The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 226 Intercept Speculators

Chapter 226 Intercept Speculators

Although what Kevin said was serious, Li Ruifeng saw that other people showed a comfortable expression after breathing the white mist, and there was no discomfort. He couldn't help but conclude in his heart that this kid must be an alarmist. This kid must suffer a bit.

Although Li Ruifeng has a hot temper and a strong personality, he still has his own principles. For teammates on the same team, at most he wants to make the other party suffer, not kill him.

The door to the Trial Secret Realm has been opened, and the outstanding players selected from the competition area have also begun to file in.At this time, there is no shortage of people who fish in troubled waters who want to mix in carefully.Because the trial secret realm connected to the main city of the Demon Palace is full of dangers, but it also contains a large number of geniuses and treasures. However, this secret realm will only be opened during the final trial of the Heroes Association. To open this gate, you must There are six peerless masters who are above the distraction stage to inject the inner breath together, and there is no other way to enter it.This also led to the fact that during the final trials of the Heroes Association, some people with malicious intentions waited for the opportunity to sneak into it to seize treasures and kill people.

No, just as the gate of the secret realm was opened, dozens of figures jumped up from the crowd on both sides, rushing towards the dark red gate like a ray of light. For them, the secret realm filled with white mist was to make a fortune. Turn over the treasure!
All the contestants had no time to react, Leng Zhan snorted contemptuously, following this contemptuous snort, only an afterimage was left in the mid-air where he was standing, and an almost invisible red In an instant, the light arrived in front of the opened general secret gate.

Bang bang bang!
Only a few indistinct muffled hums and the sound of weapons being handed over came back and forth. Afterwards, countless limbs and fragments flew down in mid-air. They went quickly and returned even faster, but those speculators were returning At that time, it was obvious that there was nothing but life, and there was not even a whole body left.

The scene was silent, and at this moment, the blood that had been sprayed on the gate of the dark red secret realm was slowly flowing down.

All the contestants present were shocked by this turn of events. They even forgot that the contestants in the front row should enter the secret realm by themselves. They just stared blankly at the man in red holding a long knife in midair without blinking.Leng Zhan... Sure enough, it is just like his name, cool enough, cold enough, and he likes to talk about people being cut at the waist, dead without a whole body!
Leng Zhan was dressed in a red robe that was swelled up by his inner breath, his long hair was flying in the wind, his eyes glanced coldly at everyone, it seemed that he was not enjoying the fight, so he simply put the long knife on his shoulder to resist: "There is another one that is not long If you want to sneak in, you might as well try! As I said, I am a very principled person, if you can pass my test and enter this door, I will never shoot you again! Even, you joined the competition team , I will also give you points if you get the treasures of heaven and earth, and the top ten teams with points can still participate in the Heroes Meeting!"

Another great temptation!

The eyes of the speculators, who were shocked by the cold cut and did not dare to do anything, suddenly lit up, and their hearts that were about to give up became active again.

Kevin looked up at the majestic Leng Zhan quietly, his star eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of appreciation flashed across his eyes.This guy is getting better and better at throwing bait to fish!First came to kill chickens and monkeys, but after getting off the horse, he felt that it was too troublesome, so he simply threw a huge bait to lure those with ulterior motives out and wipe them out.However, Leng Zhan's words of not taking any more shots are basically equivalent to nonsense. The trial secret realm has extremely strict requirements on bone age. Only people under the age of 40 can enter. This Leng Zhan is already overage!Even so, for speculators, entering the Trial Secret Realm, not only can they obtain natural materials and earthly treasures, but also get the final qualification to enter the Qunyinghui, it is really a great temptation! As Kevin thought about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.Not bad!It seems that after Leng Zhan was transferred to the side of the new Palace Master, he has grown a lot!

After Leng Zhan finished speaking, there was still silence, and no one made any movements. He couldn't help curling his lips feeling bored, and waved his hand at the other examiners, signaling to continue to supervise the contestants to enter the trial secret realm.

When the contestants had entered for half an hour, sure enough, there were speculators who did not give up.This time they obviously planned it in advance. First, five figures suddenly rushed out from the left, and the clothes they were wearing were also shining with defensive blessings, and everyone's cultivation was not below the golden core stage.

Before the age of 40, the achievement to the Golden Core stage is already very remarkable, but unfortunately in this world of comprehension, you don't have the talent and strength to qualify for the Heroes Association.

To put it bluntly, there are a lot of inside stories behind this group of heroes, otherwise how could Yun Qing and the others be included in the default quotas?In addition to being recommended by major aristocratic families and sects, one must have sufficient strength to participate in the selection of this group of heroes.Moreover, each district has a limited number of places, so there are also many talented practitioners who have no background in casual cultivation but have no chance to participate in the Heroes Meeting.If they want to participate, they must pledge allegiance to a certain force, but this is the last thing these free-minded cultivators are willing to do.

To put it bluntly, Ma Yungang, where they are located, is not actually qualified for the competition, but the black whirlwind of the Black Camel Mountain is a bit ambitious, so it took a lot of effort to get through the relationship to get the qualification, but who knew it was rejected by Cen Xue These people stabbed him horizontally, not only costing his own life, but also taking away his qualifications for the Heroes Club.

However, even though these speculators have the talents of the heavens, the cultivation base of the golden core stage is not enough in Leng Zhan's eyes.

A look of disdain appeared in his eyes, and the figure of Leng Zhan appeared on the left side of the gate of the trial secret realm in the next second, holding a knife in his right hand and drawing an arc lightly in the air, the five figures still kept their forward posture, but their bodies Without exception, they were broken into two pieces, which was strange and frightening.

At the same time that Leng Zhan's body appeared on the left side of the gate of the secret realm, several figures also appeared on the right side of the gate of trial, rushing towards the secret realm of trial like a meteor.

Seeing that those speculators were about to enter the gate, Leng Zhan swung his saber again without haste, the sharp blade light came back and entered the bodies of several speculators at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Several speculators passed through the gate of the trial secret realm, and couldn't help showing a little joy in their eyes, but before the corners of their lips curled up, they were shocked to find that their lower body and upper body had long been separated, and then their bodies seemed to be installed. It exploded like a time bomb, shattered into pieces, and the minced meat fell to the ground like snow.

Bloody storm...

As soon as Leng Zhan made a move, he shocked the audience once again.

Among the cultivators on both sides, a small group couldn't help taking a few steps back. The strong smell of blood in the air made them feel very uncomfortable.

The contestants are still queuing up to enter, but every time they enter the door, when they step on the blood-stained piece of meat on the ground, they can't help but speed up and jump over.

Cen Xueluo and the others came from a relatively remote mountainous area, so they were the last to enter the arena. Before entering the arena, Kevin glanced at both sides at random, and then followed Cen Xueluo towards the gate of the trial secret realm. go.

Seeing that all the contestants were about to enter the gate of the trial, the speculators who stayed and waited for the opportunity became restless again.

Leng Zhan in mid-air still looked expressionless, but the playful look in his eyes showed that he never let down his vigilance.

Cen Xueluo walked forward silently along the team, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. Although Leng Zhan's shots were extraordinary, Cen Xueluo always had a strange premonition that Leng Zhan would definitely not drive out all the speculators. of.

Just as Cen Xueluo was guessing secretly, suddenly the sound of the wind rose behind him, and even the faint sound of breaking through the air was a bit ear-piercing.

This time, almost all the speculators were revealed, scrambling to fly towards the gate of the trial secret realm.Because almost all the contestants walked in, the gate of the trial secret realm was about to close!Succeed or benevolent!With so many people together, they didn't believe that Leng Zhan could stop them all.

64!A cruel sneer was drawn on the corner of Leng Zhan's lips, and he raised the knife in his right hand, and the knife in his hand grew to more than twenty feet in an instant as if it could change.The huge blade seems clumsy, but it moves extremely fast.

With a destructive aura, he raised the knife and dropped it, the thick inner breath forced out a sharp and unstoppable knife light, and the next moment, the huge knife light was divided into 64 small knife lights and flew away rapidly.Leng Zhan withdrew his hand after swiping the knife. At the same time, the gate of the trial secret realm was slowly closed.

Obviously, the time to close the secret realm has come, but there are still thirteen contestants who have not had time to enter.

Faced with this situation, the thirteen people looked at the tightly closed door and couldn't help protesting.

"Hmph!" Leng Zhan slowly fell to the ground from mid-air with a big knife on his shoulders. Looking at these contestants and team leaders who protested, he couldn't help but snorted, "The time to open the secret realm has always been limited to within one hour. Seeing With the gate of the secret realm about to close, you players are not even as aggressive as those speculators, so you deserve to lose your qualifications!"

"Since the gate is closing, why didn't we warn us in advance?"

"Besides, you were launching an ultimate move at the time, what if you accidentally hurt us?"

Faced with all kinds of doubts, Leng Zhan waved his big knife, his face slightly cold: "Since you are afraid of getting hurt or dying, don't come to participate in the trial! You trash are worse than those speculators!"

Just as he was talking, Leng Zhan suddenly turned his head and glanced at the secret place of the trial, with a strange expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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