The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 170 I Want To See You

Chapter 170 I Want To See You
Situ Mingyue's words were like a sharp knife, stabbing heavily at Zhao Yu's heart, pointing out the crux of the problem.

Zhao Yu's complexion suddenly dimmed, like a silver jewelry that has lost its luster, and his face was ashen.She knew that she was not qualified to negotiate terms with Cen Xueluo or any of them, her only hope was Cen Xueluo's kindness.

All the way forward, Zhao Yu kept his mouth shut, but the sadness on his face became more and more serious.In the end, Cen Xueluo's heart softened. She never felt that there was anything wrong with being filial and caring for her family. If it was her, she would be desperate for her own mother.

"Do you have a photo?"

"Ah?" Hearing what Cen Xueluo said, Zhao Yu didn't react for a while, his brain was at a standstill.

"Luoluo, you really have a lot of sympathy!" Situ Mingyue sneered unceremoniously.She really had never seen a cultivator like Cen Xueluo. Although there were many righteous and kind people, none of them were savages.To put it bluntly, it's already very kind to come here just to save Zhao Yu's life, but now you want to save her family?It's just looking for trouble!

Cen Xueluo pursed her lips: "Just trying, not guaranteed."

No matter how slow the reaction was, Zhao Yu understood what was going on, and couldn't help crying with joy: "I didn't bring a photo, but they are easy to recognize." Zhao Yu gestured to describe the characteristics of his parents and younger brother Zhao Mo in detail. After telling Cen Xueluo, his eyes were full of gratitude.Even though Cen Xueluo said that there was no guarantee, as long as she was willing to rescue her, there would be great hope.

Cen Xueluo, Qi Long, and Situ Mingyue escorted Zhao Yu back to school. Along the way, they also ran into many members of the Ghost Commune, but all three of them deliberately released their aura. , not those ordinary members who dare to provoke, so they can only let them go resentfully.

After calling Rosa and handing Zhao Yu to Rosa, Rosa looked at Cen Xueluo meaningfully and smiled: "It seems that you two have a good friendship in the dormitory."

"No matter what, it's a life." Cen Xueluo twitched her lips irresistibly.

"Is the experience divided equally among the three?" Rosa looked at Qi Long and Situ Mingyue, wondering why Situ Mingyue would get mixed up with Cen Xueluo and his party. According to his investigation, Situ Mingyue obviously did not go with them.

"Hmm." The three of them didn't have much opinion on this, Cen Xueluo and Qi Long didn't care, and Situ Mingyue didn't seem to care too much, she didn't go for experience in the first place.

After receiving the experience, they left the library silently. It was not for Cen Xueluo and the other three to decide what Zhao Yu's final treatment would be. After all, they had done their best.

"Luoluo, you're not really going to save her parents and that disabled brother, are you?" Seeing no one around, Situ Mingyue couldn't help asking.I don't know when, she followed Qi Long, Qi Yang and the others to call Cen Xueluo Luoluo.

Cen Xueluo thought for a while: "Not now, I still have something to do."

Yes, there was one thing that was always on Cen Xueluo's heart, which made her unable to feel at ease.She wanted to see Kevin. After leaving the gate of hell, she kept wanting to go, but one thing after another, it was delayed for a few days.

The Miracle Group's concert tour has long since ended, and now Cen Xueluo doesn't know where Kevin is.

Hesitating, Cen Xueluo dialed the number in his memory, and after one ring, he was answered.

"Hi, hello!" Kevin's voice was still low and magnetic.

Cen Xueluo on the phone was in a daze when she heard Kevin's voice. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

It was so relatively silent for three seconds, and finally Kevin broke the silence.

"Luoluo?" Kevin's voice was tentative and uncertain.He knew Cen Xueluo's stubborn personality, since he said that he would rather never see her again, he probably wouldn't contact him anymore, but this number...could something happen to Luoluo?

Thinking of this, Kevin was obviously a little anxious: "What happened? Is it you, Luoluo? Is it in danger?"

Some people are like this, no matter how you hurt him, no matter how long you haven't contacted him, when you find him, he still hasn't changed, all the care and pampering are given to you so easily.

Cen Xueluo remembered that she had read a sentence before, when you love someone, no matter what she did to you or made any mistakes, you would find all kinds of excuses for her, and when you don't love someone Anything, including coughing, spitting, and farting, can be a reason to break up.

"Kevin..." Cen Xueluo's delicate lips trembled, and she finally uttered a name she hadn't called for a long time.

As soon as Cen Xueluo spoke, Kevin suddenly fell silent. There was a silence on both sides of the microphone, as if he couldn't even hear the sound of breathing.

"Kevin?" Cen Xueluo asked softly in doubt.

There was a chuckle, and then a long exhale, Kevin seemed to relax a lot, still laughing in the familiar tone and voice: "Luoluo, it's really you!"

"Well. Where are you? I want to see you." Cen Xueluo understood her heart, and simply stopped beating around the bush and coddling it, and directly stated her intentions.

"See me?" Hearing Cen Xueluo's request, Kevin was very surprised, but he was smart enough not to ask why he was meeting again now after seeing Cen Xueluo, but quickly said, "Where are you? Look for you!"

After Cen Xueluo reported her location and hung up the phone, she felt a little nervous for no reason.This kind of meeting is different from all previous times. It seems like a girl in love is waiting for the lover she hasn't seen for a long time to come for a tryst. She is also worried about whether there is something wrong with her, and whether she will be unfamiliar. etc.

Kevin arrived very quickly, in about ten minutes, wearing a loose T-shirt, slacks, and sunglasses, Kevin appeared in front of Cen Xueluo in a car.Kevin, who has a good figure like a model, is very stylish even in ordinary T-shirts and slacks. He looks handsome with a provocative laziness.

"Luoluo." Kevin got out of the car in a hurry and rushed to Cen Xueluo. Looking at Cen Xueluo, who was dressed in a fresh and clean body with a quiet demeanor, he suddenly felt that his breath was a little unstable and his heartbeat was irregular. He was so steady that he stuttered a little, and his eyes didn't know where to look.

Different from Kevin's embarrassment, Cen Xueluo stared deeply at the increasingly handsome and charming Kevin in front of her with a pair of beautiful eyes. Why did she feel as though the world had changed, as if she had passed away?But there is still no sense of strangeness, still so familiar and cordial.

"Kevin, you're here." Cen Xueluo smiled, her beautiful face blooming like a plum blossom, stunning everyone.

"Yeah." Kevin nodded. Cen Xueluo was so calm and relaxed, but Kevin was a little uncomfortable, " want something from me?"

"It's something." Cen Xueluo looked around, "Let's find a place to talk."

Of course, Kevin is very familiar with the capital. He drove Cen Xueluo to a teahouse with a simple decoration.

"Did you know that Capital Medical University has a psychic commune?" Staring at the teacup in front of her, Cen Xueluo cleared her mind and asked first.

"Yeah." Kevin nodded, "It's a group of practitioners."

"When entering the Ghost Commune, there will be a welcome ceremony for new members." Cen Xueluo raised her eyes to look at Kevin, and saw Kevin nodded to show that he knew, "I have passed Huangquan Road and the Gate of Ghosts."

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem for you. As long as the four levels are above the innate level [-] cultivation base, it's not a big deal for those with a strong will." Kevin didn't take this so-called welcome ceremony to heart. There are records of this, and the horror and danger in the legends also depend on one's own strength.

"Really? It seems that you still don't know very well." Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows in surprise. She thought that organization A's eyeliner would spread in many places, but she didn't think that this matter had not been spread. It seems that the supernatural commune Sure enough, it is not simple.

"Huh? Did something happen?" Kevin saw Cen Xueluo's reaction and knew that he must have made a mistake, so he looked at Cen Xueluo curiously.

"Yeah." Cen Xueluo pursed her lips, and then said slowly, "I broke the gate of ghosts, and the damage was broken. I guess there will be one less barrier in the welcome ceremony of the Ghost Commune in the future."

"Ah? It's fine if you pass, why destroy it?" Kevin frowned, and seemed to understand something after he finished speaking, and quickly asked, "What did you meet in the gate of hell?"

Cen Xueluo's clear and bright eyes stared straight into Kevin's star-like black eyes, and said word by word: "The soul of Loulan."

As soon as Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Kevin's face immediately changed, his eyelids blinked a few times unconsciously, and then carefully observed Cen Xueluo's expression: "You encountered the soul of Loulan? Was it attacked by spirit? Did you see What illusion?" Kevin was well-informed after all, as soon as Cen Xueluo said it, he guessed the crux of the matter, and also vaguely guessed why Cen Xueluo saw him, and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Illusion? I just want to ask you, is it really just an illusion?" Cen Xueluo didn't describe what she saw, but raised her eyebrows and asked Kevin, staring carefully at Kevin's eyes.

Kevin's eyes flickered a few times, and finally dropped their lids and fell silent.

"I remember you once said that everything was a misunderstanding, and that Li actually lied to me, now would you mind explaining this misunderstanding clearly?" Cen Xueluo looked at Kevin who kept his lips tightly shut, feeling a little distressed for no reason. , I saw Kevin in the illusion, hugging the dead self in grief, with a look of despair on his face.

"I..." Kevin's expression was very tangled, and finally he gave a wry smile, looked up at Cen Xueluo and said slowly, "I'm sorry, I can't, at least I can't until I wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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