Chapter 23 Summer Camp

A small sentence rang in Cen Xueluo's ears like thunder, and the pencil and scale in her hand fell to the table with a "snap", and the pencil rolled a few times and fell to the ground. Xueluo didn't even look at it, but turned her head abruptly to look at Lin Yichong with a serious expression, her face full of disbelief.

Lin Yichong lowered his head slightly, glanced at Cen Xueluo, cleared his throat and explained, "I see that you have been in a bad mood since Mo Yifan called you last time. I asked someone to inquire about it two days ago. , I just got the news today."

how is this possible!Cen Xueluo's lips trembled slightly, then he clenched his teeth tightly, lowered his head with clenched fists, tried to calm down his emotions, and asked word by word: "How did you die?"

After all, Lin Yichong was still a half-grown child, and when he recalled the news he had inquired, a look of shock flashed across his face: "I heard... I heard that that guy cut his veins with a broken bottle, and the blood splashed all over the wall, it's too scary ..."

Cutting veins?Use a broken bottle!Cen Xueluo couldn't help but think of the bottle of elixir she gave Mo Yiping in her mind, she couldn't calm down immediately, she stared at her pencil case in a daze, she didn't even see that Lin Yichong helped her pick up the pen and put it on the desk.

Teacher Li came in to inform everyone of the holiday time, told the students to pay attention to safety during the summer vacation, and enthusiastically praised Nie Yunfeng and Cen Xueluo for their excellent results, and excitedly announced that Cen Xueluo won the national competition in this provincial competition. The good results of provincial No.2 will be reported at the city's summer camp reporting office on the [-]th after the New Year's Day holiday.

Cen Xueluo stood up in a daze to accept the applause, and then sat down with a blank face, completely absent-minded. Lin Yichong knew that she must not have heard a word, so he specially wrote a note to tell her the location and event of the report.

After school, Cen Xueluo tidied up his things in a trance, and when he saw the note Lin Yichong carefully wrote to himself, he forced a smile at Lin Yichong, but Lin Yichong felt that this was the last time he saw Cen Xueluo. With an ugly smile, I couldn't help but say: "If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh. What's wrong with you?"

Cen Xueluo shook her head with a pale face, put away her smile and silently left with her schoolbag on her back.

When they came to the dilapidated house that had been there once, Mo Yifan had already left there, and he didn't know where he went.The footprints in front of the door are messy, it can be seen that many people have been here before, pushing open the half-closed door, Cen Xueluo saw the overturned small table, and the messy bedding with blood stains, covered with footprints and dust , has become dirty and cannot see the color.But Cen Xueluo still remembered the first time he saw that boy, half sitting on the quilt, holding a book in his hand, smiling brightly with his face up in the sun.

Last year in this gate today, people's faces were red with peach blossoms.I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

Just a few days ago, I still swore to the boy that I could let him stand up in two months, but the time was only more than a week apart, why...the yin and yang are separated?

The brown coagulated blood stains on the walls, the plaster floor, and the quilt seemed to mock his promise at that time. Did Mo Yiping, a young man full of sadness, finally choose to be relieved in despair?Cen Xueluo's hand on the wall slowly clenched into a fist.

"Li, if I hadn't gone mad at the time, if I had practiced kung fu before, wouldn't it be possible to cure him?"

"Luo, there are no ifs in life."

"Then why can you help me go back in time? Go back in time again, okay?"

After a long silence, Li's voice sounded softly: "I'm sorry, the artifacts of time travel and time travel can only be used once, and they have already been scrapped."

Cen Xueluo's heart cooled down little by little, and the tears in her eyes finally flowed down her fair and delicate face, and then disappeared in the wind.I'm sorry, Mo Yiping, maybe you have been waiting for too long, and you can't see the future anymore, but please believe that destiny can be changed in your own hands!I hope you can stand up and live healthy in your next life, and I... will never waste my abilities like this again!
The New Year's Day holiday passed by, and Cen Xueluo's silence made Hao Yuemei a little uneasy. She looked at her daughter's face repeatedly, and comforted her cautiously: "Luoluo, it doesn't matter if you don't pass the final exam this time. Scores don't prove anything."

Cen Xueluo's heart was finally warmed up by her mother's concern. She smiled and said briskly, "Perhaps there are not many parents in the world who are as open-minded as you, Mom."

Seeing her daughter's smile, Hao Yuemei finally felt relieved: "You are going to summer camp tomorrow, I have prepared some things for you, don't forget to take them with you, you can also take the money, you can buy whatever you want, don't worry about it." Lose yourself. And pay attention to safety..."

In the previous life, I always felt very impatient listening to my mother's rambling words, but now, Cen Xueluo felt that every sentence of her mother was so warm: "I know, Mom. By the way, I passed by the traditional Chinese medicine hall the other day and saw that they launched a beauty treatment I bought a bottle of Chinese medicine pills, which are quite cheap. Chinese medicine is mild in nature and has no major side effects on the body. Mom, don’t forget to take it.”

Although Hao Yuemei felt that the medicines bought by children were unreliable, but she couldn't bear to let her daughter down. She took it and looked at the delicate porcelain bottle with blue flowers on a white background, and said with a smile, "The bottle is pretty pretty."

Seeing her mother's intentions, Cen Xueluo reminded again: "Mom, I waited in line for a long time to buy this. Don't forget, one piece a day."

"Yeah. Got it." Hao Yuemei narrowed her eyes with a smile, and patted Cen Xueluo's hand emotionally.Although she didn't marry a good husband, luckily God gave her such a caring daughter.

The next day, Cen Xueluo came to the gathering place of the summer camp with his mother's heart on his back. After finishing the roll call, ten top mathematics students from Province L lined up and boarded the bus to the train station.

After spending ten hours in a daze on the train, I finally arrived in the capital. It was completely different from the excitement of the peers around me. Cen Xueluo looked out of the window with her chin resting on her face. She attended an academic seminar in her previous life in the capital. I have been here many times, but it is indeed the first time to participate in the summer camp.Cen Xueluo's beautiful appearance and cool and clean demeanor had already attracted the attention of several boys in the company, but no matter what method they used to strike up a conversation, Cen Xueluo always looked cold and repulsive.

The location of the summer camp is located on the edge of a wild forest. The specific capital is still some distance away. The edge of the forest has long been developed into a tourist area. The location of the summer camp is not far from the tourist area. One is to avoid tourists Not to disturb, but to be less remote, so as not to create danger.

As soon as Cen Xueluo got off the bus, he was attracted by the beautiful and leisurely scenery in front of him. The sky is high and the land is wide, and the eyes are full of green and blue, which makes people's mind open up and forget their troubles.

Cen Xueluo was staring intently at the continuous green mountains with his backpack on his back, when suddenly someone asked behind his back in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Excuse me, are you Cen Xueluo's classmate?"

(End of this chapter)

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