Chapter 10 Cheating Storm
Geng Yunyun's word for word caused an uproar.

Teacher Li's face turned black, and his hands trembled with anger: "Student Geng Yunyun, where did you suspect it?"

When Cen Xueluo heard Geng Yunyun's words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head to look over, but he didn't want Lin Yichong to stare at him with a pair of dark and shiny eyes.

Cen Xueluo blinked, raised her eyebrows and silently asked him what was wrong.

Lin Yichong picked up a pen and wrote a few words on the paper and handed it over.

Cen Xueluo lowered her head and saw the words on the paper, "Do you know about the leaked exam questions?"

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, Cen Xueluo thought about the conversation she heard in the bathroom, pondered for a moment and shook her head slightly.

Lin Yichong's eyes lit up, and he took a deep breath, with an expression that made me feel relieved, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but smile.

Since the consequences of Geng Yunyun's words would be very serious, Teacher Li took Geng Yunyun to the teacher's office with a serious face, leaving a group of students for self-study class.

It was said that it was a self-study, and when this happened, the students had no intention of self-study. As soon as the teacher left, a noisy discussion immediately started.

Nie Yunfeng frowned, not in the mood to maintain discipline, staring at the pen in his hand, carefully thinking about Geng Yunyun's words.Geng Yunyun is not the kind of telltale girl. She said that someone who knew the test questions in advance must know something, but who is this person who knows the test questions?Could it be...

With a jump in his heart, Nie Yunfeng couldn't help turning his head to look at Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo's delicate and fair face was calm, a faint smile hung on her exquisite diamond-shaped lips, her long eyelashes were as light as butterfly wings, and her clear and pure eyes were staring intently at the textbooks spread out on the table.

Nie Yunfeng didn't expect Cen Xueluo to behave so calmly, he froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Yichong who was lying on the table next to Cen Xueluo, as if feeling Nie Yunfeng's gaze, Lin Yichong turned his head to one side, With a casual smile on his face, he bared his teeth at Nie Yunfeng, and then lay down again to rest his mind.

Nie Yunfeng felt annoyed for a while, and just about to open his mouth to maintain discipline, Wen Yuanyuan suddenly came over and whispered: "Ah Feng, what do you think Geng Yunyun will say to Teacher Li?"

"How would I know?" Nie Yunfeng looked gloomy.

Wen Yuanyuan didn't seem to see it, and said with a mysterious smile: "Whoever's grades are the most abnormal this time is who knows the test questions! I bet that even if Geng Yunyun can't name people, she will still come up with abnormal evidence. The teacher went to investigate."

Nie Yunfeng was startled for no reason, and couldn't help but glanced worriedly in Cen Xueluo's direction.

Wen Yuanyuan noticed Nie Yunfeng's expression and gritted her teeth in anger. She was a little jealous of Cen Xueluo. That beautiful and delicate face always attracted the attention of boys more than her own. She is not as good as herself, and her popularity and ability are not as good as her. Why does Nie Yunfeng always treat her differently for such a girl with empty appearance, and still defend her at every turn?
Geng Yunyun and Teacher Li left for half a class and came back alone. As soon as she came back, she returned to her seat without saying a word, her head buried in her thoughts, and she ignored anyone who talked to her.

Wen Yuanyuan glanced at Geng Yunyun's direction from the corner of her eyes, bit her lip and chuckled: "It seems that someone is really going to be unlucky this time."

After a while, Teacher Li came in with a livid face, and the classroom suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere was chilling.

Teacher Li kept a straight face, his stern gaze swept over the immature faces of every student below, and he paused for a few seconds when he saw Cen Xueluo and Lin Yichong.Although it was only a few seconds, it has already been noticed by those who are interested, and they began to secretly guess.

"Students! As I said, this city-wide math competition is very important! It is an honor to participate, but it is absolutely not allowed to use disgraceful means to qualify for the competition!" Teacher Li tried hard to suppress his anger, cadenced Said, with an expression on his face, quite a taste of hating iron for not being steel.

Lin Yichong was a little terrified by Teacher Li's stare, he frowned uncomfortably, picked up a pen and quietly wrote a few words, and passed the note to Cen Xueluo.

Eight words were scrawled on the note: The teacher seems to suspect us!
Cen Xueluo pursed her lips, without saying a word, stretched out her hand to write a quick reply on the note and handed it back to Lin Yichong: Stand upright and don't be afraid of the shadow being crooked.

Holding the note in his hand, Lin Yichong looked down and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white and neat teeth, smiling brightly.

Teacher Li was excitedly educating the students in his class, when he suddenly saw Lin Yichong smiling, he couldn't help striding over and shouted: "Lin Yichong, what are you laughing at?"

Lin Yichong's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, and he looked up at the teacher: "I, what are you not laughing at?"

"Stand up for me! Lin Yichong! Did you hear what I just said?" Teacher Li stood in front of Lin Yichong angrily and asked.

Lin Yichong was stunned for a moment, then stood up slowly, drooping his head and saying nothing.

Teacher Li glanced at Cen Xueluo, then looked at Lin Yichong who was hanging his head, and asked sharply, "What did you just do?"

"I didn't do anything." Lin Yi insisted.

"Nothing?" Teacher Li looked up and down suspiciously, "What are you holding in your hand? Show me!"

Lin Yichong raised his head and saw that Mr. Li's eyes were full of murderous intent, he couldn't help shrinking his neck, and took a sneaky look at Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo didn't move, but nodded slightly calmly.

Lin Yichong spread his palms, and Teacher Li pulled out the note. The corners of his mouth twitched in anger, and his voice trembled slightly. He opened the note while admonishing Lin Yichong: "Did you pass the exam this time? You don't need to listen to what the teacher said. Let me see what you are...huh?"

Teacher Li was stunned when he saw the words on the note, paused, and said, "Sit down, don't make small moves!"

The whole class was very curious about what was written on the note that made Teacher Li suddenly change his attitude. Wen Yuanyuan also looked nervous and stretched his neck to look around, but Teacher Li held the note tightly in his hand and could not see anything. less than.

Walking back to the podium, Teacher Li calmed down his emotions, glanced at the whole class dignifiedly, and said: "Some people say that the test results this time are not true. Our teachers will check the test papers carefully after returning. If there is really cheating, Then the students who cheated will lose their test scores and be disqualified from the competition!"

This incident is very serious, so Mr. Li is going to study with other math teachers in the grade group and check all the test papers to see how many people know the test questions.

After class, Xi Lei wandered to Lin Yichong's side, and asked with a playful smile, "Chongzi, why did you do so well in the exam this time? It turns out... Hmph, it's too boring not to take care of my buddies."

Lin Yichong punched Xi Lei, and said with a smile, "Fuck off, I'm using real skills."

The two were laughing and laughing, when Xi Lei suddenly noticed that there was an extra person beside him, and turned his head, Xi Lei shouted exaggeratedly: "Oh, monitor, Chong Zi and I were just joking."

Nie Yunfeng was not interested in the test results of Lin Yichong and Xi Lei. He stared at Cen Xueluo who was in a daze with his chin resting on his shoulders and said, "Student Cen Xueluo, come out with me. I have something to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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