Chapter 269 Crazy Revenge
Undoubtedly, the voice of the little monster was also heard by those wandering in the woods searching for it. In an instant, all the people gathered. Granny Peony followed the sound and saw that it was coming from the direction they came from.

And Luo Lao seemed to have guessed something, his heart skipped a beat, and his face suddenly became ugly.

His complexion was noticed by the sensitive Granny Peony, and Granny Peony's eyes suddenly darkened, pointing the cane in her hand at Old Luo, and said, "Do you know something?!"

Old Luo thought it was terrible, he didn't control his emotions well, and said, "I'm afraid it's that little bear who is screaming, let's find someone quickly!"

However, Mr. Luo is obviously not very good at lying, let alone fooling Granny Mudan's sharp eyes.

"You saw that girl, didn't you!"

Granny Mudan yelled loudly, and when Mr. Luo was still thinking about explaining something, the former immediately called everyone to search in that direction. Seeing that the situation could no longer be concealed, Mrs. Luo took a step forward to stop everyone. Shout: "We shouldn't be doing this! This is wrong! Stop it!"

Unexpectedly, Granny Mudan already had a bad guess in her heart, and her eyes were full of anger, and now she saw that Luo Lao had made a temporary mistake, backtracked, and blocked her way, and immediately let a few people behind him surround him.

"If you want to be confused, you will continue to be confused! We must get the devil!"

After finishing speaking, Granny Mudan didn't care about Lao Luo who was entangled by the two people, and ran forward persistently. The old body didn't belong to any young man, and she walked like flying.

Luo Lao was helplessly facing the person who hindered him, and he couldn't help praying for Du Ran in his heart, hoping that no accident would happen to that girl, because just now, he felt a burst of unspeakable heart palpitations, as if something extremely Bad things happen.

When Grandma Peony led the crowd to the place where the sound came from, she hardly needed anyone to remind her, as the strong smell of blood that couldn't be concealed told them, people, they are right here.

Soon, after a little searching, they found the cave that was perfectly hidden by branches and bushes. After almost removing the cover, this scene appeared in front of everyone.

A woman whose lower body was covered with blood was lying awkwardly in a narrow cave. Her body didn't move up and down, like a corpse. Her face was covered by messy hair, and she couldn't see her expression clearly, nor could she see that woman. Are the eyes still open.

However, everyone's eyes fell on the black figure lying beside Du Ran. That thing was curled up into a ball like a ball, crouching tightly to the side, like an injured The little beast was absorbing the last warmth, but Du Ran's body was already too cold to have any warmth.

The wailing that gradually fell down continued for a long time, as if he did not want to believe that his mother had died...

Seeing this, Granny Mudan's eyes turned cold, and she said to herself, "A devil is born!"

Everyone shook their bodies together, as if they were surprised. They never expected such a situation, that the devil was born ahead of schedule...

So, what should we do now? !

Granny Mudan said fiercely: "What are you doing in a daze! Catch him! Our target is the devil!"

After the words fell, one of them stood up tremblingly, swallowed, and stretched out his hand unsteadily towards the dark mass of flesh. Under the anxious or expectant eyes of everyone, almost At one point, he was about to grab the ball of black meat.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and before everyone had time to react, some liquid was splashed on the faces of the approaching people.

The black lump of flesh at the bottom disappeared without a trace, and the person who was going to grab it was standing stiffly, maintaining the movement of reaching out, but at that moment, the head on the neck thumped and hit the ground, splashing blood It splashed on everyone's face, and the headless body also smashed heavily on the soil.

That person died just like that, without even seeing his movements clearly, and he didn't even let out a final wail.


The people who reacted dispersed one after another, like frightened birds, everyone's face was filled with fear, and their eyes stared straight at the surroundings.

That pitch-black lump of flesh was like a lurking scourge, peeping out from the dark, staring at it viciously.

Granny Mudan obviously didn't expect that the newly born devil possessed such powerful power and took a person's life in an instant. Seeing everyone's fear and defense, she shouted instantly: "Don't be afraid! A newborn devil! Doesn't have much power! Just be careful!"


It is such a tragic way to kill someone in such an instant!Also called not much power? !They didn't even see the devil's movements clearly!No trace of him has been found yet!

Just as everyone vigilantly looked around and Granny Mudan was secretly angry, a cold light flashed. Even though everyone was prepared, they only caught a little afterimage.


Another man fell, the same horrific death with a severed head and neck.

This time, everyone's scalps exploded, because at such a close distance, they finally saw the wound on the neck, which seemed to be bitten off by a human being!

Rolling over the crisp wounds, how strong the bite force is to be able to do this!

And that movement that is not clear at all!

If they had known that devils were such a powerful existence, they would never have agreed to this plan!No matter how important weapons are, they are not as important as your own life!
Everyone panicked, and they wanted to run away. Granny Mudan was so angry that she yelled, "Calm down! Don't give him a chance to attack! Don't move! Newborn devils can't see clearly!"

After listening, everyone barely kept calm, didn't mess up their hands and feet, and kept still, otherwise they would really be taken away by that brat!

At this time, the little monster who seemed to know that he couldn't kill them with his voice slowly showed his original shape.

"Die, Si, die!"

A cold, inaudible sentence popped out.

In front of everyone, there appeared that petite devil who looked like a human baby. The devil's body was pitch black, and his eyes could not be opened, but the deep and sharp teeth exposed by the open mouth were enough to make everyone You know, this monster is not easy to mess with!


The little monster opened its mouth and let out another long howl, the howling screamed resentment, resentment and killing intent towards these people.

kill them!
Kill them all!
Not one left!
They killed mom!
They killed mother! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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