Chapter 266 Wilderness Tracking
Du Ran has already passed through this road and came out. The lush forest is in sight. This escape route leads directly to the back mountain. The back mountain has lush forests and complicated roads. It is an excellent place to hide and hide. place.

Du Ran's face was pale, and she was supported entirely by her last willpower. In the tunnel, she almost fell several times. If she hadn't supported the wall, she might have fallen to the ground. I have no strength to stand up, so never fall down!

Du Ran bit his lower lip tightly, looked up at the forest, chose a direction with the most lush and tall trees, staggered forward, stopped almost every few steps, and then gathered his strength to move forward again , her speed is very slow, this is her last insistence, if not for the little monster, I am afraid she would have become a prisoner by now.

When passing through a puddle, Du Ran became ruthless, scooped up the rancid soft mud, rubbed it on his body, used it to cover up the breath and color of his body, and made himself more integrated with the surrounding things. The fishy smell made her retch a few more times, she managed to cover it up, and ran forward again.

But at this moment, Du Ran heard the faint voices coming from behind her, her heart shuddered, and she immediately knew that those people were chasing after her!

The strong desire to survive made Du Ran's legs, which were so heavy that they could hardly move, re-infused strength, and he moved a little faster, shuttling through the jungle. However, even so, the speed was still too slow. The voice behind As it got closer and closer, Du Ran's chances were almost desperate, and he couldn't even hope for a gloomy appearance in his heart.

At this time, the only one she can rely on is herself.

Her life, the life of the little monster is on her shoulders, how can she give up? !How can you give up? !

Du Ran's eyes turned red in an instant. She was like a mother animal protecting her cub. She exhausted her physical strength completely for the sake of the child. She ran forward desperately, passing through the branches and leaves, letting her whole body Even being scratched and scarred by that branch would not hesitate.

Perhaps, her persistence moved God. When she tripped and held on to a tree trunk, she saw a cave covered by bushes. It was so small that it could barely accommodate one person. Du Ran was startled, hearing the footsteps following behind her and the almost audible voice, she couldn't care about anything else, clutched her stomach, and burrowed in with difficulty.

The small things smelled like urine left by animals, which was very unpleasant. Du Ran wanted to vomit, but he couldn't bear it, and hurriedly grabbed some fallen leaves and branches to cover up the traces he had just pressed down. And tidy up the bushes to perfectly cover the entire hole.

After finishing these actions, Du Ran was so exhausted that he couldn't even move a single finger. Once he stopped, the pain and exhaustion that had been deliberately ignored and endured, suddenly seemed like a flood that broke the dam. Sweeping the whole consciousness, Du Ran almost passed out like this, but that strong belief finally supported her from passing out, because at this moment, it was still extremely dangerous.

Du Ran took a few breaths heavily, and the extremely unpleasant smell came up again, Du Ran bit his mouth suddenly, not letting himself spit it out, and at this moment, the footsteps were getting closer and closer It became more and more chaotic, and bursts of voices came over very clearly.

"Strange! According to the footprints, it is clearly coming in this direction! Why can't I see anyone!"

"You can run so far with a big belly, what kind of monster is this!"

"Keep your voice down, don't scare people away!"

Apparently, a large group of people couldn't track down a pregnant woman with a big belly, which made them very frustrated and angry.

As the leader, Granny Mudan's face was so dark that ink dripped out. She never thought that Du Ran could actually escape. After all, they were still delayed by that old Ziqing man!Damn it!She shouldn't underestimate that old bastard!

"Seperately look for her! She has limited mobility and can't run very far alone! According to her footprints, she is near this generation, and she suddenly disappeared. She probably hid somewhere!"

Granny Mudan's words made everyone feel reasonable, but Luo Lao, who was the friendliest to Duan Ziqing of Tianjimen, suddenly felt deeply guilty at this moment. He still remembered how high-spirited that girl was at the beginning. He is neither humble nor overbearing, and treats people calmly. What is hidden in that petite body is wisdom and backbone that cannot be underestimated.

At this moment, even if she is pregnant with a devil, she has the courage to take on the responsibility of being a mother. If such a girl hadn't met them...

The more he thought about it, the more Mr. Luo felt, was it right for him to do so?Even though a devil is a child of a ghost, it is unknown and evil, but in the final analysis, these are all legends. No one has ever seen a real devil, and it is not known whether it will endanger people's lives or be a disaster for one party. , They relied on legends and speculations to convict people. Is it right or wrong? !
It is true that the legendary Hundred Ghost Order will not be mentioned. Once it is successful, there is only one thing, so how should they be distributed among so many people?Being used by people with ulterior motives, wouldn't that be another hidden danger? Under various speculations, Mr. Luo couldn't help but say, "Wait! Are we in a hurry? The truth of the matter may not be ours. As we thought, we... still figured it out, shall we talk about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Granny Mudan turned her head away and stared at Lao Luo viciously, as if she was about to expose him, and said loudly: "What! Do you want to sympathize with that woman?! Humans and ghosts have different ways, she Disregarding the world, throwing away the dignity of a living person to mingle with a ghost, and doing that kind of thing, breaking the ghost, such a girl is shameless!"

This sentence is too ugly and too cruel. It shouldn't be said by a head of the school at all. It's completely like a shrew cursing the street. Luo Lao was completely provoked and said : "Your words are too much! Everyone knows that ghosts are good at bewildering, maybe the girl was bewitched by ghosts! Wouldn't this be wronging her!"

Granny Mudan gave a sinister smile, and said, "Confused? A Taoist is deceived? Luo Yuanting, I think you are too confused! At this time, you still feel sympathy for a child who is willing to degenerate?! Don't forget , you have already made a choice, if you don't catch her now, wait for the ghost king to dig up all the ancestral graves of your sect!"


Mr. Luo was in a hurry, but to put it bluntly, he had no way out. What Mr. Luo regretted most at the moment was that he made a decision too early and didn't think too much about it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this peony's mind was unpredictable , I am afraid it is impossible to have such a simple purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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