Chapter 236 The First Scene
After getting the weapon in hand, Du Ran walked towards another door in the armory, took a deep breath, and opened it. The scene he saw really made Du Ran's eyes widen.

Here... is the school.

Yes, school.

It was the school she had remembered for three years in that remote town, and it was also the place where she really met Shen Yu.

Du Ran closed her eyes, the scenery in front of her didn't change at all, but the door behind her slowly disappeared, and she was standing downstairs of the teaching building, looking up at the floor in her memory.

Here... can't be real, it's an illusion, because her school can never appear in the underworld.

That senior, why did you create an illusion?Even, or school?
"Senior! Senior! Are you there?"

However, no matter how Du Ran called, the wayward senior shut up again. Du Ran had no choice but to try to go up, but the strange thing was that when she took the first step, the originally dark teaching building It suddenly became a daytime scene, and it gained a lot of popularity. A chaotic sound came from the building.

It's like... there are a lot of students in class.

Du Ran's face was filled with surprise. She went upstairs cautiously. When she was walking in the corridor, she turned her head and saw that the classrooms were full of people. The students, as well as the teacher who was drooling on the stage, all of these were so familiar.

Du Ran stood firmly in place, staring at the scene for a moment, it was so real, just like in memory, and at this moment, a student with a notebook came out of the classroom, Du Ran Ran was taken aback, looked at his clothes and was about to dodge, but found that the other party's eyes seemed to be looking forward through her.

Du Ran made a guess, she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the student, who passed through without feeling anything.

Du Ran looked at his hands...

Is it really an illusion?

She couldn't figure out what that senior meant. What's the point of having such an illusion?Do you want her to recall the past?

With this in mind, Du Ran climbed up another floor and walked towards his former class. When he saw that familiar figure, his eyes widened instantly.

That was herself, no, to be precise, it was the self in this hallucination, this memory.

Du Ran looked at herself lying on the table, as if falling asleep, she slowly walked into the teacher, unscrupulously stepped into the teacher who was teaching, and then came to her side.

This feeling is very strange. Looking at himself, Du Ran's mood is very complicated. Looking at the sleeping face below, he is still frowning, as if he is having a nightmare.

Wait, nightmare? !

Du Ran suddenly had a guess, and sure enough, the next second, the teacher on the podium suddenly shouted: "Du Ran! Get up and answer the question!"

The girl who fell asleep on her stomach woke up suddenly, and stood up sweating profusely to answer the question.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the memory, without the slightest difference. At that time, the dream I was dreaming was the one that was extremely teased, right?Wrapped around her day and night.

Thinking of that familiar dream, a blush appeared on Du Ran's face. She was so ashamed. The ghost tortured her in every possible way in her dream. Even thinking about it now, she felt ashamed. Afraid of being frightened.

When Du Ran recalled, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. She looked over quickly and saw that she was about to leave the classroom with a pack of tissues at that time.

Du Ran hurriedly followed, and followed him to another toilet that was more remote. Seeing that he closed the door, Du Ran understood that at that time, he might have to wipe away some things left by his physiological reactions. Wanting to blush even more, he cursed secretly again in his heart, and moved away a bit.

As soon as he left, footsteps came from his ears, someone walked in, Du Ran looked back, it was Jiang Dandan and another girl, Li Jia.

A familiar face with a malicious smile, Du Ran didn't try to stop it, just watched Jiang Dandan pour the bucket in his hand in silence, looked at himself in the toilet and let out a distressed exclamation, and then watched Jiang Dandan use the broom The door was stuck, and he left the toilet with a smug smile.

Du Ran laughed at himself. At that time, he was really cowardly, and he was bullied all the time.

Suddenly, Du Ran really wanted to leave and didn't want to continue watching. She didn't want to go through such a cowardly memory again, especially now that she was no longer her original self.

But when Du Ran stepped forward to leave the toilet, she saw a woman with a ferocious smile on her face, wearing red high heels, slowly approaching the toilet door.

Du Ran's heart trembled. She remembered that she was frightened by a pair of hands at that time. It turns out... Did she run into a ghost at that time?

Du Ran stopped in his tracks, watching the female ghost walk towards the toilet little by little, and he heard the frightened sound coming from his own toilet.

Du Ran had to say that she was really cowardly at that time, but now that she is in the underworld, she is not afraid at all in a place full of ghosts.

When Du Ran was laughing, she heard a cold cracking sound.


The sound of rolling made Du Ran's whole heart beat faster. She didn't even have time to think, and rushed over. When her body passed through the toilet door, she saw such a scene.

At that time, half of her clothes were shed, as if there was a transparent and invisible 'person' lying on her body.

Du Ran was dumbfounded, and shouted: "Depressed! Depressed! Is it you! Depressed!"

However, her cry is doomed to receive no answer, because... this place is just an illusion.

Yes, she is just a passerby here, she can only watch helplessly, looking at the depression at that time, doing behaviors that make people blush and heartbeat to herself at that time.

Du Ran took a few breaths, and with longing eyes, she stared blankly at the invisible depression. She couldn't help stretching out her hand, but she touched a piece of empty air, and Du Ran lowered her hand dejectedly. hands.

What she couldn't touch, the depression at that time was not something she could touch, Du Ran even felt a little jealous at this moment, jealous of herself at that time, being able to get so close to depression.

Even though he was in such a restricted-level scene, he was obviously looking at 'myself' and being lingering with Shen Yu, but Du Ran's heart was terribly cold at the moment, and deep sorrow filled his heart.

Du Ran stretched out his hand to caress his belly, turned around, unwilling to see the scene behind him, his eyes suddenly became sour.

"Ayu...I miss you..."

A soft murmur overflowed from the narrow toilet room, full of nostalgia and sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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