The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 231 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Chapter 231 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Toxicity strikes!

Teammates are poisoned, how do you say it so lightly, with a taste of schadenfreude?Song Jiaquan and Liu Yin stared at Kevin. When they thought of his speed that could not be captured by the naked eye and his cultivation level that could knock Li Ruifeng and Jingchuan unconscious with a single palm, the two dared not speak up and could only express their dissatisfaction. Turned into a look of resentment.

What kind of person Kevin is, he has seen sad and sad eyes after going through the storm, so he consciously blocked it, walked up to the boss of Donglin District with a calm expression and stretched out his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, hand over everything Bar!"

Compared with Kevin, Xiao Zijie felt that he was very weak, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Cen Xueluo again.

Cen Xueluo was looking at Kevin with a smile on his face, his eyes filled with appreciation and support.

Hey.It really is a couple.Look at them, a violent conquest and a robbery, they are a perfect match!Xiao Zijie pulled the gorilla's arm alone.

After taking stock of the spoils handed over by the boss of the East Forest District, Kevin seemed dissatisfied, and turned his gaze to the other members of the East Forest District.

"All our natural materials, earthly treasures, and mission items are placed in the boss's place." Other members of the Donglin District who were still awake expressed their opinions one after another.

The boss of Donglin District was also indignant at being suspected and betrayed: "Brother, I really handed it over!"

"No, you must have forgotten something." Kevin stretched out his index finger and shook it with certainty, and simply squatted down and looked directly at the boss of the East Forest District to help him remember, "Think about it carefully, before you entered the trial secret realm, did you have a group?" Have you taken any pills, or did the team leader give you anything special, or did the elders in the family..."

This is to peel off the skin!The team members in the East Forest District finally understood what Kevin meant. They stared at Kevin bitterly and bitterly, and then handed over their treasures one by one under the murderous eyes of other team members in the Manshan District.

Xiao Zijie and Liu Yin squatted next to Kevin to help, Xiao Zijie's eyes lit up as he watched the spoils handed in by the Donglin District team members.

"Wow, Qi Qi Pill, it's not bad, your parents and seniors value you very much!" Smiling, he accepted the pill handed over by a member of the Donglin team, Xiao Zijie patted the other party's shoulder like an elder, ignoring the other party's thoughts. The murderous eyes applauded.

"Huh? Top grade compass?" Liu Yin's voice was full of surprise.

In this white fog-filled trial secret realm, there are various blindfolds, and the compass is obviously the best tool.Low-grade compass can be found all over the street, and it is not a rare item. It is enough for simply distinguishing between east, west, and north. But if there is a formation, especially in a secret environment, then low-grade compass becomes scrap.The middle-grade compass can only deal with some very simple and easy-to-break formations. After all, only the top-grade compass and the best-grade compass can play a certain role in the trial secret realm.

"Top grade?" Kevin raised his eyebrows and glanced at it. It really is top grade. Although it has some flaws, it is enough for this trial secret realm. Seeing Liu Yin's expectant gaze, Kevin waved his hand generously, "Captain Liu Take it." Although the high-grade compass has some value, it's not so rare!It seems that the Penglai Immortal School is far away on the island, and many magic tools are still relatively backward, so Kevin doesn't care about it.Just because he doesn't care, doesn't mean others don't care either.

Liuyin put the high-grade compass into her arms with a charming smile on her face, and Kevin felt that his back was being frozen by two increasingly cold eyes.

Not only that, Qi Long was still sowing discord: "It's so generous."

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but snorted coldly, her faint eyes fixed on Kevin's stiff back, ready to see what Kevin was going to do.

"There seems to be something close to it." Kevin's original intention was not to search for the belongings of these team members. After all, his previous identity was there, and such a robbery felt a bit overwhelming, but since these people cooperated so much, he also Sorry to refuse, but what he wants hasn't appeared yet! Kevin's eyes turned cold, and he stared at the boss of Donglin District with a half-smile.

"It's really gone!" The boss of Donglin District broke out in a cold sweat. His team members handed in all the good things. This guy is still not satisfied. Does he want his people to continue the trial with their buttocks naked?Wouldn't it mean that there was no chance of a comeback?

Kevin tapped the shoulder of the boss in Donglin District with his finger, and reminded: "Think carefully?"

The boss of Donglin District pondered for a while, then suddenly slapped his leg: "Sixth son, take out the necklace your fiancée gave you!"

The members of the Donglin District, known as the six sons, looked sad: "Boss, the token of love is not a treasure, is it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how much is it worth?" The boss of Donglin District couldn't figure out what Kevin meant, so he simply abandoned the car and asked his younger brother to hand over the slightly more valuable items first.

The sixth son covered his chest and begged Kevin with a sad face: "Hero, my necklace is really worthless, and when we left the rest area, I helped the team leader to pour tea, and accidentally dropped the necklace pendant into the teapot. It's all changed, even if you take it, you won't be able to sell any fairy stones."

It's okay if the six sons don't say anything, but Kevin became interested when he talked about it, and stretched out his hand: "Let me have a look."

Xiao Zijie looked at the look on the face of the six sons who were about to cry, and couldn't help persuading him: "Brother Kevin, how about..."

Liu Yin tugged at Xiao Zijie's arm and rolled her eyes: "What do you know, can Kevin appreciate ordinary things?" After all, Kevin gave him a top-grade compass with a wave of his hand, so Liu Yin naturally helped Kevin and said Two good words.

Kevin felt his back getting colder, so he turned his head and waved to Cen Xueluo: "Luoluo, come and help me see something."

Cen Xueluo walked over with a smile, a very cooperative look: "What are you looking at?"

Kevin couldn't help urging the dawdling six sons: "Hurry up and take it out!"

The sixth son carefully took off the necklace, and handed the necklace to Kevin with a full face of reluctance.

"Do you see any difference?" Kevin glanced at the metal pendant on the necklace, and handed it to Cen Xueluo.

Before picking it up, Cen Xueluo smelled a faint scent of medicine, couldn't help being stunned, and quickly checked it carefully.

The six sons carefully observed the expressions of Kevin and Cen Xueluo. It seemed that there was something strange about this necklace. It was specially given to him by his fiancée before he left. If he lost it, how would he explain it? !
"Is your fiancée a pharmacist?" Cen Xueluo heard the conversation between the six sons and the boss of Donglin District just now, so she asked directly.

The six sons replied in a daze: "Yes."

Speaking of which, although the six sons are extremely talented in Donglin District, they are still a bit unworthy of his fiancée. If his fiancée hadn't been so infatuated with him, he might have been separated by his fiancée's family long ago.And the six sons came to participate in the Heroes Meeting this time just to make themselves stand out and have an identity that matches their fiancée.

"What's your fiancée's name?" Kevin interjected.

"Kong Ting."

"So it's from Donglin Kong's family." Kevin nodded with a clear smile.

The kid doesn't care much about exposing his fiancée's identity. After all, the Kong family in Donglin District can be regarded as the overlord. Compared with Kong Ting, Kong Ting will be safe in the Kong family. No one will hurt her. The focus now is... the necklace Can you give it back to yourself?

Cen Xueluo sniffed, disappointment flashed across his eyes, and handed the necklace to Kevin: "It is true that some medicinal materials were added, and the formula is very unique, but unfortunately it was soaked in water, so I can't tell them apart, and it's not very useful now."

Kevin was also curious for a while, seeing that the necklace was useless, he readily returned the necklace to Liu Zi, and patted Liu Zi on the shoulder and said: "If you can get out alive, maybe I will ask you to recommend it, we will go to The Confucius family came to visit."

The six sons were naturally very happy to get the necklace back, and no matter how they nodded in the future, they promised a bad check.

Cen Xueluo knew that Kevin would not go to someone for a token of love for no reason, and it seemed that the Donglin Confucian family had some special opinions on pharmaceuticals. It also benefits a lot.

After tidying up the players in the East Forest District, the Manshan District has tasted the sweetness this time, and even Xiao Zijie asked enthusiastically, "Brother Kevin, who shall we grab next?"

Just as Kevin was about to speak, Liu Yin became anxious: "Can you help my two team members first?"

For Li Ruifeng and Jing Chuan's poisoning, they were entirely to blame. After all, the elixir that Kevin used to detoxify them was their own villain's heart to treat the gentleman's belly.Now that they are poisoned, the captain Liu Yin can't leave them alone, so he has to beg for it with the cheek.

Kevin shrugged: "I don't have the ability, it depends on whether my family is willing or not."

Pushing things on his own head again!Passing Kevin a coquettish look, Cen Xueluo readily agreed, "Let me see their situation first!"

In fact, the situation of Li Ruifeng and Jingchuan is very simple. Although the white mist in the trial secret realm contains a lot of rich aura, but because of the killings in each trial secret realm, the aura is filled with unbearable energy. The aura of rage that he perceives, and these auras will secretly lurk in the body, and will not surface until a battle occurs, and make people lose their minds and cannot control their emotions.

Cen Xueluo himself had already refined some preventive pills and detoxification pills under Kevin's reminder. At this time, the violent aura in the two of them had been vented, and then they took the detoxification pills and used Cen Xueluo Xueluo's unique icy inner breath is refreshing, refreshing, and makes people feel peaceful and comfortable. Naturally, it is the medicine that cures the disease!

Li Ruifeng and Jing Chuan, who were rescued and woke up, blushed with embarrassment when they learned the truth, and quickly apologized and thanked Kevin and Cen Xueluo.

The actions of the two of them made Cen Xueluo take a high look at them, and the most rare thing is to admit mistakes and correct them.

After solving the internal problem and successfully plundering for the first time, Kevin was in a good mood and waved his hand: "Let's go! Let's go to the big fish to eat the small fish and the small fish to eat dried shrimps!"

(End of this chapter)

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