The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 192 Who is the soft persimmon

Chapter 192 Who is the soft persimmon

There were five groups of people in total, except for Cen Xueluo and Kevin, there were only three men in black robes who appeared to be the weakest.

Although there are only three men in black robes, no one would think that they are easy to bully. From the faint flowing aura of the three men, it can be known that the three silent men in black robes have at least reached the embryonic level. In the late stage of interest, one even broke through to the early stage of bigu.

The most ostentatious is the team of more than 20 people opposite Cen Xueluo. There are old and young, men and women. The woolen blanket was spread on the ground, without any variegation, it was snow-white, and the man in green, who was held by everyone like a star, lay down on the white woolen blanket to rest leisurely, while the others were silent at the side.

Cen Xueluo glanced over the man in green. The man in green seemed to have sensed it, and even opened his eyes and nodded slightly to Cen Xueluo.

Compared to the quietness of these two groups of people, the other two groups were very noisy.

But it's no wonder that the two teams were not quiet, because they seemed to know each other from the beginning, and they greeted each other and chatted familiarly as soon as they met.

Cen Xueluo and Kevin originally wanted to find a quiet place to rest, but they didn't want so many people to come all at once, so they packed up and prepared to leave.

"You two are in such a hurry to hurry?" A lazy voice made Cen Xueluo and Kevin stop.

When the man in green made such a noise, everyone immediately fell silent, looking between Cen Xueluo, Kevin and the man in green.

Cen Xueluo and Kevin turned their heads and met the lazy gaze of the man in green.

Kevin cupped his fists at the man in green very politely: "We've had enough rest, so we won't take up space here. Goodbye!"

"Don't worry, haven't the two of you heard a word called rushing to reincarnate?" The man in green didn't show any malice on the surface, but what he said made Cen Xueluo and Kevin secretly guard.

"Then are you going to stay with us to drink tea with you?" Cen Xueluo's eyes turned cold, and he asked bluntly.

Facing the questioning from Cen Xueluo and Kevin, the man in green appeared very calm, and even persuaded with a bit of earnestness: "Isn't it okay to drink tea and rest? Look at those people, they are eyeing you two, If the two of you leave, I'm afraid there will be no return!"

The man in green looked kind, but he offended the other three groups, and the first to sneer was a pretty woman among the two groups who were chatting: "Mr. Xiaoyao, what kindness did you show this time? On the way, are there still few contestants who died at your hands? Are you playing a good guy again now?"

It turned out that the man in green was nicknamed Young Master Xiaoyao, no wonder he was so particular about style when he went out.

Young Master Xiaoyao, who was exposed by the pretty woman, didn't blush at all, he still waved a paper fan leisurely, and said confidently: "I'm a good guy and a bad guy, so I don't need you to comment, but at least those who are present now are also I have nothing against them."

As soon as Young Master Xiaoyao said this, he offended everyone present.Cen Xueluo's eyes flickered slightly, and he took a look at Young Master Xiaoyao, then lowered his eyes, not sure what this guy meant.It stands to reason that he and Kevin are alone and weak, and there is no reason for Mr. Xiaoyao to please everyone by offending everyone.

"Hmph, don't leave yourself so clean!" A black-faced man glared at Young Master Xiaoyao with a cold face, but in his words he admitted that he and the others had mischievous intentions towards Cen Xueluo and the others.

Although the others didn't make a sound, they quietly formed a siege, surrounding Cen Xueluo, Kevin, and even Young Master Xiaoyao and others.

"Young Master Xiaoyao, don't mind your own business. If you want to swim in this muddy water, then we will each use our own ability. If you don't want to, we should leave as soon as possible." Obviously, the identity of Young Master Xiaoyao is more scruples for everyone. The leading man reminded in a cold voice.

"Ho Chi Minh, have I waded through muddy waters this way? It's not too bad this time." Mr. Xiaoyao smiled lazily, and his indifference angered the two groups of people on the opposite side. The three men in black, who had been keeping calm all this time, couldn't help but look up at Young Master Xiaoyao.

Inspired by Young Master Xiaoyao's words, Hu Zhiming's face flushed with anger, and he scolded angrily: "Do you think that our Hu family and Ge family are afraid of you because you have Xiaoyao Villa as the backstage?"

"That's right, let's see how many of your entourages are left after entering Man Mountain!" The pretty woman who spoke first also chimed in.

The rules of the Heroes' Trials are very special, but those who escort the contestants must stop outside the Manshan Mountain.The two groups of people from the Hu family and the Ge family are very young, and it seems that they are all here to participate in the selection competition, and the old and young people around Mr. Xiaoyao are obviously escorts. If they enter Manshan, the difference in the number of people is very large Obvious.

"Ge Yanyan, do you think I'll let you enter the Man Mountain alive?" Mr. Xiaoyao's understatement was a formal rift with the Hu family and the Ge family.

Cen Xueluo and Kevin looked at each other, and they both conveyed the same meaning: wait and see what happens!

It was inexplicable for Mr. Xiaoyao to intervene. Judging from his posture, he was still on his side. Offending those three groups of people for the two of himself was not a wise move.Could it be that Mr. Xiaoyao was kicked in the head by a donkey?Cen Xueluo thought about it inwardly, and a hint of doubt floated in his eyes.

"Hey, hello, you two! This young master has come to this point for you, you two won't just stand by and watch?" The situation at the scene was about to explode, and young master Xiaoyao looked at Cen Xueluo and the two of them as if they didn't care about it. I can't help being anxious.

Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at Young Master Xiaoyao. Although this guy's tone was very anxious, his demeanor was still as leisurely as the previous outing!
"What... does it have to do with us?" Kevin curled his lips, pretending to have nothing to do with him.

"You..." Young Master Xiaoyao couldn't be indifferent this time.

Young Master Xiaoyao was deflated, obviously Hu Zhiming and Ge Yanyan were the happiest, they winked at their own people, and unceremoniously rushed towards Young Master Xiaoyao together.At the same time, the other people who were traveling with them also took out their weapons and attacked Young Master Xiaoyao's escort. The only ones who stayed out of it were Kevin, Cen Xueluo, and the three men in black.

Hu Zhiming's cultivation has obviously reached the early stage of fetal breathing, while Ge Yanyan is in the late stage of consecration. The two are relatively outstanding talents among the young disciples of the Hu family and the Ge family. .

"Xiaoyao Villa really lives up to its reputation!" The three men in black who had been observing for a long time finally spoke in a sinister manner.

Looking at this posture, the three men in black robes with high cultivation bases are about to intervene, and the young master Xiaoyao who has always been relaxed can't help but change his face: "Three Heroes of Heiwu, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

It seems that the three heroes of Heiwu still make Mr. Xiaoyao quite afraid, and they even speak out to dissuade them.But obviously, since the Heiwu Sanxiong had spoken out, they planned to take down Young Master Xiaoyao.

"I have heard for a long time that Xiaoyao Mountain Villa has many magic weapons. Today, the three of us have also seen and seen." After speaking, the three men in black robes did not hesitate to do it.

The men in black robes on the right and in the middle rushed straight at Cen Xueluo and Kevin, clearly including them as prey, while the talking boss of the three heroes of the black mist dodged to the side of Young Master Xiaoyao with lightning speed. .

Young Master Xiaoyao, who was originally an enemy of two, was suddenly attacked by the boss of the three heroes of Heiwu in the early stage of bigu, and immediately rolled away in a bit of embarrassment.The two middle-aged attendants who were fighting at the side saw that Young Master Xiaoyao was in trouble, so they hurriedly rushed to help, and stopped Hu Zhiming and Ge Yanyan who were attacking Young Master Xiaoyao.

There are quite a few people who want to play Young Master Xiaoyao's idea, but not many dare to do it.Apparently, the three heroes of Heiwu have been planning to hit the magic weapon on Young Master Xiaoyao for a long time, but they have never dared to do it, and now is the best time to kill and seize the treasure.With one more treasure on your body, you will have a higher chance of winning if you participate in the trials of the Heroes Association. It will be profitable, and who will not be tempted!
The two men in black robes who rushed towards Cen Xueluo and Kevin seemed to underestimate the enemy. In their eyes, these two weak rookies were so frightened by this scene that they dared not move at all. They just washed their necks clean. He gave himself a knife.

"Third brother, make a quick decision!" It was the second child among the three heroes of the black mist who jumped at Kevin. In his eyes, Mr. Xiaoyao was the strong enemy of himself and the others, so as soon as he made a move, he told the third child .

Postpartum period. Kevin narrowed his eyes, and gave Cen Xueluo a more careful look, and randomly spread his body to avoid the knife light attacking his waist.It's a tough shot!He actually wanted to cut himself in half! A glint of haze flashed in Kevin's eyes, but his expression remained calm, slowly wrestling with the black-robed man.

Compared to Kevin's ease, Cen Xueluo is a real leapfrog challenge. Her strength is only in the late stage of consecration, and she is a whole level behind in dealing with the late stage of fetal interest!In the world of comprehension, it is a place that pays attention to fists, all the rules are back to the basics, and strength is everything.At the same level, there is a huge difference between the early stage and the middle stage, let alone a full level difference now!

Facing Cen Xueluo, the black-robed man clearly saw through Cen Xueluo's cultivation at a glance, a smirk appeared on his hard face, and he grabbed Cen Xueluo's shoulder blades with his bare hands without even offering his weapon. Hands are like ghosts.

Even if his cultivation was not as high as the black mist's third child, Cen Xueluo would not be at a disadvantage in terms of speed.In a blink of an eye, Cen Xueluo's figure disappeared in front of the third child of the black mist, and then the icy blue sword light flashed, the third child of the black mist felt a bone-chilling chill spreading towards his hand, and hurriedly withdrew his hand. retreat.

Cen Xueluo didn't succeed in one blow, and he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it. He just held a blue light and quietly looked at the third child of Heiwu, and said softly, "Who do you think is a soft persimmon?"

(End of this chapter)

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