Chapter 127 The Zhou Family
Du Ran thought that Ji Rufeng would ask her soon, but it turned out that Ji Rufeng's gentlemanly demeanor had once again been displayed. When he was about to leave for City B to complete Lu Yanguang's commission, Ji Rufeng didn't ask her.

When Du Ran felt relieved, he couldn't help being grateful, and he felt a little more fond of this second senior brother.

The National Day holiday is already overcrowded, and there are people who come out to play while taking advantage of the long holiday, but Lu Yanguang insisted on asking his younger brother to do things, and he didn't lack the money, so he bought a luxury ticket and told them to get off. Don't run around after the plane, someone will come to pick you up.

Du Ran didn't have any objection to Lu Yanguang's arrangement, and she also knew that with her current state, it was impossible to really help, and she basically just followed her to learn and observe.

But Ji Rufeng never asked about it from the beginning to the end, as if the matter of that day had just been revealed, Du Ran didn't know if it was really the case.

After getting off the plane, as expected, there was a young man holding a sign waiting anxiously. Seeing Ji Rufeng and Du Ran walking past here, he realized that this might be the master Er Yatou mentioned.


Could this master be too young?Still too handsome?
Ok?The girl in the back is still so pretty, does it mean that everyone... needs a secretary?

The young man's thoughts drifted further and further, and when he came back, he suddenly shuddered when he saw Ji Rufeng's half-smile expression, and cursed himself in his heart for being so distracted!
"Are you Master Ji? My name is Zhou Jian. I'm here to pick you up. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ji Rufeng smiled knowingly, and said, "The plane is late, I'm sorry."

"It's all right, have you eaten yet? The house is ready, and we are waiting for Master Ji and you to come over!"

Ji Rufeng rubbed his nose, feeling that the name of a master is not suitable, and said: "Call me Rufeng, I can't be called a master, it's just that the old man, Master, has traveled all over the world, so I'll take over for now."

When Zhou Jian heard this, disappointment flashed across his face. It turned out that he was not thinking too much. This young man is really just a disciple. Can he still solve their family's problem?
Du Ran saw the blatant suspicion on Zhou Jian's face, and smiled. Anyone who underestimated Ji Rufeng would miss him. Du Ran knew this better than anyone else, but she didn't have any position to remind, so she kept silent.

The three got into the car and headed towards their destination.

On the road, Zhou Jian was not a silent person either, he immediately opened up the chatterbox.Said: "Master Ji... No, Rufeng, you look very young, are you still a college student?"

Ji Rufeng said kindly, "Well, this is my junior sister, Du Ran."

Du Ran smiled slightly and said, "Hello."

Zhou Jian was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a weak looking girl to do this?For some reason, he felt a little regretful, but he didn't say much, after all, this was his business.

"What about our family, have you heard what Yan Guang said?"

Ji Rufeng shook his head, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhou Jian sighed, and said: "It's also evil. Not long ago, my ancestor entrusted my grandma with a dream to move and move our family's ancestral grave. I spent a lot of money to ask Mr. Feng Shui to give me a good location, so I moved the ancestral grave, I didn't expect that something happened after this move!"

Du Ran looked up and listened curiously.

"First, there was an inexplicable business failure at the beginning. Many people will have such and such things when they sign the contract. Then the family members are particularly unlucky, the kind that can step on banana peels when they walk on the road. It's okay to be unlucky, as long as It can be said to be bad luck, but I didn’t expect that I started to get sick later on, starting with my grandma, and fell down one after another, and it took me two days to go to the hospital!”

After hearing this, Ji Rufeng frowned and said, "This...maybe you are weak?"

"We didn't think about that at the beginning, we thought we were weak, but it's not the right time to be weak. It's too coincidental. We are all weak? The youngest niece in the family is only eight months old and cries every day. , crying non-stop, as if frightened, but as soon as I leave the house, I stop crying immediately, which is also strange."

Ji Rufeng began to think.

Zhou Jian's topic seemed to be opened up, and he couldn't stop listening, spit was flying all over the sky, "Those passing dogs will bark at our house, and they will bark when they are driven away, as if there is something in the house, slowly Those who didn't believe it had to believe it, and it's not like we haven't invited those Taoist priests to come to see it, but the rituals have been done and the money has been given, but the situation just hasn't improved!"

There are especially many liars under the guise of Taoist priests in this world. The kind of miraculous gods that are rumored on the streets are often unreliable. How can a real master be so easy to find?They are all hidden in the city, and they will definitely not be taken lightly.

The money spent on building a house this week seems to have been wasted!
"Grandma is also getting old and can't bear this kind of tossing. We asked around to see which powerful masters to show, and then Yanguang told me that he knew him, which didn't make me happy! Although you look young , but I believe in Yanguang's vision! I'll leave the family matters to you!"

Ji Rufeng didn't hold back, but just said with a smile: "I'll do my best, if it doesn't work, I'll try to contact Master."

With Ji Rufeng's assurance, Zhou Jian finally felt at ease, and it was not in vain for him to say so much.

Zhou Jian is not so stupid, he also asked someone to inquire about Ziqing's reputation, and he knew that he was a real master, different from those three-tiered ones, and he was doing well in the imperial capital, even though he was a disciple this time, But the disciples can't, as the master, he can't smash his own signboard, he will come to help in the end!Jian Zhou this week came up with the idea.

During the long chat, the Zhou family also arrived.

It has to be said that the Zhou family is not too bad to be worthy of Lu Yanguang's family. Although they are not the first-class family in the imperial capital, they can be counted among them in this city. The house alone is magnificently built on the mountainside , a villa with its own swimming pool and golf course.

Generally speaking, Mr. Feng Shui will be invited to look at the houses of this kind of rich people before they are built. .

After Du Ran got out of the car, he didn't notice the grandeur of the house first, but felt the faint stench in the air.

And the source of the taste is the white villa.

Du Ran could feel that Ji Rufeng would naturally be able to, but his expression remained the same and he didn't show anything. The two were led into the house by Zhou Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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