The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 208 I want to visit in person

Chapter 208 I want to visit in person

The disciple of Baicao Garden came back full of resentment, but he didn't dare to report the whole incident to Baili Xun, he just said that he went to invite Cen Xueluo, but she didn't come.

"Baili, who is this Cen Xueluo you invited?" After hearing the report from the disciples of Baicaoyuan, an alchemist asked curiously.

"It's a contestant who participated in the Heroes' Meeting this time." Baili Xun replied truthfully, Cen Xueluo's refusal to come was beyond his expectation.

"That's a yellow-haired girl who is not yet 30 years old." After deducing this Cen Xueluo's age, the alchemist suddenly felt contemptuous in his heart, and he spoke bluntly, "You are not very young, and you have a lot of airs." !"

"That's right, master, that Cen Xueluo's accomplices also tried their best to prevent her from coming, and they said that you told her to go, and she just went, but she just didn't want to go!" When the disciples of Baicao Garden saw it, they also hurriedly fanned the flames He applied what Kevin said to Cen Xueluo, wanting to make Baili Xun angry so he stopped asking Cen Xueluo to participate in the detoxification.

"Okay, I see, you go out!" Baili Xun frowned slightly, motioning the disciple to go out.My own disciples are quite familiar with themselves. Although they are not bad in nature, they were admitted to Baicaoyuan's sect at a young age, which made them a little arrogant in their bones.Although Baicao Garden has received a lot of talented and good seedlings, but because of the superior conditions in the sect, they have become accustomed to their stinking problems!This time Cen Xueluo did not come, it must not be like what his disciple said, he must not have told all the truth, but in front of so many outsiders, Baili Xun could not reprimand him too much, he could only call That disciple goes out.

Since Cen Xueluo didn't come over, let's forget it first, it's more important to analyze the toxin quickly.While Baili Xun took the blood of the poisoned contestant for analysis, he thought about meeting Cen Xueluo in the future and asking her if she wanted to come and help.

On Cen Xueluo's side, seeing that there was no movement from Baili Xun's side, he didn't rush to help detoxify. Instead, after calculating the time, he first went to the trading market to find the medicinal materials he needed.

In the compound of another contestant in the Manshan Division.

Xiao Zijun raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Xiao Sanji who came back to report the news in front of him and asked, "You said that Cen Xueluo rejected Baili Xun's invitation and didn't detoxify those people?"

"Yes." Xiao Sanji nodded, with some surprise on his skinny face, "I ran into Baili Xun's disciple on the road, and he told me about it himself, and his attitude towards Cen Xueluo was very dissatisfied. Satisfied, saying that she is arrogant and rude, and she doesn't even pay attention to Baicaomen."

Xiao Sanji explained again what he had found out, and he was a little confused about what kind of medicine was sold in this Cen Xueluo's gourd: "My lord, according to my observation, although this Cen Xueluo has a cooler personality, I don't like it. Contact with people, but definitely not arrogant and rude, how can you not give Baicaomen face like this? Could there be some festival?"

Xiao Zijun thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "Didn't they send someone to investigate, and those people who were with Xiao Zijie didn't have any big backgrounds?"

"That's right, that Cen Xueluo and a few of her friends are from Ma Yungang, which is relatively remote in the Manshan Mountains. In fact, they are just a bunch of wandering grass bandits, and that gorilla also came from the remote Da'an Mountain. It is said that The reason why the mountain village sent him out was because he was so edible that the mountain village could hardly afford it. In addition, this stupid big man didn't understand the world and offended everyone in the village, so the village chief and the villagers made a plan to borrow it. This time he was kicked out from the Qunyinghui." Xiao Sanji couldn't help his mouth twitching when he talked about the gorilla's deeds.When did the qualifications for this group of heroes become a tool for killing harm for the people?This is too much nonsense!
"The rumors are unbelievable!" Xiao Zijun touched the judge's pen in his hand, and said lightly, "You still believe those investigations too easily, but I only believe in this pen in my hand. Everyone will betray me. Not with my own weapons!"

Xiao Sanji shivered in fright, knelt on the ground and said repeatedly: "Young Master, I, Xiao Sanji, can learn from the sun and the moon in my loyalty to the Young Master!"

"All right, all right, I didn't mention you!" Xiao Zijun felt a little dull.Since he practiced this magic skill, although he can influence and even control the minds of others, he also understands that if it is not for the blessing of this magic skill, none of these people will be loyal to him.Thinking of this, Xiao Zijun's face became even more gloomy, he held the judge's pen tightly, and a bloodthirsty impulse surged in his heart.

"Young Master, this is the competition area, use of force is prohibited, Young Master, please calm down!" Seeing Xiao Zijun's gloomy expression, Xiao Sanji naturally guessed what was going on, and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Okay, I know. Get out! Get out! Get out!" Xiao Zijun waved his hand impatiently, and the depression in his heart became more intense.

Xiao Sanji scrambled and ran out, although he knew he couldn't betray the young master, but he still cherished his life very much.

On the evening of the second day, all the disciples of Baicao Garden finally arrived at the Manshan competition area.

Baili Xun and several alchemists were already exhausted physically and mentally at this time. They studied without sleep for a day and a night, but still did not make much progress.The poison is so strong that any antidote herbs that come into contact with it will be swallowed by the poison.

"Uncle Baili!" It was Guan Yunqing, the proud disciple of Baicao Garden who led all the disciples here, and he rushed over with all his juniors and sisters. After seeing Elder Baili, he took the lead without losing courtesy I gave a gift.

Baili Xun was in a state of desperation, and when he saw that the person sent was Guan Yunqing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The head of Baicao Garden, He Qianlin, is Baili Xun's senior brother, and the head has two apprentices, one is the head's daughter, He Qiaoer, and the other is the elegant and polite Guan Yunqing in front of him.Baili Xun almost watched Guan Yunqing grow up step by step, and He Qianlin even treated Guan Yunqing like his half son.

Baili Xun looked at Guan Yunqing more and more pleasing to the eye, with a smile on his face: "Yun Qing, you came just in time, come and see the poison in these people!"

Guan Yunqing looks gentle, his face is almost pale, his eyes are as clear and bright as a baby's, his nose bridge is high, his lips are slightly pink, his whole body has a kind of spirituality that is not like fireworks in the world, As if nothing dirty could pollute him.

Several other alchemists had already heard about this proud disciple of the head of Baicao Garden, and when they saw it now, they were really different, out of the ordinary!Seeing that Guan Yunqing was going to check on the poisoned person, everyone unanimously made room for him.

Guan Yunqing grabbed the poisoned person's wrist without any suspicion, felt the pulse, and then let go with a serious face, checked the poisoned person's tongue coating, and looked at the poisoned person's eyelids.

"Master, what's the result of the blood test?" Guan Yunqing saw the equipment in the temporary emergency room and asked straightforwardly.

Bailixun sighed and shook his head: "This poison is too violent, it's really hard to control."

After Guan Yunqing followed Baili Xun to understand their test results and progress, his face showed surprise, and he muttered: "Uncle, is this the legendary Chu Xian San?"

Baili Xun nodded with a serious expression.

The faces of the disciples who followed Guan Yunqing also changed drastically. How could they not have heard of this overbearing poison in Baicao Garden? Anyone who is infected will first fall into a coma, and then the meridians will be corroded bit by bit , the cultivation base will gradually decline, and when the dantian is also corroded, he will die in Huangquan, and the gods will not be able to save him.And the most domineering thing about this poison is that even if it is rescued halfway, the corroded meridians are difficult to repair, and the cultivation base has plummeted.

Cultivators know the importance of meridians, and the wider the meridians are expanded, the more beneficial it will be for future progress in cultivation.If the meridian is damaged, it may be difficult to improve the cultivation base after hundreds of years, and the whole person will be as useless.

Guan Yunqing's face that was as pure as water also became serious, and after carefully checking the situation of the poisoned person again, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled: "Uncle Shi, according to the date you sent the letter, 29 hours have passed, logically speaking, the poison should not be poisoned. The spread is so slow, but what method is used to suppress the spread of toxicity?"

"This... the contestants who came to participate in a competition this time did not know what method they used to temporarily delay the spread of the poison, otherwise these people's lives would be in danger now." Baili Xun replied truthfully.

"Oh? Then why didn't you invite this contestant to study detoxification together?" A trace of curiosity flashed across Guan Yunqing's clear eyes. Sure enough, there was someone outside the world, and there was a sky beyond the sky. I don't know what wonderful method that person used to delay the spread of poison. of.

Mentioning this, Bailixun's face showed a trace of embarrassment. Before he coughed lightly, his disciple said angrily, "Brother, you don't know, that contestant didn't put our Baicaoyuan in the first place at all." Eyes! I obeyed the master's order to invite her to come over, but she flatly refused, saying that you told me to go, and I will go!"

As soon as this disciple finished speaking, the other disciples who had just arrived in the Manshan competition area were filled with anger and said in unison, "Who is this? He is too arrogant!"

"That's right! Such a crazy person, his character is not very good, how can his medical skills be better!"

Although the people in Baicaoyuan devoted themselves to medical skills and seldom participated in the intrigues of the world, but because most of the people who visited them were respectful to them, they also developed a mentality that they thought they were superior to others.At this time, it is hard to accept that someone looks down on Baicao Garden and does not give face.

Guan Yunqing didn't pay attention to this at all, but turned to look at the disciple seriously and asked, "Where does that player live? I want to visit in person."

(End of this chapter)

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