The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 174 The Cruel Murderer

Chapter 174 The Cruel Murderer

At the school gate, on both sides of the avenue that goes straight into the main entrance of the campus, there are two small soil slopes that are not high. Lawns are planted on the soil slopes, which are good places for everyone to chat and drink while enjoying the shade.But now, it is isolated by the shadow members of the Ghost Commune, and the crime scene is carefully protected.

When Cen Xueluo rushed to the scene after Kevin and Mi Lu, he saw a lawn of disgusting minced meat, and the pungent bloody smell made his stomach churn.This is not a corpse case, the meat is almost as minced as dumpling stuffing.

On the way here, Kevin had already told Cen Xueluo to remember to change his appearance, and Kevin and Mi Lu were obviously familiar with this way, so when the three of them came to the scene, no one recognized Cen Xueluo, but they all knew Kevin after he changed. appearance.

"President Xiu, according to our judgment, this is the scene of the first crime." After the shadow members saw Kevin, someone immediately led them to a grass where there was not much blood, but there were obvious signs of struggle.

"President Xiu?" Cen Xueluo repeated in a low voice, Kevin immediately looked over and gave Cen Xueluo a silent look.

Sure enough, he was hiding in Capital Medical University under a pseudonym!Cen Xueluo looked at Kevin's back, wondering how many things this man has done since he came back. Compared with his own things, Kevin should not have been idle for a moment since he came back from time travel.

Obviously, Kevin and Mi Lu didn't know how many times they had dealt with such a scene. They surveyed the scene with experience, and Kevin even let Mi Lu feel the residual cultivator's breath at the scene.After being busy for a long time, the three of them gathered together with solemn faces.

"See what?" Kevin's thick black eyebrows were slightly frowned. Even though his appearance had changed, Kevin was still very charming at this time.

"Yeah." Mi Lu nodded solemnly, "I can feel it."

"The breath of a demon cultivator." Cen Xueluo came to a conclusion with certainty.

Hearing Cen Xueluo's affirmative conclusion, Kevin smiled wryly: "Yes, now you know why demon cultivators are driven to death regardless of the cultivation world or the secular world!"

"You can't generalize." The current Cen Xueluo is not the uninformed person she was back then. She has her own principles when it comes to right and wrong.

Kevin was very pleased with Cen Xueluo's transformation. He smiled at Cen Xueluo, then turned around and clapped his hands at the five shadow members present.

The shadow members are all selected from the supernatural community, members with outstanding skills, reactions, knowledge and judgment. Most importantly, they are calm and rational enough, and their stand is very neutral.

Hearing the clapping sound of the shadow president, the shadow members quickly stopped their work and stood in a row in less than three seconds, looking at Kevin in unison. This speed was faster than the well-trained soldiers in the army.

"I believe that each of you has some guesses in your mind!" Kevin glanced at the five shadow members, all of them had changed their appearance, but they were all old members, so everyone was very concerned about the changed appearance. Very familiar, the most important distinguishing feature is a black badge on the collar, which is a mark of a black god of death, which looks extremely cool.

"President Xiu, is it true..." It was not the first time for these shadow members to go out on a mission. After seeing this scene, they naturally had a score in their hearts, and now they are waiting for the result announced by the President.

"That's right, the perpetrator this time is a demon cultivator!" Kevin looked around at the crowd and said every word.

Hearing Kevin's affirmation, two shadow members nodded in agreement, one was expressionless and indifferent, and the other two gasped.

"President Xiu, is it necessary for a demon cultivator to expose himself by being so bloody on purpose?" Although he had also heard the legend of the demon cultivator, the two shadow members obviously believed that the demon cultivator should do more concealment, and Not so high-profile.

Kevin understood what the two members were thinking, and nodded slowly: "Actually, it's not that the perpetrator wanted to expose himself, but he had to. It hasn't been a year since you two joined Shadow?"

Although the two members looked a little surprised, they still nodded honestly.

"Well, that's right. The old shadow members know that demon cultivators are not scary, but what is scary is the cultivators who have just cultivated demons. At this time, they have not yet adapted to the exercises of cultivating demons, and they are easily irritable , with bloody and cruel methods, and an uncontrollable desire to kill." Kevin patiently explained about the demon cultivators, seemingly spreading knowledge to the two new members, but in fact he was telling Cen Xueluo, " Therefore, when you encounter a cultivator who has just cultivated demons, you must avoid their sharp edge. You can either kill them with one blow, or take advantage of them by surprise, and you must not fight a war of attrition. Because at this time, the true energy in the practitioners who have just cultivated demons is violent and rampant. I just can't wait to let it out, and my cultivation base is in a state of doubling. Do you understand?"

"Understood. Thank you, Head Master!" After hearing Kevin's words, the two new members who joined Shadow for less than a year suddenly realized, and thanked Kevin sincerely.

"Okay, you must pay attention to safety. Now start two teams to search the teachers and students of the whole campus. Inform all shadow members to start action. Old members can find another partner in the shadow by themselves, and new members must be recruited by old members. Lead the action." Kevin took a last look at the two new members, and explained solemnly, "Remember, safety first, run away if you can't beat it, don't force it, show me some wit!"

"Understood!" The shadow member replied and scattered away.

Cen Xueluo knew that the shadow members must have their own unique way of contacting each other, and it was not easy for an outsider to ask too many questions, but there were still some questions in Cen Xueluo's mind about the corpse dismemberment case.

"Are you sure that the demon cultivator is hidden among the teachers and students? If you encounter it, how can you tell it?" Cen Xueluo looked very serious, asking questions like a student trying to acquire knowledge.

"Actually, I'm not sure, but we can only narrow down the scope a little bit." Kevin explained to Cen Xueluo, and then turned around to tell Milu, "Milu, you also go to Baizhi, tell that kid to be careful, don't Acting alone to pick up girls."

Mi Lu nodded to Cen Xueluo, then turned and left.

All of a sudden, Kevin and Cen Xueluo were left on the entire lawn.Although the minced meat had been cleaned up, the bloody smell that remained in the air still did not dissipate so quickly.

"The one whose body was mutilated was a girl, don't you need to investigate her identity?" Cen Xueluo looked at the leaves of grass with dark green traces, and thought about it.

"Smart, I was just about to invite you to this girl's dormitory." Kevin snapped his fingers approvingly, then naturally grabbed Cen Xueluo's hand, and led Cen Xueluo towards the victim's dormitory.

"When did you know the identity of the victim and the dormitory number?" Cen Xueluo was very curious. He and Kevin knew about the body dismemberment case at the same time and arrived at the scene at the same time. How did Kevin know so many things at once.

Kevin proudly raised his other hand, and Cen Xueluo saw with a black face that he was holding a small piece of paper in that hand, which recorded the information sorted out by members of the shadow.Well, in this era, having subordinates to do things is efficient, convenient and fast!
The girl is a sophomore student, very good, and famous.In addition to the excellent courses in this major and receiving a scholarship every semester, this girl is also proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has a variety of extracurricular activities.

The news of the girl's murder was still blocked. When Kevin and Cen Xueluo came to the girl's dormitory, they saw the victim's two roommates who were still enjoying campus life step by step.

"Excuse me, is this Xiao Xiao's dormitory?" Kevin knocked on the door and asked politely.

The door of the dormitory was opened a little, and when the girls in the dormitory saw Kevin, the handsome guy, their guarded expressions immediately became warm: "Yes, this is Xiao Xiao's dormitory, but she is not here now. Why don't you come in and sit down?" Wait for her for a while?"

Judging from the time of his death, Xiao Xiao should not have returned to the dormitory last night, but this roommate was actually in a good mood to invite people who came to look for Xiao Xiao into the dormitory, etc. This was all due to Kevin's masculine charm.

Cen Xueluo gave Kevin an angry and funny look, and couldn't help but ask herself, "What did Xiao Xiao do? When did she go out?"

"Oh, I don't know why she went there." The girl who opened the door seemed a little confused, then turned to ask another roommate who was sitting in the dormitory reading, "Hey, let me tell you, when did Xiao Xiao go out today? I'll come back I haven't seen her since then!"

"Xiao Xiao? It seems that she didn't come back last night?" The roommate who was reading the book thought for a moment and replied.

"Ah? No way? She has never stayed out at night before, how did she learn not to go back to the dormitory all night?" The girl who opened the door was taken aback, then joked indifferently, turned her head to Kevin and Cen Xue Luo said, "I'm sorry, we don't know why she went there. But if she didn't come back last night, she should come back to sleep today."

It seems that one of the two girls in the dormitory didn't care about Xiao Xiao's life at all, and the other didn't come home all night. In their thinking, they probably still guessed that Xiao Xiao, who had always been abiding by the rules, was taken away all night. Little did he know that his roommate would never come back.

Kevin and Cen Xueluo looked at each other, and just about to ask to enter the dormitory to wait for a while, they suddenly heard a scream from upstairs, accompanied by the sound of something breaking.

"Ah—dead! Dead! Ah—"

The direction of the sound came from the top floor of Xiaoxiao's dormitory building. A girl's voice was shrill and piercing, screaming non-stop. She seemed to be filled with infinite fear and uneasiness. From time to time, she would throw everything she could touch Sweep it all to the ground.

Kevin and Cen Xueluo ran upstairs without any hesitation when they heard the sound. Since there were still many people passing by in the girls' dormitory building at this time, they couldn't use the lightness kung fu, so they could only use the kungfu slightly faster than normal people. The speed rushed to the top of the building.

As soon as he rushed to the top of the building, a black shadow rushed towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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