The ghost is the husband, the wife is the supreme

Chapter 170 Heavy Chapter, The Shen Family?

Chapter 170 Back to the Shen Family?
When Du Ran woke up, her mind was still very dizzy. She opened her dizzy eyes and looked at the blood-red curtain above her head, feeling inexplicably familiar.


Du Ran let out a muffled groan, feeling a terrible pain in his stomach, stretching out his hand to cover it, it felt cold, as if his stomach was stuffed with ice cubes.

Du Ran curled up in pain, like an overcooked shrimp, turned sideways, and firmly pressed the slightly protruding abdomen, his forehead and back were wet with cold sweat.


Her fingers ruthlessly grabbed the bed sheet underneath, tearing the bed sheet apart with all her strength, but it still couldn't relieve her pain.

How can it hurt so much?

It was as if something was about to slit her stomach open.

Du Ran stretched out his hand, and couldn't help but hit his stomach hard, once and for all.

Finally...the pain stopped.

At this time, Du Ran seemed to be fished out of the water, his whole body was soaked, he was lying on the bed panting heavily, and it took a long time for him to recover, his brain that was still shut down started working again.

She... where is this?


She almost fell down the stairs, and then...

Shen Yu came to rescue her.


Do not!
Not gloomy!

That ghost is not depressed!
Not gloomy!Walk!go!
This idea suddenly came up, and Du Ran panicked in her heart. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably, but her body was too weak, and she even had some physiological convulsions because of the pain just now.

While trembling, Du Ran noticed the bed she was lying on, even though she had torn it apart a lot in the pain just now, she still recognized it.

How could it not be recognized? !
This is……

her bed!
She and Shen Yu's bed!

In the Shen residence, this is still her wedding bed!

Du Ran was so shocked that she got up in fright. She stared intently, scanning the place. The red bed sheets, the red bed curtains, the large wooden bed, the familiar dressing table, And... that double mahogany wardrobe.

Even the decorative porcelain placed on the bookshelf is the same.


It's her room.

Has she returned to the Shen residence? !when?How did you come back? !

With a sullen face, Du Ran slowly groped out of the bed. When her feet stepped on the cold floor, her sanity became clearer. Du Ran stood barefoot, her eyes scanning round and round. Looking at this room, trying to find something different.


The decorations are exactly the same as in memory, but different...

It's just that this room is quieter and more... shady.

It seems that there is no popularity at all.

Du Ran couldn't stand the shade, she walked towards the door, pushed open the wooden door, everything that came into view was so familiar, the same corridor, the same garden view.

There is no doubt that this is the Shen family.

Du Ran looked up at the sky, the clouds were churning, the sky was very dark, there was no light, it was like the sun was completely covered, no light leaked out, the whole sky was azure.

Du Ran withdrew his gaze, walked barefoot on the corridor, and walked through familiar paths. Every corner and every corner made it impossible for people to suspect that this was the Shen family.

But the strange thing is... there is no one here.

Grandpa Shen, the two uncles, the aunt, the children, the housekeeper, and the servants, none of them, as if she was the only living person in this huge house, she tried to make a sound, calling The names of those people, but of course not answered.

Gradually, Du Ran felt that she was not as scared as she imagined, because she always felt that she was very familiar with this place, not Shen's house, but just this place, which was a very strange feeling.

Soon, her footsteps came to that backyard. She stood at the entrance of the corridor and looked in from a distance. Inside, it was no longer decadent, and she even saw the lush green scenery.

how come?
Isn't the backyard deserted?

Isn't the backyard untended?

As if bewitched, Du Ran walked towards that place step by step.

This backyard is not the backyard in memory. There are a lot of red words planted here, which are very beautiful and eye-catching. With the wind gently swaying, the whole yard has a pleasant and strange fragrance of flowers. Reassuring.

In the middle of the backyard, there is a simple swing, and the ropes of the swing are still wrapped with those red flowers. The whole shelf is like a sea of ​​flowers, swinging and creaking with the wind from time to time.

Du Ran's eyes seemed to be glued to the swing, even she herself didn't know how soft her eyes were at the moment, she suddenly wanted to sit down, this idea came out of nowhere, but it was extremely intense.

Du Ran restrained herself for a long time before she walked towards that swing. She still had more important things to do, so she wanted to take a look, to see that wing.

It was a wing room, just like in memory, it should be a gloomy mourning hall, and his real spirit card and a coffin should be enshrined in it.

But... it's all in her memory, Du Ran doesn't know what scene is inside the door.

Putting his hand on the door, Du Ran took a deep breath before slowly pushing it open.

The door creaked and was pushed open.

A candle was lit inside instantly, illuminating the darkness of the room, but it couldn't illuminate Du Ran's heart, her face suddenly turned pale.

There are neatly arranged bookshelves, an upright giant desk, and even a few thick books on it. On the table is a cup of tea with the lid opened, and a few tea leaves are still floating.

Du Ran walked inside and looked at it without blinking. This is not a mourning hall, but... a study.

No talismans, no wreaths, no candlesticks in rows, and no... a giant black-and-white photograph.

How could it be a study?how could this be?

What about the gloomy Lingtai?What about his photo and his spirit card?
Where did they go?
Do not……

If it is really Shen's house, then this wing room will naturally not be a study room, then...

Isn't this Shen's house?But is it just a place like Shen's house?

how come?Where does her sense of familiarity come from?Except for this backyard, everything else is almost the same as the Shen house in her memory.

Du Ran's heart was in a freezer, and her mind was in constant operation. She tried to find clues, but couldn't figure it out. Finally, her eyes fixed on the desk.

There was also a piece of rice paper on the desk, with a black spot painted on it, and the wolf hair was still stained with ink, as if the owner had just left.

Owner? !
Just left?
That one looks like a gloomy ghost!

He is still here!Right here in this house!

Almost at the next second, when Du Ran turned around and wanted to run out of this weird study room, a pair of big hands stretched out from the darkness and hugged her tightly, pinning her in his arms.

"Huh? Where do you want to run, then."

(End of this chapter)

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