Chapter 123 The Ghost House Story
Once upon a time.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Du Ran couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to raise his head, pretending to be calm and composed, and by the way, pretending to be a survivor of a catastrophe.

Officer Lin carefully looked at the girl whose hair was disheveled but couldn't hide her pretty face. She felt a little weird, as if she had seen this person somewhere before?But I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Officer, is there any problem with my classmate?" Ji Rufeng asked suspiciously.

Officer Lin scratched his head and said, "I just think it looks familiar, but I can't remember it for a while. What's your name?"

Du Ran whispered, "Du Ran."

When Police Officer Lin heard the name, he became more familiar with it, but it was just a little bit short of being able to remember it, but it was just a little bit short.

But when he couldn't remember it, he didn't care. Instead, there were more important things, so he said, "What are you guys doing in such a distant suburb?"

As soon as this question came up, everyone was silent, looking at each other, not knowing how to explain it, but now Hao Shuai, who had been quiet all along, spoke up and said, "Let's play a game of courage."

Officer Lin also thought it was reasonable when he heard it. College students these days are just idle, and they like these troublesome ghosts. It is a joy to pick these places to run.

"You dare to play this game! That's really a real haunted house!"

Hao Mei hurriedly replied: "Officer, what happened there? The few of us... seemed to faint from fright when we saw something bad. We don't know what happened afterwards. Can you tell us?"

Police Officer Lin thought about it, and felt that this case happened several years ago. In addition, the woman who died also died suddenly, without any trace of murder. These college students had no motive or evidence for committing the crime, and they were the first I found it, and it's nothing to talk about, so I opened my mouth immediately.

"A few years ago, the owner of that villa was a doctor, a formidable surgeon. He was invited by many people to undergo surgery. At that time, some residents in the vicinity often disappeared, making a lot of noise, and some people suspected The doctor did it. After all, he lived alone in such a big house, and there were strange noises from time to time. Didn’t this arouse suspicion? The house was being renovated at the time and it was very messy everywhere. Someone went in and looked but couldn’t find it. Those who disappeared."

Seeing what Police Officer Lin was saying, everyone couldn't help but listened intently.

"I searched and searched, checked and checked, and if there is nothing, there is nothing. In addition, the doctor has saved many high-ranking officials, and many of them are helping him. This matter was shelved until the doctor went out. I haven’t returned from my business trip so far, and everyone has forgotten about it for a long time. I didn’t expect that I died in my own home! The body is rotten!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised, only Du Ran and Xu Qianqian realized it.

Xu Qianqian had clearly stated that the doctor had disembowelled and died in her own home, and there was still a big puddle of blood in that house!But according to what police officer Lin said, the doctor was only on a business trip at that time, but he didn't die!
So, it was Xu Qianqian who lied. Could it be a fabricated lie?
Just to scare her?

Or... Who told Xu Qianqian about this?
Du Ran couldn't help but look back at Xu Qianqian's expression. Seeing that she looked frightened, it was obviously strange, so... can it only be the latter?Someone told her about this place, and told her bad rumors, just to...

For what?
Du Ran's thoughts stopped here, and she couldn't think about it. Everything at present is just her wild guess, maybe she just thinks too much?

Officer Lin saw that everyone was frightened, and he was still very proud. His voice dropped suddenly, and he said mysteriously, "Do you know who killed those thirteen lives?"

Hao Mei was the first to answer: "That doctor!"

"It's hard to say, there's still an autopsy, but it's probably close, because... Hey, do you know where the corpses are hidden?"

Ji Rufeng couldn't help but sighed when he saw Police Officer Lin telling stories like teasing, "It's all on the wall, right? It's cemented into the wall."

Officer Lin was surprised: "How do you know?"

Of course, because there are so many black handprints on the wall, you know how much resentment is trapped inside!No way, he will come over for a requiem afterwards!Otherwise, once the people who were trapped and died were freed, they would all be the most powerful ghosts!It will cause harm to others!
But this can't be said to a policeman, Ji Rufeng had no choice but to make an excuse, "Guess, didn't it mean that the doctor was doing renovations at that time?"

Officer Lin touched his head, and for the first time felt that this handsome-looking young man was quite smart, and said: "You have a good brain, really, you are digging it out now, but it's troublesome, it's so sticky Die hard!"

Hearing this time, Hao Mei also felt that it was great that she was alive, but how to explain the strange things they encountered when they entered the house?Is it all hallucinations?Scared?
This question is destined to have no answer.

No one would have guessed that Du Ran has such a powerful ghost husband, otherwise everyone would have to explain it!

Police Officer Lin had just finished speaking, but he still didn't want to finish. Another police officer came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Hey, are you still chatting? Come on, the cleaning over there is almost finished, and the higher-ups want us to see these Take him to the police station for questioning, hurry up!"

After hearing this, Officer Lin said to Du Ran and the others: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't look like you did this, go and ask first, it will be soon!"

Everyone nodded, stood up and got into the car, ready to be sent to the police station.

Police officer Lin still sighed in place: "You are such a young child, I am afraid that you are quite frightened. If you want me to say, this case is too horrifying! Evil door! I can't find it for so long, why did I get caught by this group of children?" I ran into it!"

On the contrary, the police officer who had been on the side sneered and said, "Are you still worried about them?"

"What?" Officer Lin was surprised.

"Don't worry, they will be fine. At most, they will just go to the bureau for a few minutes and they will come out. Maybe our bureau chief will come out to greet them!"

Officer Lin was even more surprised.

"You're new here. I don't know. Those people just now looked familiar to me, and then I remembered that pair of siblings, surnamed Hao, yes, that's right, how many surnames Hao can there be in the capital? Just that rich businessman As for the other one with an ugly face, I remember it seems to belong to the He family, and her family is good enough. As for the crying one, it belongs to the Xu family. the Xu family."

Police Officer Lin clicked his tongue, "So powerful...they are all second-generation rich and second-generation officials! How do you know so clearly?"

The police officer laughed again, and said earnestly: "I'm working in the imperial capital, I need to recognize all these people first!"

(End of this chapter)

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