Chapter 248 Collapse
The old guy didn't feel that it was bad for him to fool the younger generation like this, and Du Ran understood why the senior was hunted down by the whole underworld for offending others because of his "cheesy mouth", so he had to escape to this lost place .

Even turning into a ruins seems to be interpreted as... deserved?
Du Ran quickly dismissed this thought, it's not good, you can't think about seniors like this, even if it's true.

"It's not that I said you, how could you wrong the old man! Well, well, I don't care about this with you, it is because I owe a favor to that guy, Shen Yu, so I will take care of you for him for a while, and you will see through it It’s not fun anymore, so I don’t like smart people the least!”

Du Ran agreed: "Yes, senior, it's all my fault!"

After listening for a long time, the little monster also came to join in the fun, and said, "Is Fifth Grandpa as good as Dad?"

As soon as he said this, the old guy was very proud, "Your father, um, that's naturally amazing!"

Otherwise, I dare not call him a pervert!

"However, compared with me back then, it still lacks a little bit!"

Unconvinced, the little monster yelled, "That's not true! Dad is the best!"

For the little monster, the omnipotent father is the most powerful existence in his cognition, and if someone disagrees with this conclusion, he will stop doing it immediately.

The old guy also got serious, "Nonsense! I am!"

Seeing that the old and the young seemed about to start arguing over such a boring question, Du Ran quickly stopped.

"They're all amazing!"

The little monster yelled aggrievedly, "Mom, I miss Dad!"

Du Ran's heart melted when he heard the soft voice of the little monster, and asked pleadingly: "Senior, where can I meet Ayu? Can you tell me?"

The old guy sighed, and said: "I don't know anymore, but even if I know, I can't tell you. The person he is going to face is not something you can deal with! You, just stay with me obediently." ! He said that he will come over after the processing is over!"

Hearing what the senior said, Du Ran had no choice but to suppress her eagerness to move, and managed to calm down. She is not an impulsive person, and she has passed the age of impulsiveness. She has always seemed to be the weakness of depression. Since it is a weakness, then She must not expose herself, not to mention, now that she has a little monster, every step needs to be cautious.

Even if she knew this rationally, Du Ran couldn't accept it emotionally. She missed him.

Du Ran lowered his head, showing a wry smile, and said, "I see, I will stay here and wait for him."

Yes, she will wait for him, with the little monster, waiting for him together.

However, not long after Du Ran made up his mind, there was a loud bang in his ears, accompanied by the old guy's painful roar.

"Ouch! Who hit me! It hurt me to death!"

Du Ran hurriedly supported the bookshelf beside him so as not to fall, and as soon as he stabilized his figure, he looked around in surprise.

Immediately afterwards there was another bang, and a lot of dust and dirt fell straight from the top of the head, as if the entire site had been destroyed by someone.

"Ouch! Come on a second time! Which bastard is so bold! Wait for your Fifth Grandpa to clean you up!"

Du Ran hurriedly shouted nervously: "Senior! What happened! Senior!"

"Girl, you stay here, I'll meet that guy!"

"Senior! Senior!"

However, no matter how Du Ran responded, the old guy didn't reply anymore. Du Ran knew that the visitor might not be good, otherwise the senior would not have left in such an emergency. She leaned on the bookshelf and found a relatively safe place in the corner to stand.

Big or small bangs sounded in her ears, like an explosion. Du Ran covered her ears, examining how long this library could last, even though her heartbeat was speeding up, she ordered herself not to be impulsive.

The little monster suddenly shouted: "Mom! Run! This place will collapse soon!"

Because of the little monster's words, Du Ran's expression changed. He didn't doubt his child's trustworthiness at all. When he looked up, a small stone slab had already fallen down. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time!

Du Ran gritted his teeth, and tried to move towards the door as close to the slightly solid edge as possible. As the rumbling sound became more frequent, the entire library seemed to be shaking, and more stones and slabs fell down.

The raised dust made Du Ran's entire face dusty, but she didn't stop at all, she persistently walked towards the door, and soon, before a larger area collapsed, she successfully arrived at the door, Opening the door, just before going out, her eyes fell on the bookshelf in the corner with black leather books on it. She seemed to have read it?
However, I couldn't wait to think about it. The more violent shaking made Du Ran have no time to waste. She ran out and stepped on a long corridor. The vibration made Du Ran's footsteps a little swaying. Go forward on the side of the wall.

However, at some point, footsteps came from behind, hurried, like running footsteps.

Du Ran's mind suddenly rose, she did not run forward desperately, but stopped, found a place to stand still, took out one of the meridians, and carved a symbol on the wall of the corridor, finger Pressed the button, silently chanted a spell, and then the whole person did not move.

This is the method Du Ran searched in her mind. All the knowledge in that library came in handy at this moment. She held Ziwu tightly, her eyes stubbornly looked ahead, and the footsteps near her ears were getting closer and closer. His expression became more and more tense.

When that figure appeared in his sight, Du Ran let out a breath of foul air slowly.

That's Raffi.

It turned out that Luo Fei, who was completing the training content assigned by the old guy, also felt the shock, and was running out in a hurry to find the source of the shock. Originally, she heard footsteps ahead and was trying to catch up, but why did she suddenly disappear?
Luo Fei looked at the tunnel without a single figure and became suspicious. Could it be that she heard it wrong?However, it is obvious that there are people here!How could it disappear so quickly?
Seeing Luo Fei's blank eyes, Du Ran immediately reacted, because the spell that could temporarily block the vision of ghosts that he drew just now worked, and now Luo Fei couldn't see her.

Du Ran hastily used Ziwu to melt a fork on the talisman, put Ziwu away, and his figure appeared. Under Luo Fei's surprised eyes, a smile appeared.

"Raffi, it's me!"

Luo Fei shouted in surprise: "Duran! It's really you! That's great!"

After saying that, the figure rushed over immediately, if not for Du Ran's big belly, Luo Fei would definitely give Du Ran a big hug.

Just when the two were about to say something, a bigger shock came over them, shaking both of them severely.

Du Ran said decisively: "Get out of here first! The ruins will collapse!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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