Chapter 241 No way
Gu Nian originally thought so too, it was better to help Milady than to help other members of the Gaota family.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of Milady's elder brother Alan, who was regarded as a noble child of the High Tower family, even if he couldn't even be impartial in dealing with things, the High Tower family was indeed shady. Yang declines, and only Milady is worthy of support.

"I want to go with you too."

Now that the crisis in the Land of Warriors has been lifted, and his father's injuries are gradually recovering, his strength can also recover in time. At that time, even if the Star Family does not have Kayn, they will not be as passive as before.

What's more, now there is Arthur Angela sitting in charge, so it is even more guaranteed to be safe.

"Of course, if you don't go with me, I don't feel relieved!"

Since Raphael hadn't been able to find her, he didn't feel safe leaving her anywhere unless he chained her up.

Especially when he thought of that day, when she hugged him and cried and asked him why he didn't come earlier, his heart almost broke.

This time, he will not let that happen, he just wants to be with her every moment.

"After going to Haidu, I still have to look for Phoenix Flowers, Riyan Flowers..."

The location given by Ming Shiyin is hard to find anywhere.

In fact, Kayn thought about it, he went to find it alone, but he was worried that she would be alone at home, and the place he was going to was extremely unsafe.

So for a while, I don't know what to do?
Gu Nian knew his concerns: "I don't care, I'm going with you anyway, have you forgotten the oath we made? Anyway, I will never leave, and you don't even want to get rid of me."

As he said that, he held onto his arm tightly, not wanting him to let go. If his lover was so clingy in normal times, he wouldn't know how happy he would be, and today is also a beautiful day and a good night.

Her words were again irresistible to him.

However, she couldn't do anything. In the end, she couldn't hold back anymore, and kissed her deeply on the forehead, and said, "Go to sleep first!"

"What are you doing?" Seeing his actions, she was a little puzzled, obviously wanting to leave.

Although this is not their first bridal chamber, in the eyes of many people, this is their wedding night. He left her behind, and Gu Nian couldn't help pouting.

"I didn't leave, I just wanted to take a cold shower!" He said helplessly.

After Gu Nian came to his senses, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Ah Kai was really wronged.

But as soon as he left, he couldn't help rolling around on the bed, a little wanting to laugh.

When he came back, she had already fallen asleep, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly, and she didn't know what good dream she had.


The next day, when Gu Nian and Kayin went downstairs for dinner, they realized that everyone's eyes were a little different.

For Oakes, William, and Reg, from now on, they really can't treat Lucy as their sister, but become their sister-in-law.

It's just that after living for so many years, I still can't say the word sister-in-law more or less.

Gu Nian was also very glad that they didn't call sister-in-law, otherwise she would feel a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Kana saw her with a very unusual expression. After the meal, she held her hand and asked questions.

"A Kai, this child, never knew what it means to be sympathetic to a sweet woman. When the two of you are together, you don't have to just spoil him. You are young, so it is good to have a baby later!"

It took Gu Nian a long time to figure out the charm. It turned out that Kana thought they were last night.

Gu Nian blushed and said nothing.

When Kayn called her to go out for training, Gu Nian said goodbye to Kana, and ran away like a gust of wind.

Kana watched her back running in pieces, and couldn't help muttering: "Isn't Ah Kai very good at that?"

She can still trust her son's physical strength, not to mention that Lucy is not an outstanding magician now, so she should not be able to resist it.

Today, she specially asked the kitchen to make a tonic soup for Gu Nian, and Gu Nian drank it, but it didn't seem to be quite right in the end.

Although Kana didn't plan to let Gu Nian have a baby so early, if it's the son who can't do it, it can't be justified.

Kana turned her head and pulled Argel back.

Of course Gu Nian didn't know that there was such an episode during this period.

Anyway, she took what Kana told her as an interesting story and told Kayn, let alone the resentment in Kayn's eyes.

Fortunately, Ming Shiyin is very sensible and hasn't come out for two days. Otherwise, he would have seen how terrible the anger of a dissatisfied man is.

In the evening, there was a lot of medicinal food on the table. Oakes wanted to pick it up and eat it as soon as he came back, but was quickly photographed by Kana's hand.

"This is for your elder brother!"

Oakes sighed silently, "Mom, you are getting more and more eccentric. The eldest brother is married, and you are still so eccentric."

"Go, go, what's the matter with you, if you want to drink, why don't you find a wife too." In the past, they were not allowed to find a wife, but now that the eldest brother has a wife, he urges them to find a wife.

Mom is also very funny.

But this thing is not rare in Oaks, anyway, it is not Lucy who made it.

As soon as Kayin and Gu Nian came back, Kayin was coaxed to eat a bowl of something that looked dark but not very delicious. Gu Nian was still a little puzzled at the beginning of what it was.

But after seeing Kana looking at her with meaningful eyes, Gu Nian felt that this should not be a good thing.

As a result, when the effect of the medicine came up at night, Kayn felt an evil fire in his body, and couldn't stay in the room anymore, so he went straight to practice swords in the middle of the night.

Gu Nian was inexplicable, and it was the same on the third and fourth day.

Seeing that she was about to go to Haidu City, Kana's eyes were full of worry.

"Don't go to Haidu City for the time being. If you want to hand over the kung fu to Milady, you can hand it over to your brother Kane. The two of you must stay at home now."

Logically speaking, this elixir is treasured. Although Ah Kai is a swordsman and magician, he should not be able to resist the effect of this medicine.

Looking at it like this, he himself became more and more listless, but Gu Nian's mental state was the same every day, isn't it good?

And at this time, Gu Nian and Kayn also realized that something was wrong.

So, Kayn asked Kana in an indirect manner, "Mom, what do you feed me every day?"

Kana looked into his eyes, afraid of irritating him, "Mom is doing it for your own good, your father has already found the best medicine, no matter what you can do in this regard, you must treat Lucy a little , you can’t get angry at her, otherwise, mother will give you a good look.”

At the beginning, he didn't know what kind of medicine his father was looking for. Later, he went to the warehouse to check and found out what he was taking.

All are aphrodisiac!

After Gu Nian found out, he joked all day long, almost dying of laughter, every time he saw him, he laughed again, and then he restrained himself when he saw his face was dark.

(End of this chapter)

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