Chapter 232

From the outside, it can only be seen that more than half of it has been buried by the wind and sand, and only the ruins on the top are exposed. It is very huge at first glance.

Kaxiu stood in front, looking at the ruins from afar, and said in a deep voice, "Ghost ruins."

When all the people were solemnly staring at this ruins, Du Ran had a strange expression on her face. If she read it correctly, the exposed pointed top with a sculpture of an iron rooster belonged to Taoism Bar……

Du Ran once read in a book that in some traditional Taoist residences, the owner would have a sculpture of a rooster. For Taoists, they have an inexplicable affection for roosters. Many of them are like drawing symbols, casting spells, and casting spells. Rooster blood is used in steps such as the method.

Because the crowing of the rooster symbolizes the end of the night and the arrival of the dawn, it symbolizes Yang Qi, especially the big and strong rooster, whose crowing is also very loud. It is said that some newly formed ghosts will be moved by the crowing of the rooster. Driven away, so Taoists would make some rooster ornaments for their homes, and there was even a clock in the shape of a big rooster in her master's dilapidated house. this possible?
Even if this is a lost place, it is also a part of the underworld, a world of ghosts, how can there be Taoists? !
However, if it wasn't a Taoist priest, could it be that those ghosts who were full and had nothing to do made something to restrain themselves in their own homes?
No matter how you think about it, it's impossible...

Kaxiu looked at the ruins with solemn eyes, and said, "It is rumored that no one knows how long this ruin has existed, and no one knows who left it behind."

Well, of course, if it was left by a Taoist priest, how could you know it.

"Many people went in and explored, but none of them came out."

You ghosts broke into the house of the humanitarian, isn't it obvious that the mouse ran into the cat?Still counting on it?

"So this has become a mysterious site, at the top of the Class A mission."

A group of ghosts want to study Taoist residences, how could they study something.

"Oh? You seem to have your own opinion on what I said?"

Du Ran was stunned for a moment, and looked up, and saw that all the black cloaks were looking at her, even Luo Fei had surprised eyes, let alone Ka Xiu.

It was only then that Du Ran realized that he seemed to have accidentally uttered the last sentence, and immediately changed his voice: "I'm sorry, I'm just amazed. What is our mission?"

Kaxiu withdrew his gaze, pointed at the ruins, and said: "The last team that went in to explore was the Flame Group, one of the top teams in Class A, but all the teams were wiped out, and only one person escaped. He announced that the points of the task are the sum of the points accumulated by the entire flame team, so I took it."

"Boss, we are not afraid!"

"That's right, what is the flame group! This site can also be conquered by our Shura group!"

"For points, for living!"

Seeing that his subordinates were all in high spirits, without fear at all, Ka Xiu was very satisfied, and said: "Remember, everything is under my command. Our mission goal is to find a certain place after entering, and complete the murals on it." Transcribe it and safely exit the ruins."

Du Ran finally knew what his mission was, to copy the murals?No, the point is to exit safely later, this is the most difficult part.

Kaxiu was not in a hurry to let people in, but planned to stop and take a break, study the rough map provided by the survivors, and discuss the arrangement.

This proposal has been agreed by everyone. Rushing in rashly is not bravery, but stupidity. They are all veterans who have acted many times, and they will not be as hot-headed as stupefied and just take care of everything.

Du Ran couldn't help feeling startled and vigilant about the reason of this group of black cloaks, and at the same time secretly thinking, if this ruins really belonged to a Taoist priest, then after she entered, would she touch some mechanism to expose her identity? identity?
While Du Ran was still thinking in the pit, Kaxiu stood on top and waved to them, signaling them to come out.

Luo Fei and Du Ran looked at each other, and climbed up obediently. Just after they came out of the pit, they saw that the group of black cloaks had taken off their cloak hats and exposed their faces. Looking over, The group is all strong men, with strong Kongwu and fleshy faces, and it is obvious at a glance that they are not easy to mess with.

Du Ran's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad guess.

According to Luo Fei, the blue light emitted from the sky of the Lost Land will accelerate the death of people here, so everyone has developed the habit of wearing a cloak, which can hide their appearance and identity, and Generally speaking, they would not be exposed easily, but now that all the members of the Asura group are exposed, what is the meaning? Du Ran still doesn't know?

Ka Xiu also pulled down his hat, and said: "The danger factor of the ghost ruins is too high. I'm sorry, we need your loyalty. I don't want my team to have unstable factors."

In the Lost Land, those who are willing to be honest with each other represent a certain degree of sincerity.

It is very rare for the whole group to show their faces like this. It can only be said that Kaxiu has already suspected Du Ran, and he doesn't believe her.

Du Ran pretended to be calm and did not speak, Luo Fei took a step forward and said, "I can show my face, but my friend can't, didn't I say it, I will marry after seeing it..."

Kaxiu interrupted and said: "I know, but special circumstances are dealt with specially, and everyone here will see it. As the head of the regiment, I have the right to swear that I will never leak a single cent and forget it completely. You can rest assured."

Luo Fei defended Du Ran: "You guys are forcing it! What if my friend can't get married! She can't stand it!"

Ka Xiu said forcefully, "Then, I'll marry you."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was dead silent.

Even the members of the Asura Group were surprised. Originally they asked Du Ran to show his face out of an honest attitude, and they wanted to persuade him with reason and emotion, but they didn't say that the leader should really marry him what!Just threaten to be okay soon, why did such a thing happen!
It is a consistent tradition to see each other's true colors when performing missions together, not to mention that it is unlucky to follow a person who can't even see his face in such a dangerous place, so they came up with such a rogue method. I plan to see it together, we can't let everyone marry her, right?

I never thought that the boss would not do what he said!Is it possible that the boss really wants to marry such an ugly and weak woman? !

Everyone in the Shura group looked ugly, but because of Ka Xiu's order, they couldn't move or speak, so they had to hold back.

Du Ran saw their faces one by one, and did not answer calmly.

Ka Xiu stared at Du Ran with burning eyes, and said: "I'm sorry, if I offend you, I apologize, and I will take responsibility, please...take it off."

The words are sincere, but the tone is firm and undeniable.

Ka Xiu kept staring at Du Ran, and for a while, everyone was looking at Du Ran.

Suddenly, Du Ran chuckled and said, "Do you really want to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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