Chapter 187

Cultivation world, this mundane world is a legendary existence, a place that cultivators dream of, where countless people want to reach even if they break their heads and even do not hesitate to kill people for meritorious deeds and fall into the devil's way...

Before Cen Xueluo and the others came, they all thought that after walking through the door of light in the mid-air that represented sacred pursuits and dreams, exuding a fairy air, they would come to a paradise full of birdsong and flowers, full of rare treasures , the people there should all look like immortals, stepping on flying swords, and looking like they don't eat fireworks in the world, who knows...

"Look, look, take a look, the Busan School recruits talents and recruits newcomers—"

"Do you want a high-grade flying sword? Do you want free healing pills? Do you want more profound exercises? Donghai is your best choice!"

"All brothers from all corners of the world, one hero and three gangs, the grassroots sect will give you the feeling of home!"

What's happening here?Mo Yifan looked at the messy stalls like a vegetable market in front of him, and the pocket-sized people shouting, and couldn't accept the reality for a while.

Qi Yang turned his head and looked around, suddenly wanted to cry.Who the hell said that the fairy spirit in the cultivation world is vague, pure-hearted, ascetic, and transcendent?who is it?

Kevin looked at the dumbfounded Qi Yang, Qi Kai, and Mo Yifan sympathetically, and patted Qi Yang's shoulder with deep empathy: "It's very uncomfortable to have your dreams shattered!"

The reception place in the cultivation world is very lively, because there is a big trading market next to the reception place, so it is very lively with people coming and going.As for why Cen Xueluo and the others came and those small sects yelled at them, the reason was obvious. Who else would stand there looking around with a strange and bewildered expression?
"Are you new here? If you don't have a background here, you will die miserably. Finding a sect that suits you is the most important thing! I am the envoy of the Laoshan sect. Excuse me..." After getting up, a man in his forties leaned over and introduced to Kevin and Cen Xueluo with a smile on his face.

"Old Joe Qiao, do you have a background in the Laoshan School?" A thin old man with gray hair sneered unceremoniously.

Being ridiculed by his peers in front of the newcomer, Qiao Lao San felt a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but stare at the gray-haired old man with round eyes and shouted: "Our Laoshan School is better than your Maoshan School even if we have no background!"

Dare to feel that these two have a close relationship between Laoshan and Maoshan.

Amidst the laughter everywhere, Cen Xueluo asked softly, "Where is Ci'an Temple?"

The originally noisy reception area was suddenly silent.

Everyone's expressions were very strange, and the eyes they looked at Cen Xueluo and the others were even more strange, as if the girl had mentioned some taboo that could not be touched.

Qiao Laosan opened and closed his mouth for a long time, and then he laughed dryly and asked: "Which friends are going to Ci'an Temple?"

Although Qiao Laosan pretended to be indifferent, Cen Xueluo understood the importance of Ci'an Temple in the cultivation world from the reactions of the people around him and Qiao Laosan's imperceptibly trembling tone when he mentioned the word Ci'an Temple.She glanced at Kevin and said calmly, "Well, we're going, how can I get there?"

"Since you are the nobles who are going to enter Ci'an Temple, why do you still go through our guide passage!" Qiao Laosan muttered angrily, and the spectators scattered around.

Cen Xueluo took two steps diagonally, and without seeing her making any big moves, she had already blocked the way of Qiao Laosan, and asked politely with a smile, "May I ask how to get to Ci'an Temple?"

Seeing that he was intercepted, Qiao Lao San seemed a little annoyed, but the small sect had no background, so he was full of anger but lowered his voice and said, "Are you playing with me? Since you are the nobles of Ci'an Temple, naturally you have Take your people there, how would we know where that place is!"

After letting Qiao Lao San go, Cen Xueluo and the others walked aside, and saw that although some people looked at the people around with strange eyes from time to time, no one dared to harass them anymore.

"It seems that this Ci'an Temple...has a lot of background!" Cen Xueluo smiled wryly and looked at Kevin. Kevin is from the world of comprehension, so it is impossible not to know the name of Ci'an Temple, but he has kept everything to himself, and he probably knows what he said. persuasive.

"There are three so-called most mysterious places in the cultivation world, and one of them is Ci'an Temple." Kevin finally explained.

"Three places? What about the other two places?" Qi Yang asked curiously.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Kevin's pretty face. He glanced at Cen Xueluo and found that she was also staring at him curiously. Valley."

Unexpectedly, Kevin and Li occupied one of the two most mysterious places, and now Cen Xueluo couldn't help but look at Kevin again.

"Actually, it's mysterious, but it's just a gimmick. If it's mysterious, the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters is the most mysterious place, and there's no way for human beings to set foot there." Kevin said with a smile, and glanced at Qi Long.

Everyone's curiosity was ignited again, and they all looked at Qi Long expectantly, hoping that he would explode some gossip.

Qi Long still had a cool look, and said "Your strength is too low now, you can't go." Then he stopped talking.

Be despised!I was blatantly despised by Chi Guoguo!Qi Yang looked humiliated, but he couldn't refute, even Mo Yifan secretly shook his fist.

Cen Xueluo also turned her face to the side and coughed lightly twice before asking Kevin seriously: "Do you know where Ci'an Temple is?"

This is a typical example of never dying if you don't see pornography, and don't look back if you don't hit the south wall! Kevin didn't expect that Cen Xueluo would still go after knowing the background of Ci'an Temple, so he couldn't help frowning: "I suggest going to my Demon Temple to see the situation first."

Cen Xueluo naturally understood Kevin's kindness. Since he stopped him, there must be a reason to stop him. After staring at Kevin for a while, Cen Xueluo nodded slightly: "Okay."

The so-called demon palace is naturally a place where demon cultivators gather.Cultivators have their own sects and locations, and so do demon cultivators, but there are many sects for cultivators, but there is only one sect for demon cultivators—the Demon Palace.

Because most of the demon cultivators are eccentric and paranoid, although not all of them are bloodthirsty and perverted, there are also some people who are dehumanized, immoral and unrestrained.

Kevin made countless preparations for Cen Xueluo and the others along the way, just because they were afraid that they would be prejudiced and misunderstood when they saw the demon cultivator. Fortunately, there is also an unwritten rule in the demon palace, that is, the weak will eat the strong .

In the eyes of demon cultivators, bullying newcomers and the weak is justified, so after Cen Xueluo and the others stepped into the territory of the Demon Palace, several groups of people have already taken their ideas.No, there is another group of people who want to take advantage of the autumn wind.

"This... this mountain, it was, it was me who opened it, this tree was, it was, it was me, I, I planted it..."

Qi Yang couldn't help yawning at the old-fashioned opening remarks.

During the robbery, the person in charge of speaking stuttered and got angry, staring at a pair of bulging mung bean eyes and roaring: "Seriously, be serious! We are robbing here!"

"Since you want to be serious, I ask you, can you find someone who speaks clearly? I seriously doubt your professionalism and dedication!" Qi Yang also gave valuable advice to the robbers in a serious manner.

Stuttering and blushing: "Don't, don't talk nonsense! Hand in, hand in the immortal stone and don't kill me!"

What is a fairy stone?Cen Xueluo, Qi Yang, Qi Kai and Mo Yifan all turned to look at Kevin at the same time.

The movements of the four of them were so neat that even Robber's stuttering could have misunderstood them.He stammered and pointed at Kevin, and roared ferociously: "You! You, you come here! Look, look at what! Say, talk about you! The one standing, standing, standing in the middle!"

Kevin looked left and right, then at Dao Rob's stammer, and couldn't help pointing to his nose: "Me?"

"Yes, come here!"

Now Kevin couldn't laugh or cry.He took two steps forward slowly, spread his hands, and sighed: "Little stammer, do you think I'm easy to bully or I have too many fairy stones to use up?"

Dao Jie stammered at Kevin with round mung bean eyes and was speechless.Anyone who sees his big and thick body will not call him a small stammer. This title is really long-standing and makes people miss it a bit.There was nostalgia in the eyes of the stuttering man, but he still looked at Kevin feignedly fiercely: "You, do you know, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Do you still know who taught you that you have to be high-end in robbing, you don't want fairy crystals, you want fairy stones?" Kevin folded his arms and looked at the little stuttering opposite.

"I said that the robbery has always required fairy crystals, why did a fairy stone suddenly appear here! It turned out to be taught by the elder brother!" Qi Yang secretly whispered to Qi Kai.

"Anyway, we don't have any." Qi Kai replied in a buzzing voice.

Cen Xueluo looked at Kevin with a smile in his eyes. After entering the magic hall for so long, he finally ran into an acquaintance.

"The boss!" The stuttering man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly let out a shrill howl, as if he had been abandoned for many years, and then his tall and thick body rushed towards Kevin.

Where did Kevin let Xiaojieba hug him, and slightly sideways grabbed Xiaojieba's arm and relieved his strength, then patted Xiaojieba's shoulder with a face of relief and said: "After so many years, you still haven't made much progress. , continue to be a promising career as a bandit, great!
The corner of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched. Is Kevin's words a compliment or a curse?

Little stuttered, but he didn't hear any irony. After seeing Kevin, it was like a wronged child seeing his relatives, telling about his difficulties in these years with snot and tears.

When he came to the mountain where Xiao Jieba and others settled down, Xiao Jieba's emotions still hadn't calmed down. As soon as he returned, he loudly ordered his brothers to bring good wine and food, saying that he wanted to have a good drink with the head of the family.Between the little stutterer's intermittent cries and Kevin's answers, Cen Xueluo and the others finally understood that when Kevin entered the realm of comprehension, he had actually done banditry, and this little stutterer was the one he had recruited back then. His subordinates later arranged to enter the Demon Palace.After Kevin left, these reckless demon cultivators had no background, so they were naturally squeezed out, and finally the degraded ones started their old business.

After understanding the whole thing, Cen Xueluo and Qi Yang couldn't help rubbing their brows, and even Qi Long couldn't help letting out a deep breath.Stuttering is not terrible, but if this stuttering is a chatterbox, it is really a terrible thing.

(End of this chapter)

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