Chapter 203 Ye Xindan

The stall owner who laid out the clothes was a middle-aged strong man with thick eyebrows and a square face, with a short beard on his cheeks. Hearing someone mentioning Ye Xindan at this time, he couldn't help opening his eyes, but saw a man standing in front of his stall. When she was a little girl in her twenties, she couldn't help but close her eyes in disappointment and sit quietly again to rest her mind.

"Luoluo, do you know how to refine Ye Xindan?" Kevin asked Cen Xueluo via voice transmission when he saw this.

Cen Xueluo nodded slightly, but frowned slightly, obviously a little embarrassed.

"Ye Xindan? Isn't this elixir said to be tasteless?" Xiao Zijie cried out in surprise, shaking his head again and again, "Although this elixir has the effect of returning the Nascent Soul to its original body, it requires both the Nascent Soul and the original body to be intact, and It must be the body of the Nascent Soul itself, and the distance between the Nascent Soul and the body is within ten meters. As long as it is a master who has practiced to the Nascent Soul stage, it is not easy for the Nascent Soul to leave the body and return to the body. What is the use of this medicine? !"

Hearing Xiao Zijie's explanation, the gorilla nodded half-understanding and agreed, "That's really useless."

The two sang together and dismissed Ye Xindan as worthless. Cen Xueluo couldn't help but frowned and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense! If for some reason the Yuanying itself lacks vitality and cannot return to the body, then Ye Xindan will be very effective!"

Kevin could hear that the Nascent Soul that Luo Luo mentioned was not strong enough to return to his body, was probably Mingli.Alas, after such a long time, as long as Mingli doesn't wake up for a day and can't return to her original body, there will always be a knot in Luoluo's heart.

The middle-aged strong man who originally set up the stall had been indifferent to Xiao Zijie and the gorilla's words, as if he hadn't heard it, but now that Cen Xueluo's defense was stopped, he opened his eyes and smiled and added: "Yes, there is another kind The possibility is that the Nascent Soul has occupied someone else's body and is unwilling to return to its original body!"

Cen Xueluo's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.In this situation, Ye Xindan really had to be used, because Ye Xindan itself was a elixir to forcibly return the Nascent Soul and the main body. Just feed the main body, and within two hours, the Nascent Soul outside would return to its original position.

"So, Ye Xindan has another way of using it, that is, when someone else's Nascent Soul is out of the body, force it to return to its original body." Cen Xueluo's mind was opened, and he talked eloquently.

The middle-aged strong man nodded in approval, but his face was full of helplessness: "It's a pity that there are very few people who can refine Ye Xindan nowadays, so it has become a luxury to get one."

"Ye Xindan is actually not difficult to make, but the Grass of Returning Heart is hard to find." Cen Xueluo also sighed regretfully.Right now, I am short of the Guixincao blindly as a medicinal material, otherwise, so what if I refine a few pieces?Not only can you change your clothes, but you can also leave a few for Li as spares.

Cen Xueluo's words brightened the middle-aged man's eyes, and he asked joyfully, "Little girl, from your tone, do you know how to refine Ye Xindan?"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged strong man shook his head in doubt: "No, no, at your age, even if you know how to make alchemy, it may be difficult to make it."

Cen Xueluo didn't mind being underestimated by the middle-aged man, but she lacked the most important herb Guixincao in her hands, and it would take at least three to five days to refine Ye Xindan, so it couldn't be refined before the competition anyway. .

Cen Xueluo didn't care, but Kevin was the boss who didn't like it.This middle-aged strong man actually looked down on my Luoluo!Luoluo's alchemy talent is obvious to all!
"Hmph, Luoluo, if you know how to do the exercises, you won't let him do the exercises!" Kevin snorted coldly, and took Cen Xueluo's hand as a gesture to leave.

After finally getting Ye Xindan's clue, the middle-aged man hurriedly stopped him: "Walk slowly, does this little girl really have Ye Xindan's formula, which can be refined?"

"I'm short of Guixin Grass, and I don't have time." Cen Xueluo confessed her embarrassment very frankly, "It takes at least three to five days to refine Ye Xindan, and I have a competition in three days, so I don't have time to refine it. system."

It turned out to be like this.The middle-aged burly man quickly smiled and said, "It's all right, I have Heart Grass, and I can wait for you to finish the game..."

"Sorry, we have to go to the magic hall to participate in the final immediately after the game." Kevin interrupted.

so?The middle-aged strong man was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: If there is a way to prevent this little girl from advancing to the finals, wouldn't it be...

"If we fail to advance due to an accident, I promise we will disappear without a trace!" Kevin said unceremoniously, seeing through the middle-aged man's mind.

The middle-aged strong man hesitated. If they were eliminated, it would be fine, and it would be okay to wait a few days, but if they really advanced, then they would go directly to the main city of the Demon Palace. This Ye Xindan...

Thinking of this, the middle-aged burly man gritted his teeth and motioned for Kevin and Cen Xueluo to follow him to the side to discuss in detail.

When he came to a secluded corner, the middle-aged strong man raised his hand and set up a sound-proof barrier, and then he said: "To be honest, I am the elder of the Ancient Wumen Sect, called Gu Wu Chi. This trading market is composed of various It is controlled by the sect and the family, and each sect or family has some quotas for its disciples to participate in the transaction. They exchange things and get what they need. It took me a lot of effort to come here as a disciple to find Ye Xindan .”

Kevin has known the inside story of this trading market for a long time, so he has always had no hope of getting treasures in the trading market, but he did not expect that the person in front of him is actually an ancient martial idiot from the ancient martial arts sect, so he couldn't help but look a little more Eye.

The middle-aged man rubbed his nose, looked at Cen Xueluo and Kevin with a wry smile: "To be honest, I'm over 600 years old now, but I've always been crazy about martial arts, and I offended a lot of people, and I have few friends." Poor, so after much deliberation, no one can help me. This Ye Xindan is very important to me. If this girl can really help the old man refine it, then the old man will not only give you the defensive clothes, I will also give you a pill furnace that can shorten the time of refining medicine!"

Originally, Cen Xueluo didn't care about exchanging this life-saving clothes. After all, she could refine several more life-saving pills. Pill furnace, that is a priceless treasure for alchemists!
"If you have such a treasure, you can find an alchemist casually, and you won't be able to resist such a temptation, right?"

Cen Xueluo's question made Gu Wuchi's old face blush, and he said embarrassedly: "I also snatched this treasure from a famous alchemist back then, and since then I have offended the alchemist alliance, I guess even if there is Ye Xindandan Fang's pharmacist will not refine the elixir for me."

I see.Cen Xueluo thought about it for a while, and heard Kevin's voice transmission: "Luoluo, promise him, and blackmail him some more pills by the way. He didn't steal much back then."

I didn't realize that this ancient martial idiot was quite notorious, and even Kevin knew about his deeds.

After pondering for a while, Cen Xueluo said: "Senior Gu, this junior is willing to give it a try, but it's hard to say whether it will succeed or not. After all, alchemy has a high chance of failure, and several medicinal materials may be wasted. If there are other advanced ones If Gu Fang asks me to practice more, I am [-]% sure that I can practice it for seniors within three days..."

As soon as Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Gu Wuchi couldn't wait to take out a large handful of pills from his storage bag, and stuffed them into Cen Xueluo's arms like scraps of paper.

"I don't know any high-level ones or ancient recipes. Girl, you can pick and choose. Also, this is Guixin grass, there are ten plants in total, enough for you to fail a few times. This is a pill furnace, you must keep it!" Wu Chi didn't allow Cen Xueluo to refuse, and stuffed all the things over, and then handed over the clothes that were sold on the street and said, "Girl, come on, I'll take Ye Xindan here in three days!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Wuchi withdrew the sound-proof barrier, appeared 50 meters away in a flash, and disappeared from Cen Xueluo's sight in less than three seconds.

This his style too unrestrained?Cen Xueluo had just put his things into the space, still holding the defensive clothes in his hand, when the idiot Gu Wu disappeared, and he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly in a foolish way, his face full of surprise.

"Now you know why he offended many people? He doesn't give others a chance to refuse at all, and if things don't work out, he will beat them up in a rage. Some alchemists are also famous, but they are in front of him. So many people beat him violently in the face, and he couldn't save face. In this way, no one is willing to help him with things, so he simply refused when he opened his mouth." Kevin explained to Cen Xueluo Gu Wuzhi The glorious deeds, couldn't help but smile on the corners of his lips.It is rare to see such a person who has become an idiot in martial arts, but has such a low EQ, and can do whatever he wants. Even he, who is far away in the main city of the Demon Palace, has been famous for a long time.

"Did you know that he has many treasures?" Cen Xueluo rolled Kevin's eyes with a half-smile, revealing Kevin's thoughts.

"Of course, and besides, my Luoluo family has the ability to make him a fortune!" Kevin was not at all embarrassed, not only admitted, but also triumphantly hugged Cen Xueluo into his arms.

Not far away, Qi Long was very upset, he silently turned his head and continued to help Cen Xueluo search for medicinal materials at the stall.

Xiao Zijie approached very gossipingly and asked, "How is it? Xueluo, did you really agree to make alchemy for him?"

Cen Xueluo didn't hide anything, she nodded generously, and showed Xiao Zijie the defensive clothes she had put away.

"Oh, you know how to make alchemy? What a talented woman!" Xiao Zijie patted his thigh immediately after flattering him, "But how can you agree to make alchemy for him, beauty? It's about to have a competition, we You are still too busy with other things, and you still have time to make alchemy for others. If you can do it, you can change the clothes. If you can’t make it, he will take the clothes back before the game, and you will be at a loss. ?”

Seeing Xiao Zijie's yelling attracted a lot of attention, Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes: "If you want everyone to know about my ability to make alchemy and this dress, just keep yelling!"

(End of this chapter)

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