The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 223 Xiao Zijie's Discovery

Chapter 223 Xiao Zijie's Discovery
Kevin's handwriting is very handsome, with a bit of bohemian free and easy. In a few words, he explained that he will come back before the finals, and told Cen Xueluo not to worry. At the end, he not only asked Cen Xueluo to refine more pills And the poison as a spare, but also faintly expressed his thoughts.

Even though he couldn't see Kevin's face or hear Kevin's voice, Cen Xueluo seemed to feel Kevin's warmth from the thin paper, and couldn't help but feel a little shy on his cheeks.After reading those lines several times, Cen Xueluo put away the letter close to her body, feeling that it was too far away from her even in the storage bag.

Thinking of Kevin's identity, it must be inconvenient to come to the main city of the Demon Palace now.Although Cen Xueluo was very worried, she still decided to trust Kevin's ability. After all, she was too weak to be of any help at all, and she always let Kevin worry about herself.Gathering his mind, Cen Xueluo cast a barrier, and took out the alchemy furnace with a solemn expression.Now, only by working hard to improve your strength and becoming stronger can you fight side by side with Kevin, get rid of Bai Zhi and avenge your mother, and wake up Li...

There are still three days before the finals, and the contestants who originally retreated have all left the customs and started to adjust their activities.After racing against time to practice before, after absorbing a lot of spiritual energy, everyone looked refreshed.

"Gorilla, do you think this young master has become much more handsome recently?" Xiao Zijie was wearing the robe he bought these two days, looking narcissistic in front of the mirror.

After all, Xiao Zijie is young and very curious about new things.What he is wearing now is exactly one of the popular clothes in the main city of the Demon Palace.It is similar to a mid-length windbreaker, with a very energetic vertical collar, a simple logo of the main city of the Demon Palace embroidered on the heart of the left chest, a vertical row of retro-style buttons, the waist is tucked in a little, and the hem is open.The fabric is very textured. Wearing it on the body not only slims the body, but also enhances the temperament of being agile and capable.

I have to say that although Xiao Zijie always looks like a dude, he still has a very handsome appearance. Now that this person relies on his clothes, with such a matching outfit, he has indeed become more energetic, and he can also attract people when walking on the road. Turned heads a little bit.

Xiao Zijie was very satisfied with this weak return rate, he straightened his hair coquettishly, and then said to the gorilla at the side: "Charm is something that is innate and cannot be forced. Fatal attraction you will never understand!"

The gorilla stuffed the last bun into its mouth hungrily, and asked vaguely: "Where are there any opposite sex? It's all men looking at you!"

Xiao Zijie suddenly became a little annoyed, and secretly looked at the gorilla with a bit of resentment: "If you weren't tall and big, and your size is too eye-catching, would you scare away all the beauties?"

The two were arguing, when suddenly Xiao Zijie pulled the gorilla's arm and motioned him to look at a restaurant not far ahead.

The gorilla opened his eyes wide and looked at it for a long time, and said in surprise: "That's not the one in our team...that one..."

Liu Yin is such an imposing beauty, the gorilla doesn't even remember her name!Xiao Zijie pinched the gorilla's muscular arm full of iron and steel, and said in a low voice, "Look at the woman opposite Liu Yin, does it look familiar?" "

The gorilla scratched his head in bewilderment.

I knew you were unreliable foodie!Xiao Zijie was complaining about the gorilla's slowness, when suddenly a gloomy voice came from behind: "This is a contestant from Lingxiao District."

Xiao Zijie was so startled that the hairs on his neck stood on end. When he turned his head, he saw Shi Bupo standing behind himself and the gorilla at some point.

"You followed me!" Xiao Zijie frowned and accused.The behavior of following and following is too villainous!
Shi Bupo's gloomy face showed a trace of disdain: "You guys blocked my way."

Xiao Zijie was still waiting with Shi Bupo, but the gorilla said suspiciously: "Hey, that Liuyin from our district seems to have a good relationship with people from Lingxiao District, and they entered the restaurant arm in arm affectionately! "

The gorilla's words immediately caught the attention of Xiao Zijie and Shi Bupo.

Shi Bupo himself didn't take Xiao Zijie seriously. If Xiao Zijie dared to touch him, he was sure that Xiao Zijie would lose his life within three seconds.Shi Bupo, who had been observing Liuyin's movement at the entrance of the restaurant, obviously also found the problem, and a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

Seeing Shi Bupo's reaction, Xiao Zijie seemed to understand something, and smiled to the gorilla in a low voice: "I thought this kid was yin and yang, and didn't know how to appreciate beautiful women. Who knew that he was also wicked, and actually followed her."

Naturally, Shi Bupo listened to such words perfectly, but now was not the time to care about this, so Shi Bupo changed his mind and walked towards the restaurant.

Xiao Zijie and the gorilla also like to watch the show, so they naturally follow behind Shi Bupo to see what is going on with Liu Yin.If the players from the Manshan District colluded with the players from the Lingxiao District who had a feud with their own district, then the team from the Manshan District would be in danger.

When they reached the entrance of the restaurant, Liu Yin and the woman from Lingxiao District had already entered. There were no two figures in the lobby, and they obviously went upstairs to open a box.

"Which box did those two women go to just now?" Shi Bupo asked gloomyly, calling the waiter.

Although the shop waiter was smiling and seemed humble, his words were unambiguous: "This guest officer, I'm sorry, we refuse to disclose all information about the guests."

Shi Bupo stared, and was about to explode, Xiao Zijie quickly waved his hand to remind Shi Bupo to look at the sign erected beside him.

The sign is very eye-catching, and it is erected at the entrance of the restaurant, with black and white words - urban fighters die!

The font can't be said to be elegant and free and easy, but has a sense of restraint in a well-regulated manner, but the majesty and murderous aura contained in it dare not be despised.It's just a calligraphy and painting, but it shocks the hearts of those who see it, and dare not take it lightly.

Naturally, Shi Bupo did not dare to challenge the majesty of the city rules of the main city of the Demon Palace with his late-stage cultivation. He gritted his teeth unwillingly, and glanced coldly at the waiter with a hypocritical smile on the side, and finally walk away.

Xiao Zijie and the gorilla wandered around for a day, and when they returned to the rest area contentedly, Kevin had already returned, and was sitting quietly in the yard waiting for Cen Xueluo to leave the customs.

Xiao Zijie immediately ran forward and told Kevin gossip about seeing Liuyin and the players from Lingxiao District, and Shi Bupo following Liuyin.

Kevin pursed his lips and smiled irrefutably: "Don't say anything, and there is no need to suspect that Liu Yin did not collude with the players in Lingxiao District."

"Oh? Do you know her well?" A cold voice sounded, with some dissatisfaction and jealousy.

Cen Xueluo had just finished her training, felt Kevin's aura of happiness, and heard what Kevin said.Although I didn't understand what they were talking about, it was obvious that Kevin seemed to be on Liu Yin's side.

Although there was a hint of jealousy in Cen Xueluo's words, looking at her clear eyes filled with the joy of reunion after a long absence, and the faint smile on her mouth, Kevin also knew that Cen Xueluo was joking with him.

"Yeah, those superficial women can see through it at a glance, unlike you, Luo Luo, who can't see through it no matter how you look at it." Kevin blinked, stretched out his hand, and pulled Cen Xueluo to sit on his lap, ignoring Xiao Zijie Cen Xueluo, the gorilla, and Qi Long were all watching from the side, their upper body leaning forward slightly, their handsome and charming face approached Cen Xueluo's delicate face, and the hot air from their nostrils hit that vulnerable cheek.

Although Kevin used to have occasional intimacy with himself, he has never behaved so blatantly and ambiguously intimacy in front of others as he does today.Cen Xueluo's fair face couldn't help turning slightly red, as charming as a sunset glow, and then she began to change the subject with flickering eyes: "What were you talking about Liu Yin just now? What colluded with the contestants from Lingxiao District?"

Xiao Zijie, who has the essence of a loudspeaker, naturally repeated to Cen Xueluo what he and the gorilla saw during the day.

Cen Xueluo didn't say a word after listening, and looked back at Kevin with a faint smile on his face.That expression obviously conveyed a meaning: Why did you not collude? How did you know?Be honest!
Kevin rubbed his nose resignedly: "Okay, I also happened to know that Liu Yin came from a small island in the East China Sea of ​​the Demon Palace, and there is a Penglai Immortal School on the Penglai Immortal Island there, which is full of her as beautiful and charming as a flower. Girls. The exercises they practice are inherently psychedelic, and they will become more and more charming, and they are very attractive to the opposite sex..."

Xiao Zijie was listening with great interest, when Cen Xueluo snorted coldly: "Get to the point."

"Well, the Penglai Immortal Sect will send several young, beautiful and outstanding female disciples to participate in the trials of the Heroes Club in various districts every time, and it is stipulated that each disciple cannot be in the same competition district." Kevin said honestly and sincerely, " Moreover, if there are disciples who can enter the finals and get the top three disciples in each Heroes Meeting, they will be trained as the successors of the Penglai Immortal School. So I guess Liu Yin and that woman should be in a competitive relationship, even if they have a personal relationship, but There will be absolutely no ambiguity on the field.”

It stands to reason that the Penglai Immortal School has always been relatively low-key, and few people know about it. Only a guy like Kevin who knows everything about the Demon Palace and has been in the cultivation world for thousands of years will know about it.

In order to prevent cheating and ensure the fairness of the competition, the selection topics for the finals of the Heroes Meeting in the main city of the Demon Palace are different. Even so, each participating team still needs to hold a private meeting in advance to make some preparations.

But compared to other teams' enthusiasm, Cen Xueluo's team was only called together by a yawning Kevin the morning before the final match.

(End of this chapter)

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