Chapter 249
Ming Shiyin was a little surprised, he just snatched Gu Nian back.

"Nian Nian, she is my woman..."

"She's not, you don't need to provoke discord!" Kayn said firmly.

Looking at his expression, Gu Nian was suddenly satisfied.

He trusted her more than she thought.

In fact, when he first heard the news, he was not flustered, and even hesitated for a moment, so he barged in, but he believed that she was not that kind of person, who could use his time for so many years, If so, he is also willing to do so.

At this moment, Gu Nian finally broke free from the restraints on his body and was able to speak.

"A Kai, I have never been with him from the beginning to the end."

"I know! I believe in you!" He felt a little distressed when he saw her tears fall.

She couldn't help wiping her tears with her hands. In fact, his hands had thick calluses, rubbing against her skin, making her slightly uncomfortable, but at this moment, she just wanted to throw herself into his arms.

The atmosphere between these two people could no longer tolerate a third person.

Ming Shiyin sighed.

"I hope that the relationship between you can always be like this!" This can be regarded as a gift from him to Gu Nian, it can be regarded as repayment!

Of course, it's a good thing he didn't say that, if he really said that, Gu Nian might let him go, this temptation is groundless!

It also made her worry and fear for a long time.

Ming Shiyin chose to leave this time and left without looking back.

Gu Nian and Kayin were left behind, but after a while, they got together again.

In the beginning, it was just a temptation, but later on, I couldn't hold it anymore.

It was probably because A Kai's expression just now moved her so much that she didn't stop his series of behaviors afterward, but instead condoned them.

As a result of the indulgence, he couldn't get up the next day.

Gu Nian felt ashamed.

When she passed by, she couldn't get up, it was because her physical fitness was not good in the past, but now she followed him to countless places, how could she not be able to do so?
What's more, she and Ming Shiyin practiced well. Although she is not comparable to her in terms of strength, and the practice time is still young, it has nothing to do with weak girls.

She was not very convinced.

On the second day when he took pity on her frail body, he took the initiative to pester him to ask for it again, and this time she had even activated her skills.

But as a result of dying, someone felt very pleasantly surprised and satisfied, while she was about to cry.

Gu Nian was determined not to commit suicide again.

Along the way, they originally thought that they would travel back to the Land of Warriors all night and day, but it turned out to be a long, long time later than the agreed time, probably because once they abstained from sex for a long time, they couldn't stop eating meat at all.

When passing by the Great Wall Guards, they went back again, but this time they did not see Mulan, and the commander of the Great Wall Guards became Su Lie.

Shouyue and A Li have always been at the Great Wall, and Xuan Ce has grown up a lot, but the little lunatic has made a name for himself in this area, and when he didn't come, he heard about his reputation.

He is now a well-known figure.

When Gu Nian met Ah Li, both of them seemed very happy.

When Kayn was with old comrades like Shou Yue and Su Lie, he could also recall what it was like in the Great Wall Guards back then. At that time, everyone was like a real family.

Gu Nian asked Ah Li where Mulan went.

Ah Li hesitated for a moment, and said, "That person is willing to give up fighting against Datang. So, Sister Mulan, go with him."

This is about the best news I've heard in a long time.

Lovers get married!
Although he saw Sister Mulan, Gu Nian was still very happy for her when he learned that she and King Lanling finally got together.

"When you and Shou Yue got married, I didn't have time to drink your wedding wine, so I'll toast you today!"

Now Shouyue and Ah Li are also married, and the Great Wall Guard Army is their home. When they got married, Yuhuan, Pei Qinhu, and Yixing all came.

Pei Qinhu was probably lost, so although he guarded the Great Wall, he chose the most distant outpost, and most of the time they couldn't see each other.

Gu Nian raised his wine glass, but Gongsunli was hesitant, but at this moment Shouyue ran over in a panic and said, "A Li, she can't drink, I mean, she can drink some drinks instead of wine, she has Pregnant."

Gu Nian froze for a moment, then saw Ah Li's blushing face, obviously a little embarrassed.

In fact, with her figure, it is difficult to see that she is pregnant, and it has not been long since she came out of the doctor.

"You can do it, I think you and the child who keeps the promise must have a very beautiful birth!" Both of them are so beautiful.

Gu Nian can even imagine the appearance of Xiao Li and Xiao Shou, it is really cute.

Gongsunli also had some longing, stroked his belly, and his face also had a maternal radiance.

Look at Gu Nian again: "Actually, if you have a baby with Brother Ah Kai, it will look good too!"

The looks of both sides are also very high, Gu Nian couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, obviously he didn't intend to refute this sentence.

"If you gave birth to a girl and I gave birth to a boy, or you gave birth to a boy, or I gave birth to a girl, let them be together. If they are both boys and girls, let them be brothers or good sisters." Gu Nian Can't help but say.

"Okay, okay!" Ah Li was obviously very interested in this proposal.

But the two men who were drinking not far away frowned.

Whose daughter wants to marry the other's boy?
"Daughters should have the right to make their own choices!"

"Yes, we also need to examine whether the other party is loyal, strong, honest, and responsible..."

It seems that both of them are sure that their side must have a daughter, and they can only make up for the shortcoming that the two women have hastily given their children's marriage in private.

In the end, Shouyue coaxed Ah Li to sleep early.

Kayn felt more and more that he chased after Gu Nian earlier, but wasted too much time, and in the end, he gave birth later than the other party.

So at night, I decided to have an in-depth exchange.

After that, every time she had to be very serious about whether she was pregnant or not, Gu Nian was really depressed.

As a result, after such a long time from the Great Wall to the Land of Warriors, she was not able to be diagnosed as pregnant.

This made Kayn a little bit shocked, and Gu Nian was also a little surprised. Logically, they didn't take any contraceptive measures between them, so it seemed that it was not so easy to conceive.

But back to the Land of the Warriors, the war with the Imperial Legion is now in full swing.

Gu Nian was glad that she was not pregnant, and both of them forgot about it.

When they came back, they found that Luna had come back two months ago, and they looked at them with some doubts, why did they arrive earlier than them even though they started later?
(End of this chapter)

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