The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 218 Kevin's Anger

Chapter 218 Kevin's Anger

"Kacha", the sound was insignificant in the ring, but to Xiao Jiudao it was more shocking than an earthquake and tsunami.

It has been 21 years since Xiao Jiudao practiced swordsmanship and kung fu since he was eight years old. According to the requirements of the Heroes Association, he was selected with a difference of one year in age.For Xiao Jiudao, the Jiuhuandao is equivalent to a part of his body, and what he is familiar with cannot be more familiar.Because of this, he clearly knew that the sound came from the Jiuhuan Dao tightly held in his hand.

One move, one tight move, actually broke his nine-ring knife that cut iron like mud!Xiao Jiudao was extremely shocked, and the tyrannical aura he suppressed in his body became more chaotic.

Cen Xueluo withdrew the sword in his hand, his cold eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest, and said calmly without sadness or joy, "The second move."

After finishing speaking, without giving Xiao Jiudao a chance to speak, Cen Xueluo retracted his arm and stabbed straight out. This is the second form of the killer move.

Each ultimate move on the parchment scroll is very simple, but this simplicity contains countless changes, and the process of comprehending the ultimate move is from simple to complex, from complex to simple.After mastering all the changes, such a simple sword can seal all the enemy's escape routes, making it impossible for the opponent to dodge or parry.

Xiao Jiudao's right hand was slightly numb, but there was no time for hesitation, and he hurriedly moved the Jiuhuan Dao horizontally to block Cen Xueluo's oncoming sword.

"When" sounded.

Cen Xueluo's sword light pierced exactly where the Nine Ring Knife was broken just now. Although Xiao Nine Knife was injected with inner breath into the Nine Ring Knife, it was as hard as a diamond, but the harder something is, the easier it is to break.This Jiuhuan Dao, which had followed Xiao Jiudao for more than [-] years, broke for the first time, breaking in two from the middle.

However, Cen Xueluo's offensive did not stop with the breaking of the Nine Ring Saber.A sword shining with blue light stabbed straight at Xiao Jiudao's chest.

Xiao Jiudao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he seemed to feel a chill in his heart. Under the influence of a strong sense of crisis and survival awareness, the tyrannical aura that Xiao Jiudao had been trying to suppress finally broke through his control , ran unscrupulously through his meridians.

Cen Xueluo's sword was forcibly stopped when it was three centimeters away from Xiao Jiudao's heart. A powerful and dangerous aura stopped the sword's forward movement, and then the powerful internal aura swept over the sky like an explosion. Coming over, he sent Cen Xueluo hundreds of meters away in an instant.

"This is..." Cen Xueluo looked up with lingering fear, but only saw Xiao Jiudao's blood-red eyes in the dust from afar.

Although he didn't understand what happened, Cen Xueluo felt a very strong sense of crisis in his heart. Before he could think about it, Cen Xueluo quickly backed away from Xiao Jiudao by nearly a thousand meters. When Xiao Jiudao roared like a beast, he could vaguely make out a few words: "Take care of my sister!"

Then there was a loud "bang", and a huge mushroom cloud formed in the center of the ring, and the air waves spread rapidly towards the surroundings like an atomic bomb explosion.

The grey-clothed old man's expression changed, and he flew to the edge of the arena where Xiao Jiudao and Cen Xueluo were. With his palms interlaced, he made a few handprints and pressed them against the protective cover of the arena.The air waves kept hitting the protective cover, and the protective cover was deformed several times. The old man in gray simply replenished the energy for the protective cover in time, so that the surrounding area of ​​the ring was not affected by the air wave.

"Luoluo!" With the sound of the explosion, Kevin couldn't suppress the sense of panic in his heart, and cried out aloud.

The one who screamed with Kevin was Guan Yunqing who was on the viewing platform. He had come to watch the match specially for Cen Xueluo. He insisted on staying in Manshan City for a few more days.

Qi Long clenched his fists tightly and stared at the center of the ring.After signing the demon pet contract, he and Cen Xueluo had an additional level of connection, as if they had a tacit understanding.If he hadn't noticed that Cen Xueluo retreated in advance, leaving enough room, so the injury is not considered serious now, with Qi Long's character, he would have rushed into the ring long ago.

Just like what Qi Long said, he doesn't care about rules, rules, or what others think, he only wants Cen Xueluo to live!This is the feeling of the Dragon Clan, strong and hot, but so pure and single-minded.

Kevin has practiced thousands of years in the cultivation world, so it is extremely rare for him to lose his composure. He soon calmed down, because Qi Long is very calm, so Luo Luo must be fine.

Many contestants on the viewing platform were originally distracted by the rings, but at this moment they were all attracted by the huge explosion. Seeing the thick smoke billowing and the bombed arena beyond recognition, they were stunned for a moment.

"That's awesome, who brought the atomic bomb here?"

"This is the rhythm of dying together!"

"How much hatred, as for all dead without a whole body? It's too frenzied!"

Although casualties are unavoidable during the competition, it is the first time that such an earth-shattering and appalling event has been done.

The complexions of several referees also changed, and they all looked at each other, their faces were extremely ugly.

"This is caused by the use of demon world exercises to forcibly improve the cultivation level." Baili Xun is well-informed and proficient in pills, so he has the most right to speak at this time.

"Demon World Cultivation Technique." Gu Sha didn't care about going against Baili Xun, and after repeating it, his face was full of anger, "Who is so bold that dare to practice Demon Realm Kungfu!"

In the world of comprehension, the skills of the demon world are taboo for human beings.The relationship between human beings and various monster races is already very tense, and most of the monster race's exercises are not suitable for human cultivation, and those that are suitable are harmful to nature and against the law of heaven.For thousands of years, all cultivators who have successfully cultivated the demon world's skills, as long as they have achieved something, will inevitably cause a bloody storm in the cultivation world, and even join forces with the demon clan to fight against human cultivators several times.Therefore, it is self-evident that anyone in the comprehension world discovers that human beings are practicing kung fu in the demon world.

"Strict investigation is necessary at this time!" Fang Shiwei said with a serious face.

When the dust and smoke on the ring cleared, everyone saw a frail figure still standing straight on the ring.Although her hair was disheveled, her white sportswear was already stained, and even the corners of her mouth were still stained with bright red blood, in the eyes of Kevin, Qi Long, Guan Yunqing and many others, Cen Xueluo was so beautiful and charming at this time.

Xiao Zijun looked at Cen Xueluo who was walking down the ring step by step, with a slight smile on his lips: "Sure enough, it's not that easy to deal with you."

"Luoluo, are you okay?" Guan Yunqing ran over with a worried expression when Cen Xueluo had just stepped down from the stage.

"It's okay." Cen Xueluo smiled at Guan Yunqing, and then nestled generously into the arms of Kevin who came to pick her up.

Seeing the relationship between the two, Guan Yunqing's eyes darkened for a moment, and he quickly cheered up and said with a smile: "You are injured, do you want me to look at it for you?"

"It's okay, I prepared the medicine in advance." Cen Xueluo smiled lightly, nodded at Guan Yunqing, and then walked back to her seat with Kevin.

Except for Cen Xueluo's more thrilling match, the others' victories were basically expected.Among them, the gorilla won very easily. When his opponent went all out, injected his internal energy into the weapon, and then stabbed the gorilla three times in the stomach, the gorilla was still unharmed. The self-aware Fei quickly conceded defeat.

Perhaps it was because the brutality of the battle between Cen Xueluo and Xiao Jiudao had sounded the alarm for most people, so several of them quickly conceded defeat when it was obvious that the enemy was strong and we were weak.However, even so, some players still lost their lives during the competition, such as Xiao Zijun's opponent.

Xiao Zijun's weapon is the judge's pen, coupled with his appearance, and his calmness when facing the enemy, no matter how you look at it, he is a very handsome and handsome young man.Maybe his opponent was also deceived by his appearance, so he didn't admit defeat immediately, but wanted to give it a go.The result was obvious, once he missed the opportunity to start admitting defeat, in the end he couldn't admit defeat even if he wanted to.With a smile on his face, Xiao Zijun tapped the man a few times with the judge's pen, and then the man began to self-mutilate crazily in front of everyone's eyes.

The man's weapon was a huge axe, which was sharpened very sharply, so the man chopped off his left arm and legs smoothly, and then held the ax in his mouth with a strange smile on his face, turning his face sideways Cut off his right arm, and finally, in the eyes of everyone who couldn't bear to look directly, he threw the ax into the air with his mouth, stretched his neck, and waited for the giant ax to fall on his fragile neck with a relieved smile on his face .

"Pervert! It's just a beast!" Cen Xueluo endured the bloody breath churning in his chest, his cold and beautiful face was full of anger.

Kevin took Cen Xueluo's hand, and while giving her some information, he patted the back of Cen Xueluo's hand lightly.In his heart, Xiao Zijun has done so many unforgivable things, he must die tonight!

Qi Long is probably the one who can understand Kevin's heart best.Qi Long had just finished the match, and after forcing his opponent to admit defeat with extremely fast speed, he came back from the game. He was a little weak and refused to waste any energy on superfluous things.

After the second round of the competition, there was another seven-day rest period, and then the group knockout rounds began.

Just as Cen Xueluo went back to the room to adjust his breathing to recover from his injury, Kevin and Qi Long came to each other by coincidence.

"I'll go." Qi Long said straight to the point without being wordy.

"No." Kevin's face was gloomy, and he patted Qi Long's shoulder, "You and Luoluo are connected, if you make a move, she will definitely notice. This time, I will."

Qi Long has already sacrificed enough for Cen Xueluo. Kevin didn't want to interfere with Cen Xueluo's match, but also wanted to respect Cen Xueluo's own wishes. But now, he found that Qi Long did the right thing. First of all, he should make sure that Let Luoluo live!

(End of this chapter)

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