Chapter 185 Angelica! ! !

Is it a human or a ghost?Hearing the question from his biological father, Cen Mingyuan, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but sneered: "What? You killed my mother, now you want to die with me, so you can feel at ease?"

Although Cen Xueluo's voice was not loud and his tone was not agitated or sharp, the resentment and coldness in his words could not be concealed.

Hearing Cen Xueluo's rhetorical question, Cen Mingyuan couldn't help shivering for some reason.

"Luoluo, what happened to your an accident..." Cen Mingyuan explained casually, with obvious guilt in his tone. In fact, he didn't even know it. He just pushed it lightly. Knocked off the balcony railing and fell down.

"Of course I know it was an accident..." Cen Xueluo interrupted Cen Mingyuan's defense with a cold face, and said in a cold voice, "But all accidents also have a certain inevitability. I am here today to hear you tell the story personally. I'll say it again."

Cen Xueluo was willing to listen to his own explanation, so Cen Mingyuan naturally wanted it.These days he was tortured by the guilt in his heart and could not sleep at night, but no one told him, and today he could finally speak out.

In fact, the whole matter is not that complicated. According to Cen Mingyuan, he always wanted to have the custody of Cen Xueluo, especially now that Cen Xueluo is so good and has been admitted to the Capital Medical University. If you recognize your ancestors and return to your clan, you will have a bright future if you follow yourself.

Originally, Cen Mingyuan didn't dare to mention this idea, but this matter has been on his mind for too long. Once he accidentally told his current wife that he leaked the truth, but who knew that he got his wife's approval.So, encouraged by his wife, Cen Mingyuan contacted Hao Yuemei.

"You mean she encouraged you to contact my mother?" Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows slightly, staring at Cen Mingyuan with her cold and penetrating eyes.What kind of medicine did this woman take wrongly? How could she actively agree with Cen Mingyuan to contact his ex-wife?

"Yes, your mother didn't agree at first, but after Xiaoli called your mother herself, your mother agreed to meet and talk with us." Cen Mingyuan sighed, his face was very gloomy, he just wanted to go back to his daughter , but did not expect such a thing to happen.

That woman actually called her mother?Cen Xueluo's face couldn't help but turn a little cold, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes as he looked at Cen Mingyuan.This man betrayed his mother and abandoned himself, not to mention that his mother had already avoided their sphere of influence and didn't want to see them, yet they still entangled him!
"What did she say to my mother?" Cen Xueluo asked word by word through gritted teeth.

Now Cen Mingyuan really panicked, he could feel the emotional fluctuations on Cen Xueluo's body, the chill even made his calves a little weak.Cen Mingyuan shook his head with a numb scalp and smiled wryly: "I really don't know. I only know that Xiaoli called, and then your mother agreed to meet, and the two of them made an appointment."

"It seems that I need to talk to my titular stepmother." Cen Xueluo's body was so cold that a faint white mist appeared in the air around her, but on her beautiful face, But there was a smile on his face.

Although Cen Xueluo was smiling, Cen Mingyuan felt a sense of danger, and asked with a stiff face, "Luoluo, what do you want to do?"

"You don't deserve to ask me what I want!" Cen Xueluo didn't give Cen Mingyuan any face, sneered, and the figure disappeared in front of Cen Mingyuan.

Cen Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, feeling like he was in a dream, and suddenly slapped himself forcefully, exclaimed, and ran towards the bedroom while covering his hot face.

With a bang, Cen Mingyuan was not afraid that his rude actions would provoke a burst of scolding from his wife, so he hurriedly opened the bedroom door, and then his expression froze.On the empty double bed, the air conditioner was turned on and was still there, but the person who was sleeping soundly on the bed had long since disappeared.

Dai Xiaoli has always been a very proud woman. Even though she later became Cen Mingyuan's mistress and then became a regular through some means, she was still very proud in her bones.

She was spoiled and pampered since she was a child, and everything went smoothly when she grew up. Even if there were setbacks, she had her own powerful relatives to help solve them. Therefore, Dai Xiaoli has no reason not to be proud.It's just that today's Dai Xiaoli's hair, which is always well-groomed, has become disheveled, and there is a five-finger red mark on that well-maintained face, and there is even a hint of panic in her eyes.

"Where is this? You...kidnapped! You kidnapped me! I want to call the police!" Dai Xiaoli found herself in a damp and dilapidated abandoned one-story house when she woke up. She had never stayed in such a dirty place in her life. I have never seen the black and big mice that scurry from time to time in the house.

"Okay! You call the police!" Cen Xueluo didn't intend to hide her face at all, with a sneer on her beautiful face, she waved her hand and left a few more red finger marks on the other side of Dai Xiaoli's face.

Cen Xueluo didn't use any internal strength, even so, how can the physical strength of a practitioner be comparable to that of ordinary people, let alone Dai Xiaoli, a delicate girl whose ten fingers are not in the mud.

"Ah—you damn girl..." Dai Xiaoli screamed, her cheeks were burning with pain, and she became a little hysterical since she had never been beaten since she was a child.

"Shut up!" Fei Dao roared impatiently, and waved his hand, Dai Xiaoli's screams and curses stopped abruptly.

Dai Xiaoli's mouth was still open and she forgot to close it. She rolled her eyes and squinted at the half-cut flying knife half inserted into the brick wall next to her ear, her heart was half cold.

Cen Xueluo was not afraid of her family scandal being exposed. Ever since she learned of the news of her mother Hao Yuemei's death, the silkworm cocoon that had been restraining her had disappeared.So at this time, not only she and Dai Xiaoli were in the hut, but also Kevin and Fei Dao, and Tie Tou was on guard outside.

"You should be very clear that today if you don't speak honestly to my satisfaction, I won't let you go." Cen Xueluo stared into Dai Xiaoli's frightened eyes, and said every word.

In the past, Dai Xiaoli would have dismissed and even ridiculed the threat of a yellow-haired girl, but now, looking into Cen Xueluo's eyes, Dai Xiaoli found that she was terrified from head to toe.Cen Xueluo's eyes were too calm, not like a person who just lost his mother, Dai Xiaoli couldn't even find a trace of anger and sadness in it.Because of this, Dai Xiaoli was even more afraid. Cen Xueluo's eyes didn't seem to be looking at someone... Then, what was Dai Xiaoli in Cen Xueluo's eyes?Is it air or ants?No matter what it was, she knew that she would probably die.

"I know no matter what you say, you won't be satisfied! If you want me to die, give me a good time!" Dai Xiaoli is also a very bachelor, since she knows that her death is imminent, she might as well go all out.

"You misunderstood. This will not let you go, it means that you can't live or die."

The chill in Cen Xueluo's eyes made Dai Xiaoli feel as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake. She shuddered, and quickly tried to calm down again, staring at Cen Xueluo resentfully: "If I die, you will die too." Not long to live! I know a lot more than you think!"

This woman... what does she know? "Maybe you know a lot of things, but you definitely don't know. I'm not afraid of death at all, because..." Cen Xueluo looked directly at Dai Xiaoli's venomous gaze without avoiding it. He said slowly, "Because I have already died once."

Cen Xueluo didn't do the torture to extract a confession herself. Although she slapped the woman twice, it would be unjustifiable in terms of her seniority if she killed her.Of course, Cen Xueluo didn't have any scruples about these things. She was even going to kill her, but Kevin stopped her.

Cen Xueluo stood in the snow, turning a blind eye to the snowy environment in the wilderness, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.It is already winter weather, and the air has the unique freshness and coldness of winter.If it was an ordinary girl, she would have already put on thermal underwear or slim-fit woolen trousers and other cold-proof equipment that would not affect her appearance in this weather, but Cen Xueluo was still in unlined clothing, looking exquisite and pretty, like a delicate flower And pure lily.

When Kevin came out, he saw Cen Xueluo in the snow. He stopped and stared for a while, then Kevin walked over and stood beside Cen Xueluo, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of cool air. , and then exhale all the air in the chest cavity in one breath.

Cen Xueluo knew that there must be a result when Kevin came out, so she didn't speak, nor did she turn her head to look at Kevin, but raised her head to look at the sky.

Following Cen Xueluo's gaze, Kevin raised his head, the sky was very blue, with a few white clouds floating like big cotton candy.He knew that nothing could be hidden from this delicate girl, so Kevin sighed, and finally said the answer: "Bai Zhi."

Cen Xueluo guessed it before the interrogation, because although Dai Xiaoli's surname is Dai, her mother's surname is Bai.

If you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.After destroying the Bai family, Bai Zhi, who seemed so far away, finally made a move.He was in the world of cultivation, yet he remotely controlled the secular world. With a tick of his little finger, he took away Cen Xueluo's most important person.On the surface, it seems that the Bai family is declining, and even the old Mr. Bai was wiped out overnight, but the foundation of a flourishing family for many years cannot be underestimated.

Cen Xueluo looked at the sky leisurely for a long time, then turned her head to look at Kevin, and said calmly, "I'm going to the cultivation world."

It is a declarative sentence, it is an affirmative sentence.After speaking, Cen Xueluo turned around and left.It seemed that she was walking very slowly, with very graceful steps, but after a few steps, she had already disappeared into the snow.

Kevin knew that Cen Xueluo needed to make some preparations, so why not himself.Looking at Cen Xueluo's back, Kevin's expression became a little complicated.Cen Xueluo, who was neither sad nor happy, made people fear.Maybe this decision is really wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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