, he was still a little grateful to Ming Shiyin, and even a little thankful that Ming Shiyin competed with him for Niannian.Otherwise, with this person's brains, it is estimated that he would not be able to rob him, not to mention that he is far more ruthless than him.

"It's okay, I can wait no matter how long it takes!"

The most difficult time has passed, so what is there to be afraid of now?

Gu Nian was moved by his words, and couldn't help leaning into his arms.

"Akai, let's hold a make-up wedding before we leave, and tell our family that we are fine!"

"Really?" He wondered if his ears had misheard.

Gu Nian nodded: "Really!"

Then, she was picked up and spun around.

"Okay, then I'll go and prepare for our wedding! Don't worry, this time it must be a beautiful one!"

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the scenery is beautiful or not, but this time it must be blessed by relatives and friends, which is different from that time.

It's a pity that at such a moment, someone was disappointed: "Ahem..."

Ming Shiyin's voice came out from the soul jade bracelet, Gu Nian and Kaiyin's joyful mood disappeared in an instant.

Gu Nian found out that this guy probably had an unlucky childhood, which made him unhappy when he saw others happy.

Can't he be quiet and pretend he didn't hear anything?

But after having him, the two really can't be presumptuous.

Gu Nian wanted to let Kayn go, but he still held him tightly, but Kayn was also a little annoyed. It seemed that this time he really had to help Ming Shiyin reshape his body, and not only had to help, He has to help as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be a day when he and Nian Nian will not be able to be together with peace of mind.

Then the two started planning the wedding together.

After working for a few days, when Angela came to find them, Gu Nian even sent the invitations.

Seeing the invitation, Angela couldn't help being startled.

"Didn't you get married early?"

Gu Nian said with a smile: "It turns out that you and Arthur were not invited to the family. Can't it be a make-up now?"

Angela nodded: "It seems that I have to prepare a big gift, but you really made up your mind."


After the dream that day, she never dreamed of Li Bai again, because it was A Kai's hand that she held in her dream.

Perhaps from the very beginning, she never stopped liking him, but at that time she was more willing to treat him as a brother and relative, and never looked directly into her heart.

Otherwise, why after knowing the truth, her resentment towards him was not worth her own self-blame?
However, for the past, she no longer wants to pursue anything.

About Ming Shiyin, she vaguely disclosed some rumors and told Angela.

She couldn't say much, so she just blinked at her, and Angela understood: "So, he also knows?"

This is A Kai, Gu Nian nodded.

At this moment, Angela no longer worried about Gu Nian's safety.

"Since you have Kayn, I don't care about you anymore. As for Ming Shiyin's reincarnation technique, I don't think I need to learn it. Some crooked things may not be suitable for me. But if some people have bad intentions, No matter where he goes in the future, I will not let him go!"

She deliberately raised the volume to speak, probably for Ming Shiyin to hear.

Gu Nian couldn't help laughing, Angela glared at her.


"Angela, you are so kind!"

Although Angela is a lolita, she is really like a caring sister in many ways, helping her a lot.

She knew that maybe Angela was too lonely at the beginning, because she had survived for a long, long time, but no one could tell these secrets, Arthur couldn't tell them, let alone others, Gu Nian shared them with her Yes, she is also a ghost queen from another world.

Only then did Angela feel that she had found a companion, and gradually, she became a good friend, but in fact, as a good friend, Gu Nian was able to help her too little, but she was always helping herself people.

"So, you still don't believe me when I say you're stupid." Angela sighed, "If you're like this, what if Kayn betrays you in the future?"

Gu Nian didn't think about it, she just shook her head: "He won't."

"Even the end of the world may happen, what else is impossible, but if he bullies you, as long as you tell me, I will beat him up for you. My strength is recovering little by little now, and when I am at my peak , I'm not afraid of him!"

Gu Nian's heart was full of emotion, and he hugged Angela tightly.

"Angela, if you are a man, I will marry you."

Angela rolled her eyes silently: "You're so stupid, I won't marry you."

But this was heard by Arthur who came to look for Angela. Later, when Arthur took Angela away, Gu Nian noticed that he looked at him with a certain kind of scrutiny and vigilance.

This made Gu Nian couldn't help laughing like a nympho running around.

"You have a good friend." Ming Shiyin probably heard what Angela said, and couldn't help but say something.

Gu Nian thought so too, but he still couldn't help but stab him: "Why are you envious? You used to have good friends, good partners, and even a good apprentice, but you abandoned them all. Do you regret it now?"

Gu Nian thought of Yi Xing, and Ming Shiyin knew that Yi Xing was still waiting in Chang'an City. Waiting means that one person guards each other's memories and the past, while the other person is no longer in the same place.

"I want you to be busy." Ming Shiyin was a little annoyed.

It was rare for Gu Nian to realize that he wasn't completely indifferent, so he became happy.

"All right, I don't have much to do. It's impossible for me to care about you anyway. It's just that some children are really determined. They know that their master is just using them, but they are still so determined. It seems that when I go to Chang'an City in the future , should do more good things..."

Ming Shiyin listened to Gu Nian's schadenfreude, and it was the first time he noticed that this woman was eloquent, and he was really annoying.

But he was helpless, so he closed his five senses, and his ears became pure.

It's just that some pictures flashed in my mind, but they didn't stop.

Thinking of Ah Li's adoring eyes when he was young, and Yi Xing too, he watched them grow up.Pei Qinhu respectfully called him Mr. Yang Yuhuan asked him if he could find happiness... At that time, they all trusted him extremely.

But he knew that he was just using them.

He knew the past of all of them, but they didn't know what kind of hell he had survived and struggled in.

He can no longer turn back, he can only move on, friends, lovers, all of these he can abandon.

Close your eyes and shake off these messy thoughts.

what happened to him?
Could it be that after being with this stinky girl for a long time, she will also become sentimental? No, there shouldn't be such sentimental things in his life.

Does he still have a bond like Kayn?
That would be a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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