Chapter 107 Lu Yanguang

Du Ran couldn't help being cheerful when she walked. She hugged her backpack tightly, as if hugging the spirit card inside, but only she knew, which ghost she wanted to hug more. .

The fear and incompatibility she once thought did not exist at all. Once the relationship was confirmed, she only felt that even the sky was bright.

The only thing that is not perfect is that Shen Yu can't just appear when she wants to appear like she used to in Shen's house. The easiest way for her to see him is to dream and meet in a dream.

Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?But who made her husband a ghost?
As for the future, as for the future, who knows?

At least Du Ran didn't think about it.

Du Ranxu was in a good mood, even when he went to the Third Affiliated Hospital for an interview the next day, he wore a rare bright smile, which only fooled the chief doctor who was tricked by Deng Fengling .

Originally, the director was very dissatisfied when he learned that his friend had introduced a freshman to him, and he wanted to take good care of this newcomer himself. Was he looking for a helper for himself or an ancestor to serve him? ?Originally, the director had made up his mind to give this 'newcomer' a good start and let her know what it means to be 'not easy to mix'.

Unexpectedly, when he came across such a bright smile, the so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting the smiling face, how could he put on a show?I had to cough uncomfortably twice.

Du Ran looked at the middle-aged man in a white coat in front of him, and immediately bowed respectfully and greeted him politely.

This director is more complicated, such a good-looking and polite girl, why is she so reluctant to be cruel?Huang Shaosheng, that is, the director, suddenly couldn't help but smile kindly, and said: "Are you the student introduced by Fengling? Is your name Du Ran?"

"Yes, Teacher Huang!"

"Ahem, don't call me a teacher here, and I can't be your teacher. Call me the director."

"Okay, Director."

"Come with me, do you have class in the afternoon?"


slip of the tongue!Obviously there is a class!
Du Ran couldn't help lamenting that he seemed to have learned badly from Ji Rufeng, and if he said he would skip class, it was really inappropriate for a good student like her, but Du Ran really wanted to come to the hospital. So it's not important to skip the afternoon class. It shouldn't matter if she has memorized the class fluently, right?

Huang Shaosheng took Du Ran to the hospital, and when he met other doctors on the way, they all cast curious glances at Du Ran. Such a young face is really rare in the hospital.

"Hello, Director."

A young doctor wearing glasses stopped respectfully and shouted.

Huang Shaosheng nodded appreciatively, and then said: "Xiaoguang, help me take this girl around the hospital to get acquainted, I still have a case that I haven't read, it happens that you are about the same age, and I am not very good at talking. , afraid that the little girl will dislike me and be bored!"

The young doctor smiled and said, "The director is always strong."

"Come on, I know my age, you take Du Ran around."

"Yes Director."

Huang Shaosheng turned his head and said to Du Ran: "This is Lu Yanguang. Speaking of which, he is also your senior brother. He just graduated with a Ph.D. If you have any questions, you can ask Xiaoguang."

Du Ran called out obediently: "Senior brother."

Lu Yanguang glanced at Du Ran with a smile, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then said: "Come with me, I just happen to be fine."

"it is good."

Seeing that they were not embarrassed, Huang Shaosheng left with confidence. You must know that he is very busy as a director. If he hadn't given his old friend some face, he wouldn't have come out to greet a kid in person.

Lu Yanguang led Du Ran to shuttle around every corner of the hospital very naturally, and talked to Du Ran very naturally. Slowly, Du Ran also let go of the uneasiness in his heart.

"You are still a freshman, why are you coming back to study in the third class?"

Lu Yanguang was still very confused about this point, so Du Ran had no choice but to explain it again, and this time Lu Yanguang was even more surprised.

You know, the Iron Lady's reputation was also very famous in his class. It's really not easy for someone to be appreciated by the Iron Lady. At that time, he was a little more concerned about Du Ran. Of course, the more important thing was another a reason.

It took Lu Yanguang some time to familiarize Du Ran with all the main places and routes of the hospital. What I have to say is that the Third Hospital is indeed big enough, and it took more than two hours just to walk there. It's over and it's time to eat.

Lu Yanguang politely invited Du Ran to eat in a restaurant outside instead of in the hospital cafeteria. Du Ran refused, but Lu Yanguang directly said: "Don't push, I really want to see Xiaofeng surprised expression."

Du Ran was taken aback, Xiaofeng?It can't be the wind she thought!
Lu Yanguang blinked and said, "Ji Rufeng, he is my cousin."

Du Ran instantly understood why this senior brother was so familiar with his attitude, maybe it was because Ji Rufeng went to take care of him. Thinking about it this way, she didn't refuse, and directly agreed.

Soon, while the two were waiting in the restaurant, Ji Rufeng also hurried over from the school. After meeting Du Ran's scrutinizing eyes, he smiled and said, "I'm late."

Du Ran obediently called out, "Brother."

After Ji Rufeng took his seat, Lu Yanguang patted him on the shoulder familiarly, and said, "Xiaofeng, you came so fast. Why, are you in a hurry to see Junior Sister?"

Ji Rufeng rubbed his nose and didn't speak. He was always a little afraid of this cousin. There was no other reason. This cousin is really too good. He graduated with a Ph.D. and returned from overseas at a young age. His medical skills are even more powerful Being able to stand on his own is considered the future pillar of the Third Hospital, and it is the pride of his dean's father.

Even if Ji Rufeng is so good, it's still not enough for this cousin!
What's more, this Lu Yanguang was still one of the people who knew that he learned spells from the old man, all these things added up to make Ji Rufeng treat him extraordinarily obedient.

"Brother, Xiaoran is still young, don't make fun of me."

Lu Yanguang smiled knowingly, and glanced at Ji Rufeng meaningfully. It's okay for this kid to deceive others, but it's difficult to deceive him. Even if he doesn't have that kind of relationship now, he must have a good impression, because even He also found Du Ran to have a particularly attractive quality.

"Sit down, what do you want to eat? I'll call you Xiaoran too, is that okay?"

Du Ran nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "It's just as long as you like it."

Lu Yanguang hesitated, "Don't use your name, it will embarrass me, I'm not so old, am I?"

Ji Rufeng quickly interjected: "Old and old, Miss Xiaofu even despises you for being old." She blinked as she spoke, obviously a joke, after all Miss Xiaofu is Lu Yanguang's girlfriend, isn't she?

(End of this chapter)

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