The ghost is the husband, the wife is the supreme

Chapter 244 Drive away the Shura group

Chapter 244 Drive away the Shura group

Wu Kui kept telling himself, don't care about it like Shen Yu, otherwise he will be the one who is mad!

After comforting himself for a while, Wu Kui pretended to be deep and said: "I finally know why you chose that girl to be your wife!"

When Du Ran was mentioned, Shen Yu had a slightly more expression, but it was just a slight arc.

Wu Kui waited for a long time, but before he got a gloomy answer, he became even more depressed and complained: "Aren't you talking to me?"

Melancholy and cleanly said: "I have something to do."

Wu Kui seemed dejected and said: "Okay, okay, you are busy with your work! I won't bother you, hum!"

Just when Wu Kui was about to take back the contact, he heard Shen Yu say a word.

"The people I like are naturally excellent."

After Wu Kui pondered over the meaning of the words of depression and the suspicion of Huang Po selling melons and boasting, it was already a long time later, and he jumped angrily.

The passage of time has no feeling for the ghost ruins at all. After the Shura group and the group couldn't find Du Ran and Luo Fei, they already had the intention of retreating, especially the old guy, who was pissed off by depression, suddenly became upset. If you are upset, you will start to lose face!
The so-called embarrassment, as the name suggests, is really used to throw people from the Shura group out of the ruins one by one, but it won't hurt them, it's just to drive people away!

For the members of the Shura group, this site is simply poisonous. The feeling of their companions disappearing one by one is too bad, but the rest of them have not encountered anything. If they want to save people, they don’t know how to save them. !Those companions who disappeared didn't even find their shadows, they were all caught by a big hand and disappeared!
Still alive or dead!
This is like fighting against an unknown and powerful enemy, they are powerless to fight back!

A faint panic pervaded the crowd.

"Boss, we can't go on like this, we don't have many people left!"

"Damn, what kind of ruins is this? It's a pit that eats people and doesn't spit out bones!"

"Boss, what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Ka Xiu in unison, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

Kaxiu looked at the retreat on everyone's faces, and knew that his subordinates had already started to fear. Once they were afraid, they had to withdraw, otherwise they would lose momentum once they fought. He could not ask his subordinates to die willfully. As the head of the regiment, he has responsibilities and obligations to bear.

Ka Xiu looked heavily at the dark road ahead, and said in a deep voice, "Go back."

He was extremely unwilling to make this decision, but what if he was unwilling?Exchange a group of people for a woman?No, he can't.

The Asura group who received the order immediately began to retreat. I wonder if it was an illusion, but the way back was smoother than the way forward? !

It's almost a straight line to the end, without even a turn. Was it so smooth when they came in?When everyone saw the light in front of them, they felt incredible!How long has it been going?Did they only get in a little bit?Otherwise, how could it come out so quickly? !

Doubts belong to doubts, but no matter what, it is a good thing to be able to come out safely and smoothly. The members of the Shura group rushed out of the entrance impatiently, and when they saw the blue sky outside, they all cried out with joy. I haven't encountered it, but the number of companions has decreased one by one, and the feeling of not being able to find one is too bad!

I'm so aggrieved!

"Boss! You are out!"

"Boss! Here we are!"

"My God, you're all out!"

Several surprised voices sounded, and then everyone turned their heads in disbelief, and there were several people lying on the ground not far away, all of them were those companions who had disappeared!But even though they were awake, they seemed unable to move their whole bodies!
Kaxiu rushed over, squatted down, and checked their bodies one by one, and found that they had no injuries, but were exhausted, which made his face look better, and said: "What's going on?! Those two women Woolen cloth?"

"That's right! You're gone, I thought you were all dead!"

"It's a pity that I have been sad for so long!"

Others started arguing with each other.

The person closest to him hurriedly said: "I, we don't know either! After being captured, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was already outside, and my body didn't have the strength to move. I didn't even want to go back in." Work hard again!"

"Yeah, it just came out so inexplicably!"

"Which two women didn't come out, we are the only ones here, there is no one else!"

"Boss, didn't you find it?"

Hearing such a sentence, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to tell why.

Kaxiu thought for a while, and said, "Are you all in this situation?"

The person lying on the ground nodded sharply.

Ka Xiu frowned, "No injuries at all, just drove you out?"

The man wondered, "Boss, why did you come out?"

Kaxiu didn't answer, but looked up at the deep entrance.

At this time, the members of the Shura group all understood that their mission this time can be said to have failed, not to mention finding those murals, they even couldn't find the destination, and even lost two helpers they found. .

Although no one in their regiment said that this was the best ending, but no matter how they thought about it, they would not be reconciled. This kind of 'enemy' who didn't even see their faces teased them around, and they couldn't resist at all. I'm out of breath!

But fortunately, when I took this task, I estimated the danger, so I didn't accept the death task, and it was allowed to pay a sum of points without any punishment if it was not completed.The total points of their Asura group is still enough to support this step of compensation, but they are just not reconciled!

The beauty who hadn't caught up with her just disappeared!How can they be reconciled to this group of thousand-year-old bachelors? !

At this time, when everyone was unwilling to reconcile, one person came back to his senses and said weakly: "Boss, I don't know if I should say something..."

Ka Xiu turned his head and said, "Say."

"I, I have a strange guess. Although it's unlikely, it's really similar... Why do I feel... This site doesn't seem to welcome us? It seems to be driving us away..."

As soon as this sentence was finished, everyone fell into a strange silence, because...they also if it was true!The more I think about it, the more I like it!

It doesn't hurt anyone, it's just thrown out, and it induces them to think it's dangerous to back out...

Isn't this just chasing people away!
And at this moment, the deep entrance made a "bang", and falling rocks came out of nowhere and blocked the entire entrance, firmly, without leaving a single gap.

All members of the Asura group: "Damn..."

Dare you not to be so obvious! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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