Chapter 185 I Want To Live
Xue Ji admired Du Ran's despair wantonly, but she still kept a worried look on her face, and said, "Miss, do you need to eat?"

Du Ran lowered his head so that people could not see her face clearly, and said for a while, "Take it here."

Xue Ji was surprised, she thought that what she said just now, this person would probably go on a hunger strike to the end, and then let the devil retaliate, this result was exactly what she wanted to see, but she didn't expect... this person actually turned the other way?
Xue Ji calmly brought over a bowl of bloody beef on the table, handed it over, and said, "Miss, here is the meat."

Du Ran raised her head, and the despair and sadness that filled her face just now were completely numb. She reached out and took out the piece of meat, took a look at it, and then began to bite directly without changing expression.

The sweet smell filled his mouth, and the disgusting raw meat became a rare delicacy.

Du Ran sneered in his heart, die?
No, she will not die.

She wants to live.

If all this is a hoax, then her last guarantee is to live, to live, to live well.


Then kill the monster in the stomach.

When she learns that what is in her stomach, the price of birth is her life...

Du Ran's eyes turned cold, her life would never be lost like this!
Chewing the meat with big mouthfuls, the whole pot of beef was finished in such a short time, but Du Ran's stomach was only slightly relieved, not completely full.

She can eat, but she will never be so full. The meat will eventually be turned into nutrients and sent to the monster. She can neither let the monster eat her back because of hunger, nor can she be completely full and overly nutritious. Then this amount of food is the best.

After finishing the meal, Du Ran looked at Xue Ji and said, "Can I go for a walk?"

Xue Ji couldn't grasp Du Ran's inner thoughts for a while, which was different from what she predicted. In her impression, living women are very fragile, sentimental, and full of sorrow. Knowing such facts, it is more appropriate to Shouting, accusations, resentment and other emotions, almost every living woman who was plundered and forced to have sex will die when she is pregnant with a "ghost child".

As Du Ran saw in that room before, the state of that woman's tragic death was the final fate of every woman who was plundered.

"Can't I go out?"

Seeing that Xue Ji didn't answer, Du Ran asked again.

Xue Ji froze for a moment, then quickly pulled out her thoughts, and said, "It's possible, but you can only stay in this house, and you can't go out of the door."

"it is good."

This result was within Du Ran's expectation, that ghost Bian couldn't give her a chance to leave.

But it wasn't her intention to go out.

"If you need to tell you to tell me." Xue Ji added.

Du Ran slowly climbed out of bed and said, "When will Gui Bian come back?"

Xue Ji's expression moved slightly, "Wang didn't say the specific time, he will come back as soon as possible."

"Where did he go?"

"This, this is not an area I can know."

Du Ran didn't continue to ask, and changed the subject, saying: "After the devils are born, are they raised by the residents here?"

Xue Ji said seriously: "Semi-finished products can't be called ghosts, at most they are ghost children. After they are born, they will be raised by their fathers. When they grow up, they will be the best candidates for ghost generals."

Du Ran was startled, looked at Xue Ji, and said, "Then... are you too?"

Xue Ji smiled, "Naturally."

Du Ran finally knew where her sense of disobedience came from. As soon as the female ghost in front of her appeared, she greeted her with a smile, with a respectful attitude and a gentle tone, but she couldn't let go of her heart.


How could this kind of monster who was about to take away his mother's life at birth be so gentle.

In his heart, Du Ran raised his vigilance towards Xue Ji, and it happened that this vigilance saved her life later.

"But the skin I see is black..."

Xue Ji understood. "Ghost children are naturally black when they are born, and when they grow up, they will have the same appearance as a living person. Do you want to know anything else?"

Du Ran wanted to ask in his heart: Then how do you feel.

But she didn't ask, because she already knew the answer, and the points and questions she cared about were just the principles of living people. I'm afraid in the eyes of these ghosts... I'm afraid this is a normal thing.

Life is just nonsense, maybe they don't care at all.

This is the first time for Du Ran to realize that she is human and they are ghosts.

Different paths for humans and ghosts...

The four words were pressed heavily on her chest. She used to think that the most intimate depression, the most seamless depression, turned out to be separated by a gully that could not be filled no matter what.

Du Ran stopped thinking, no matter what happens between them, that will be a matter of the future, and now...she wants to live.

After walking out of the room, Du Ran glanced at Xue Ji who was following behind, and said, "Do you want to follow me all the time?"

Xue Ji hesitated for a while, the order Gui Bian gave her was to take care of Du Ran, she was not allowed to leave Shen's house, and she was allowed to go to other places, she did not say that she would follow closely, but Xue Ji wanted to observe this place closely in her heart. woman.

Xue Ji thought of an excuse, "Miss lacks a guide, Xue Ji can show you the way."

Unexpectedly, Du Ran showed a sneering smile and said, "This house... I am more familiar with it than you."

Xue Ji was stunned for a moment, but didn't reply.

"If possible, I want to walk by myself, don't worry, I won't go out."

At this point, it became clear that Xue Ji had no choice but to back down unwillingly. When she disappeared, Du Ran slowly stepped up and walked on the corridor.

No matter whether this is the real Shen's house or not, the structure is exactly the same as the Shen's house, there must be an exit to this ghost land, and she has a faint intuition in her heart that she wants to visit that place.

Pausing slightly, Du Ran walked towards the backyard.

The corridor that was so familiar has not changed at all, Du Ran came to the backyard at the fastest speed, the scenery was the same as she had seen before, the swaying red flowers were still gorgeous, as if they would never wither.

Du Ran set her sights on the swing frame, she walked over slowly, and touched it with her fingers uncontrollably. Suddenly, a tactile sensation as if stimulated by electric current came from her fingertips.

In an instant, many strange pictures appeared in my mind, flashing one by one like scattered memories.

"High point! Flying high point!"

"Hahaha, I like the sky, I want to fly!"

"I like you, I like you, I like you so much..."

The petite figure sitting on the swing seat, the tall figure waiting behind...

Childlike words, immature laughter, and that pink and jade-carved smiling face, filled with a bright smile...

who is it……

Who is this?
Who is this little girl?
Do not……

This, this is...

Du Ran opened his lips slightly, and slowly exhaled: "This"

(End of this chapter)

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