Chapter 190

Ma Yungang's people naturally cheered for the big victory in Heifeng Village, and swept away all the things in Heifeng Village without any politeness.As soon as Hei Xuanfeng died, none of the people in Heifengzhai dared to resist, and some even defected on the spot and asked to join Ma Yungang.

The weak prey on the strong, and the strength is respected.This is the cruel and realistic cultivation world!
Maybe it's because the life of Xiao Jieba and others these years is really too hard, and he suddenly becomes rich, and he doesn't know how to spend the money.

Little stuttering Bale couldn't close his mouth, his eyes narrowed into slits with a smile, and he waved his big hand: "Leave one or a few brothers to watch and watch the house, and the other brothers follow me and I to Paradise Lost! Today, big, big Good harvest, we must reward everyone well!"

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and when this little stutterer is happy, his stuttering problem will be cured a lot.

Seeing everyone beaming, Cen Xueluo and Kevin looked at each other and smiled, silently following behind everyone without saying a word.The three brothers Qi Long, Qi Yang, and Qi Kai also followed behind Cen Xueluo and Kevin with a tacit understanding.

Lost Paradise, the most prosperous city on the border of the Demon Palace, as long as you have the fairy stone, as long as you have enough money, then you can enjoy all kinds of enjoyment!Do you want the ultimate pill?Come to Paradise Lost!Want a magic weapon?Come to Paradise Lost!Do you want beautiful practitioners to serve you?Come to Paradise Lost!

Xiaojieba and the others had heard about the prosperity and corruption of Paradise Lost, but when they actually saw it, Cen Xueluo and the others couldn't help but be surprised.

Looking at Cen Xueluo's bright eyes looking around, and his small mouth slightly opened, Kevin couldn't help pursing his lips and chuckling: "Are you surprised when you see this? Then if you arrive at the main city of my Demon Palace, wouldn't your eyes Are you going to fall?"

Cen Xueluo, who was teased by Kevin, was also a little embarrassed, and fought back: "I don't know who owns the main city of your Demon Palace. At most, you can be regarded as an ex. What's there to be proud of!"

Hearing what Cen Xueluo said, Kevin smiled proudly, and the aura of a superior burst out from him: "The Lord of the Demon Palace is not something anyone can become if he wants to, and he will not be recognized by the Demon Palace without inheritance! "

When Kevin said this, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but her eyes lit up, staring closely at Kevin's charming and handsome face: "So..."

"You don't have to look at me so admiringly, why don't you give me a kiss?" Kevin just finished speaking, when he saw the shiny silver needle on Cen Xueluo's fingertips, his expression changed immediately, and he said solemnly, "Although I The identity of the Hall Master has never been shaken, but no one knows what is going on in the main city now, maybe I, the Hall Master, was murdered and seized the treasure as soon as I showed up, and was forced to inherit it."

"Inheritance?" Cen Xueluo frowned slightly. She had never heard of this from Kevin, but from this point of view, wouldn't Kevin be the most dangerous if he went to the main city of the Demon Palace?

"Well, the so-called inheritance of the Demon Palace is divided into two types, one is voluntary inheritance, and the other is to kill me. Because the inheritance is directly imprinted on the soul, it cannot be snatched." Speaking of this, Kevin's eyes are too much A bit serious, but still with a relaxed smile on his face, "It's still far away from the main city of the Demon Palace, I believe those old guys haven't felt it yet, but when I approach the main city, I will follow Tang Seng Everyone loves everyone, and flowers bloom when they see each other.”

Although Kevin's tone was somewhat self-deprecating and teasing, Cen Xueluo knew the danger, so she bit her lip and said nothing.She didn't know that Kevin's intention of returning to the Demon Palace was nothing more than to regain control of the Demon Palace and help her.Although you don't have to face the current danger if you don't go to the Demon Palace, the road ahead will be even more difficult.

Looking at Cen Xueluo's expression, Kevin knew that this icy and exquisite woman already understood his intentions, and any explanation would be superfluous. Kevin stretched out his long hand, hugged Cen Xueluo in his arms, and said with a smile: "Okay, Xiao Jieba and the others have already selected a restaurant, let's have a big meal before we talk about it!"

Some people say that having money or not is the dividing line between diaosi, literary youths and local tyrants, rich and handsome, while thinking is the dividing line between diaosi and literary youths, local tyrants and rich and handsome.All in all, a local tyrant is a dick who has money, that is, today's little stutterer.

"Brother, which restaurant should we go to?" As soon as we entered the Lost Paradise, a younger brother asked me, stuttering.

Xiao stammered and waved his hand: "The most, the most expensive!"

Walking into the luxury restaurant, the waiter welcomed a group of people in enthusiastically, and asked, "Everyone is objective, which private room do you want?"

The little stutterer was overwhelmed by the luxury of the restaurant, and flushed with excitement: "The most, the most expensive!"

Kevin and Cen Xueluo looked at each other, this little stammer couldn't be...

"Objective, what do you order?" The waiter in the shop also saw that the little stutterer was a local tyrant, and flatteringly handed over the menu and asked.

"The most, the most expensive!"

really!Cen Xueluo stuttered at Xiao Xiao with a black face, then lowered her eyes silently.Qi Yang also covered his face in embarrassment, and even Qi Long, who was always moody and angry, had a stiff expression on his face.

"Okay!" The happiest person here is the shop waiter, who agreed and asked again, "Which girl do you want to sing?"

Seeing that the little stutterer was about to speak again, Kevin quickly stopped him: "Okay, we don't need it!"

Now that Kevin had spoken, the little stammer had no choice but to swallow his most expensive one.

The most expensive restaurant, the most expensive private room, the most expensive dishes, and they ate their usual yearly expenses in one meal, but Xiao Jie didn't feel bad at all, wiped his mouth with his hand and said proudly: "I , Our brothers have been poor for so long, today can be, can be regarded as, we are proud! After eating, after today's meal, I, I will follow, follow the boss to the Qunyinghui tomorrow!"

As soon as Xiao stuttered, the originally lively private room fell silent instantly, everyone's expressions became very strange, and some people even opened their mouths before they could swallow the food in their mouths, and it fell out again.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Cen Xueluo also knew that this group of heroes must be unusual, so he couldn't help giving Kevin a puzzled look.

"Isn't it? Why do you all have a funeral expression? You just went to participate in some heroic meeting, why are you all acting like a dead father?" Qi Yang looked around and couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it just a funeral!" Someone just muttered something in a low voice, and then said three times quickly, "This is not the first time Boss has participated. Since he was able to come out alive before, he must be fine this time!"

"But the boss's cultivation has regressed, he's not as good as when he participated in the past..." Someone answered in a low voice.

Suddenly, no one spoke again, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Kevin looked around, taking everyone's worried looks into his eyes, then looked at Cen Xueluo, and then said, "Little stammer, you don't have to go with me when you stay at Ma Yungang."

"Boss, how can this be done!" Xiao stammered in a hurry, and shouted with his neck stuck, "Last time when all the brothers went, they just left me, and this time I should go too! , If there is an accident, right, just right, I will, I can go to accompany, accompany my brothers!"

At the end, Xiaoba's eye sockets were also red.

Speaking of the past, Kevin also fell silent, with a deep pain in his eyes.

Following the little stammering brothers, there are many old people who followed Kevin back then, and now recalling the scene of the Heroes Meeting back then, their eyes are red with embarrassment.

"Back then, out of the twelve brothers who chased and followed you and your boss, I was the only one left!" Little stuttered, his face flushed, and he couldn't help standing up, staring straight at Kevin, "such as, If it wasn't for some things that I need to take care of, I, I would have... Boss, boss, if I, I stay there this time, then, that's my life! You just, just agree!"

Cen Xueluo didn't know what the so-called Qunyinghui was, so he simply kept silent.

After being silent for a while, Kevin finally spoke, with an extremely low voice: "The Heroes Meeting once every 30 years, I didn't expect to run into it again.!"

"Boss! Let me go with you!" Xiao Jieba cupped his fists at Kevin, and then slapped the shoulder of a thin man next to him, "Mud monkey, you, you have the most ghost ideas on weekdays. In, I have been in Ma Yungang for a long time, and this group of brothers will be entrusted to you!"

The skinny man was nicknamed the mud monkey, and his face, which was always joking and joking, became serious at this time. He looked at Kevin, met the little stuttering expectant gaze, and nodded heavily.

Kevin looked at the little stutterer, hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but said: "But, you seem to be over age..."

The Qunying Club requires contestants not to be over 40 years old... Little stuttered and felt embarrassed, he picked up his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

After a meal, come happily and leave with a grand atmosphere.

After returning, Kevin summoned Cen Xueluo, Qi Long and the others, including the little stutterer who was going to go together this time.

"The Heroes Club is an elite gathering held once every 30 years. First, ten contestants are selected from all over the country to participate in the regional trials, and then the top ten winners go to the main city of the Demon Temple to participate in the final selection. The top ten winners from the Demon Temple represent The Demon Palace participates in the real Heroes' Meeting held every 3000 years in the comprehension world. The most dangerous part of the Heroes' Meeting is that contestants are allowed to kill each other during the trials!" Kevin first gave a brief introduction to Cen Xueluo and the others, then turned his head and ordered Little stutterer, "For the rest, little stutterer, you can tell them in detail, I'll prepare some things, and we'll set off tomorrow morning!"

Kevin really needed to prepare a lot. He never thought that he and others would be selected to participate in the Heroes Meeting. This would be both an opportunity and a challenge for Cen Xueluo and others.Because various situations may occur during the challenge, the worst thing is that time is still very tight, so he must make some preparations in advance in case of unexpected needs.

As the master of the Demon Palace, Kevin is quite familiar with his own territory. Even so, it took a long time to prepare everything.When he returned to Ma Yungang, he saw Xiao Jieba squatting aside in embarrassment, Cen Xueluo and Qi Long leaning against the wall with their eyes closed to rest, and Qi Yang and Qi Kai wandering around outside the house.

"What's wrong?" Kevin landed lightly on the ground and asked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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