Chapter 172 Star Alumni
Capital Medical University is very lively today. Even the opening of the school year to welcome new students is not as crowded as it is now.There are people standing on both sides of the road leading to the campus, leaving only a wide and narrow road that can only pass a car.

When Cen Xueluo and Qi Long got out of the car, they saw people rushing towards the stadium, with some people pulling banners on the way.

"What's the matter?" Cen Xueluo was wondering when she saw a banner that could not be put away in the future saying: Warmly welcome members of Miracle Group to study at Capital Medical University.

In an instant, three black lines appeared on Cen Xueluo's forehead.Miracle member?If I remember correctly, there is only one in the world called Miracle Group, right?Busy surprise!It turns out that this is the so-called surprise!Looking at the nympho-looking girl beside her with red eyes running towards the stadium with a dark face, Cen Xueluo felt that this was more or less frightened.

"He's here?" Cen Xueluo turned her head and stared at Qi Long who had been following silently behind her.

Qi Long didn't speak, a trace of guilt flashed across his usually cold face.

Cen Xueluo snorted softly: "It turns out that you all knew about it a long time ago, so I was the last to know!" Cen Xueluo said with an unhappy face and walked away, but it was the opposite direction from the stadium.

"Hey, Luoluo, don't you want to go see Elder Brother Ziyi?" Qi Long hurriedly stepped forward to block Cen Xueluo's path.

"There are so many people looking at him, is it just me?" Cen Xueluo squinted his eyes and raised his eyebrows, walked around Qi Long and walked towards his dormitory with ease.For Kevin to study at Capital Medical University, Cen Xueluo was naturally very happy, but when she saw so many girls obsessively running to see Kevin, Cen Xueluo felt a little upset for no reason.Even though he knew that he couldn't blame Kevin for being a nympho, Cen Xueluo couldn't warn those girls one by one not to stare at celebrities, right?The mistake is, who made Kevin so handsome and went to become a star!Well now, everyone knows that there are star alumni, and it would be strange not to watch them.

In the dormitory, Ma Leilei and Su Li were not there. Since what happened to Zhao Yu, the school explained to everyone that Zhao Yu automatically dropped out of school, and a new student would move into the vacant dormitory.

Zhao Yu's family, the day after Cen Xueluo saw Kevin, Kevin made a special phone call to say that Zhao Yu's parents and younger brother had been released safely, and Zhao Yu's father knew it was After the Zhao family's old house was burned down because of Zhao Yu, he even angrily scolded his daughter for being unfilial!He even threatened to sever the father-daughter relationship.Even though it was stupid for Zhao Yu to do so, but the motive was for the only child of the Zhao family, and now that his relatives did not forgive him, Cen Xueluo also sighed in his heart.

After entering the Zixu space, after a brief freshen up, Cen Xueluo went to visit Li who was still sleeping.Since seeing that illusion, Cen Xueluo's state of mind has also changed when she sees Li. She still looks forward to Li waking up early, because she is eager to know the truth that Mingli and Kevin have been hiding from her.

"Li, I have a lot of puzzles. Did you lie to me about many things? The scenes I saw were all true, right?" After muttering to himself, Cen Xueluo also realized the current situation. Mingli wouldn't give himself any answer at all, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and left the Zixu space.

After Cen Xueluo left, the purple mist floating around slightly rippled, and then there was an inaudible sigh.

The arrival of the Miracle Group did cause quite a stir. Even after Su Li and Ma Leilei returned to the dormitory, Su Li was still talking about the three members of the Miracle Group.

"Pedi is so handsome!" Su Li rested her chin on her hands, blinking her starry eyes in aftertaste.

Paddy?Isn't that the guy with white quinoa?Sissy!Cen Xueluo lowered her eyes, wisely she didn't attack the idol of a star-chasing girl.

"I think Mi Lu is very masculine." Ma Leilei is obviously different from Su Li in her aesthetics. She is a girl who longs for sunshine and warmth, so when she sees Mi Lu's sunny smile, she immediately gets lost. up.

"Huh? I heard that Captain Kevin has the most fans." Cen Xueluo was surprised when he heard that neither of their idols was Captain Kevin.

"Hey, the captain of the team is already in favor, so you don't want to have any ideas with him!" Su Li waved her hand at Cen Xueluo dejectedly.

"What famous flower has an owner?"

"On the podium in the stadium today, Kevin made it clear that he chose Capital Medical University because of his goddess." Su Li curled her lips, "I don't know which girl in our school is so lucky to be regarded as a goddess by Kevin. But She better not be exposed, otherwise there will be groups of girls who want to kill her!"

Kevin actually announced in public that he has his own heart, isn't he afraid of losing his popularity?Although she didn't understand why Kevin did this, Cen Xueluo felt a little sweet in her heart.

Since ancient times, it has not been strange for celebrities to study in colleges and universities. Some of the top universities in the country have some film and television stars, sports stars or singers, but most of them are just nominal. It is impossible for them to live in student dormitories like ordinary students. Running between classrooms, cafeterias and dormitories at three points and one line.

The students naturally understand this truth, but there are still many fans who take chances and go to class without missing a lesson, hoping to meet one of these three handsome guys in the classroom one day.In this way, Miracle Group’s admission to Capital Medical University has also helped to improve the student’s attendance rate. Even the lecturers and professors feel that the students are very positive and the style of study is very positive.

Although Cen Xueluo was a freshman, she didn't have the same enthusiasm for college as a freshman. At least, her skipping classes started from the beginning of her freshman year.Except for the courses she thinks are necessary to listen to, the rest of the time is spent in the library.

Since ancient times, beauties have always been taken care of, no, in less than a month since the class started, Su Li, Ma Leilei, and Cen Xueluo were chased by boys respectively.Among them, Ma Leilei was confessed the most times, Su Li was second, and Cen Xueluo was third.Cen Xueluo is very quiet and low-key on weekdays, with a cold and unfamiliar temperament, coupled with his excellent personal qualifications, many boys he admires are discouraged, but there are always a few warriors who are not afraid of death.Every time Cen Xueluo went to the classroom, someone would reserve several seats for her in advance, waiting for her to choose.The suitors of Su Li and Ma Leilei are much bolder, the dormitory phone often rings, and some boys will buy breakfast in the morning, which makes the girls in other dormitories envious.

Faced with this situation, Cen Xueluo remained indifferent, while Ma Leilei politely refused. Only Su Lile was among them, enjoying the feeling of being pursued, circling among several suitors, not being close to everyone Far, hanging everyone's appetite.

Not long after, the vacant bed was finally occupied by someone, and the person who moved in was familiar to both Ma Leilei and Cen Xueluo, and that was Situ Mingyue.

With Situ Mingyue's cultivation level being so high, his family must have a background, so small things like changing dormitories are naturally within his reach.

Regarding Situ Mingyue's arrival, Ma Leilei and Cen Xueluo had nothing to do with it, but Su Li was very repulsed.This is the general psychology of girls. For those who are tall and proud, they will at most secretly say something fake and prudish, fake high and fake pure; Well, it's the easiest to seduce boys, and they will unceremoniously call them vixens!

Obviously, Situ Mingyue is the vixen in Su Li's eyes.

"Aren't there any other girls in the school? Why did a vixen come to our dormitory!" Su Li complained to Ma Leilei and Cen Xueluo very dissatisfied while Situ Mingyue went to wash up.

Ma Leilei, who was drinking water, immediately sprayed out, and hurriedly raised her head to look at the bathroom, praying that Situ Mingyue would not come out on impulse to teach this ignorant Su Li a lesson.Cen Xueluo sorted out her textbooks and notes with a calm expression, then stood up: "I'm going to the cafeteria."

"Wait, I'll go with you!" Ma Lelei hurriedly picked up her book as if preparing to leave.

"Hey, wait for me!" Su Li didn't want to stay alone in the dormitory with that vixen, every time Situ Mingyue squinted her fox eyes and looked at her and smiled, Su Li felt goosebumps all over her body. I jumped up, chills down my spine.witch!This Situ Mingyue must have been a witch in her previous life!Su Li cursed secretly in her heart, hurriedly picked up her schoolbag and chased out.

After washing up, Situ Mingyue came out leisurely, rolled her eyes to look at the empty dormitory, and finally stopped at Su Li's bed, squinting her eyes and smiling wickedly: "Su Li? Interesting."

After buying breakfast and sitting on their seats, Cen Xueluo, Ma Leilei and Su Li were enjoying their breakfast leisurely when suddenly there was a commotion around them.

"Oh my god! I'm not dreaming, am I? That...that handsome guy is..."

"Ah - Peddy! Peddy actually came to the cafeteria!"

"I'm going to call the dorm! Wow! They're going to regret not coming to breakfast!"

After a period of turmoil, Bai Li walked into the cafeteria coquettishly under the eyes of everyone, and waved at the girls around him feeling good.The girl screamed, and the boy gave him a murderous look.

Su Li choked on a mouthful of porridge and sprayed it all over the table.

"Pay attention to hygiene!" Ma Leilei quickly gave Su Li a tissue.

Cen Xueluo looked at the porridge sprayed by Su Li on the table, and said leisurely, "Pay attention to your image! It seems that your idol has a cleanliness habit!"

When Cen Xueluo said this, Su Li immediately wiped her mouth and hands with a tissue and wiped the table.

As soon as Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Bai Li's peach blossom eyes looked towards the table where Cen Xueluo was sitting, and looked at the empty seat among the four seats at Cen Xueluo's table with malicious intentions.

Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows and looked back at Bai Li, and gave a warning look: You will die if you dare to come here!
What a joke!If the people around him knew that Peidi from Miracle Group knew him, it would be difficult for him not to be famous!
(End of this chapter)

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