The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 183 Shi Zhongtian's Letter

Chapter 183 Shi Zhongtian's Letter
Qi Long raised his hand to split the Emerald Lake into two, and after leading Cen Xueluo and Kevin into the bottom of the lake, he easily created an enchantment to wrap the two of them together.Seeing the series of actions, Cen Xueluo and Kevin were secretly speechless.It turns out that the ability of the Yaozu is so powerful, and the legendary inheritance is even more mysterious.

Unlocking the restriction at the bottom of the Emerald Lake was a bit more brutal than Cen Xueluo imagined, but often this method was the simplest and most effective.

Qi Long has inherited the memories of the Dragon Clan for thousands of years, and even many advanced knowledge that cannot be comprehended at present, his cultivation has also been greatly improved.Regarding the restriction at the bottom of the Emerald Lake, Qi Long's method is to forcibly destroy it!

The Dragon Clan is worthy of being the most powerful creature. This powerful does not only refer to cultivation base and skills, but also power!

The seemingly complicated seal was shattered by Qi Long's unreasonable punch, and the characters glowing with silver light disappeared into the lake like fragmented starlight.

This... this is simply too unscientific!Cen Xueluo and Kevin looked at each other speechlessly, and followed Qi Long into the cave revealed by the seal.

A very simple cave, it looks more like a living room for temporary rest.

A stone bed, a stone table, a rattan chair, and a cattail fan are well preserved in this isolated space.If the only thing that seemed more valuable, it was probably a letter placed on the stone table.

Qi Long walked over casually, picked up the letter under the eyes of Cen Xueluo and Kevin, raised his eyes to look at them, the question in his eyes was very clear, who will open the letter.

"Take it apart!" Cen Xueluo said softly.Originally, Qi Long had also unlocked the seal. Without him, he and Kevin would have never been able to enter the cave at the bottom of the lake. If there is anything valuable in the letter, it is understandable that it belongs to Qi Long.Besides, the friendship between a few people cannot cease to exist just because Qi Long is a dragon clan.

Cen Xueluo's words warmed Qi Long's eyes, he nodded slightly, lowered his eyes and opened the envelope.

Taking out the thin letter paper inside and reading it quickly, Qi Long's expression became very strange.

"What's going on?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.

Qi Long pursed his lips, without answering, he reached out and handed the letter to Kevin.

Kevin took it suspiciously, his eyes swept away, and a strange look appeared on his handsome face, then he and Qi Long looked at Cen Xueluo.

The strange looks of the two caused Cen Xueluo to tilt his head slightly, and raised his eyebrows: "What are you looking at me for?"

The corner of Kevin's mouth twitched, and he reached out and handed over the letter: "This letter is for you."

how is this possible?Cen Xueluo was also a little surprised, she understood after receiving the letter.

Shi Zhongtian started his career as a doctor, so what he left behind must be related to medicine. The pile of clues and whereabouts of the medicinal materials in the letter made Qi Long and Kevin feel headaches when they saw it, so they simply coincidentally threw it to Cen Xue Fall to digest.

Cen Xueluo's alchemy skills are naturally as good as fire, the only thing she lacks is medicinal materials!The medicinal materials that I thought I would need to work hard to find are now mentioned in the letters Shi Zhongtian left behind with a few simple examples, and the detailed clues to record these medicinal materials are in a book.This book should still be stored on the top floor of the library.

Although there were no priceless treasures at the bottom of the Emerald Lake, Shi Zhongtian's letter was more important to Cen Xueluo than anything else.Putting the letter away with a smile on her face, Cen Xueluo looked at Qi Long and Kevin with excitement in her eyes, "Now we can go to the cultivation world earlier!"

Kevin is not new to going to the world of self-cultivation, and he is not even willing to stay there anymore, while Qi Long... the world of self-cultivation has no meaning for him at all, and he has no interest in it, but now, Cen Xueluo is going, Cen Xueluo Xueluo wanted to go, so they were naturally willing to accompany her.

The next thing is much easier. The books recording the herb clues are stored on the fifteenth floor of the library, and they can be easily obtained.Of course, Rosa, the honorary president of the Ghost Commune, couldn't avoid nagging, and even came up with the regulations and rules of the Ghost Commune.But these were not a problem, Rosa's talk was finally compromised by Kevin and Cen Xueluo's eyes, and the most important thing was Qi Long's threatening murderous aura.

The medicinal material clues left by Shi Zhongtian are very comprehensive, and the places involved are also very extensive. It can be seen that he has traveled almost all over the country.After reading the book Shi Zhongtian left overnight, Cen Xueluo began to plan the way to find it.

After learning that the three herbs that Cen Xueluo planned to find first were all used to cure Mingli, Kevin didn't show any objection, but quietly looked at Cen Xueluo with a pair of star-bright eyes. With an indifferent smile: "Don't worry about my thoughts, as long as it is what you want to do, I will support it!"

This is what moved Cen Xueluo the most about Kevin. He never forced himself to do anything, but silently supported him, and fulfilled his wishes as if they were his.

Blinking her eyes, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but threw herself into Kevin's warm and firm embrace, stretched out her arms, and hugged Kevin's thin waist tightly.

"Is it so easy to be moved? You're too easy to buy!" Kevin's teasing voice came from above Cen Xueluo's head, causing Cen Xueluo's cheeks to blush, and she pushed Kevin's chest in anger to get ready Stay away, but unexpectedly, Kevin tightened his arms and hugged Cen Xueluo tightly in his arms.

After a long time, Cen Xueluo heard Kevin say softly with emotion and helplessness: "I can strangle you into my body."

Inexplicably, Cen Xueluo felt a pain in his heart, silently stretched out his hand and hugged Kevin tightly.Through his clothes, Cen Xueluo's slightly cold fingers could still feel the fiery temperature of Kevin's body. How much this man has endured for himself, and what kind of fiery emotions are hidden under that seemingly plain and meaningless face, if not occasionally The soul of Loulan who triggered the gate of ghosts, let me accidentally see the past life and this life, how long will I have to misunderstand him wrongly like this?Thinking of Kevin's suffering, Cen Xueluo's nose couldn't help but feel sore.

As if sensing Cen Xueluo's emotions, Kevin patted Cen Xueluo's back lightly, lowered his eyes and kissed Cen Xueluo's hair, and intentionally changed the subject: "Luoluo, when do you plan to leave? "

After calming down, Cen Xueluo thought for a while before answering: "A month later, after all, I just came to school, if I was dismissed because of absenteeism, I'm afraid my mother's heart won't be able to take it."

Speaking of this, Kevin and Cen Xueluo couldn't help but smile.Both of them have reached such a high level of cultivation, but they still can't shake off the shackles of the secular world. They even need to care about a university degree, all thanks to the obsession of Cen Xueluo's mother, Hao Yuemei.

Hao Yuemei's views are relatively traditional. In her mind, it is extremely honorable to have a college student in her family. Even if Cen Xueluo is talented, she is still a child in Hao Yuemei's eyes.If you are a child, you should go to school and do what you should do at this age.Therefore, even though Hao Yuemei didn't say much about Cen Xueluo's admission to university, she paid great attention to it in her heart.Not only Hao Yuemei, but even Cen Xueluo's father, Cen Mingyuan, had the same idea, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed to send money to Cen Xueluo.

All the turmoil finally came to an end, and the military training of the freshman was finally over.Those students who had peeled off their skin and turned black into coke in the scorching sun had complained and scolded the instructor countless times, but at the end of the military training, they were all reluctant to part.

Parting is for a new beginning.

After getting rid of the exposure to the sun, I entered the busy basic course learning stage of the freshman year without stopping.At this time, the freshmen in the university can be recognized at a glance.Anyone who is as black as coke and runs to the lecture theater to occupy the front row seats without brushing his teeth or washing his face in the morning must be a freshman.

Whenever they see these lively black juniors and juniors, the sophomores, juniors and seniors smile extremely treacherously. These days, they have begged countless times for high temperature, exposure to the sun, and no rain, just to wait and see these new students. Are they coming to repeat their old ways?Now, it's time to check the results!

Now Cen Xueluo and Ma Leilei live in the same dormitory. They are both very beautiful, and they have not undergone military training. Of course, even if they participate in military training, it will not affect their white skin. When the two went out together, they were even more eye-catching among a group of freshmen who were as black as African refugees.

"Wow, where did these two beauties come from, Sister Lin?"

"Aren't you ignorant? I asked about it when the freshmen registered, please! Please treat me to a meal for a week and I'll tell you!"

The boys who passed by and looked back frequently couldn't help whispering to their companions. Cen Xueluo and Ma Leilei naturally heard everything, but they were already used to this kind of atmosphere, so they still looked at each other without changing their faces. Go to the teaching building.

"If this continues, I will die of jealousy!" A tall figure walked up to Cen Xueluo and said in a low voice.

Cen Xueluo looked sideways slightly. She was stunned by the familiar voice and unfamiliar face, and Cen Xueluo understood the reason, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Ma Leilei had quite a wink, and she guessed the general shape when she saw Kevin's figure, so she nodded to Kevin and left quickly, leaving Cen Xueluo and Kevin to walk slowly.

"Aren't you in class today?" Cen Xueluo was wearing a refreshing light blue dress, her ponytail was tied up high, and she was holding a book with her arms crossed, looking pure and quiet.

"Yes, Milu and the others have already gone to class!" Although Kevin has turned into a very ordinary face, he still exudes an indescribable charm, especially in his gestures, there is a faint Extravagance and free and easy.

"Don't tell me you..." Cen Xueluo shook her head helplessly, did this guy start playing like a celebrity and skipping classes right after school started?

"Haha, I'm not skipping class, I'm going to attend!" Kevin took it for granted, with his hands in his pockets, and his expression was a little rascal, "I think pharmacy is also very interesting!"

 Ruochu was going to be dizzy from busy work for the past two months, and today I am adding a chapter, mainly to explain: Dear friends, I am still alive...I...I will come back!

(End of this chapter)

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