Chapter 235
Being directly pointed out by Shen Jing, there was no trace of embarrassment on Liu Yin's charming face, she stood up calmly, her dark eyes swept across the faces of Yun Lang and the others, and the corners of her lips curled into a heart-pounding smile: "It's been a long time, little sister, you look even more radiant."

"I can't compare my sister to Huajiao." Shen Jing covered her mouth and giggled, as if she had no intentions at all.

However, Yunlang knows how powerful Shen Jing is. Otherwise, with his arrogance, how could he be willing to call Shen Jing the eldest lady? Even as soon as he entered the secret trial realm, he couldn't wait to lead his team members to avoid this murderous female demon the head.

A group of team members from the Manshan District walked across from the team members from the Lingxiao District, and they were instantly compared to the dirt in terms of temperament and appearance.

Facing the Lingxiao District team that has the hatred of destroying the team, in the minds of the Manshan District team members, they should have felt that their side must be full of murderous intent, full of blood and want to avenge their shame, but now, no matter in terms of temperament or strength, they can't do anything. Competing with others, the only evidence that the Man Mountain team members are not discouraged is the hidden hatred in their eyes.

Lingxiao District is one of the three major districts of the Demon Palace, and all major sects and aristocratic families are vying to move in, so the talents they cultivate are naturally outstanding and magnificent.At this time, Yunlang and the others were also secretly looking at the players in Manshan District. When they found that the opponent's strength was very ordinary, and they were not their opponents at all, the atmosphere could not help but relax.After all, they fought three games in a row, and their spirits have been in a high level of tension, and they urgently need to adjust their breathing to recover.

Kevin, Cen Xueluo, and Qi Long had been suppressing their cultivation bases around the middle and late stages of bigu, so it was no wonder that Yunlang and others who were lower than them were misjudged.

Shen Jing's lively eyes are rolling around, coupled with a sweet face, making people feel as harmless as the little sister next door: "Sister, do you want to come and grab the cold orchid fruit from my sister?"

That's what I said!It was obvious that his team discovered it first, but they just lay in ambush and didn't do anything. Now it's as if he came out later and turned into a villain who snatched the cold orchid fruit!Liu Yinqi's stomach was cramping, but she still kept a coquettish smile on her face: "My sister has been here for a long time. If it weren't for the fact that you are also in the Lingxiao team, we would have taken advantage of it just now. Since Everyone has discovered the Hanlan fruit tree, so it’s better for those who see it to have a share!"

The corner of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched, Xiao Zijie was dumbfounded.

What is the profound skill, the shadow of the sword hidden in the smiling face?See how powerful this beautiful woman is, she can be so cheeky, so hypocritical!At this moment, Cen Xueluo suddenly felt that his previous life and this life had been wasted.

"You are you. If you were not you, then I wouldn't like you." Qi Long's voice suddenly rang in Cen Xueluo's mind.

"Although your expression was very vague, your logic was a bit confused, and you peeped into my inner thoughts very impolitely, but I still appreciate your comfort." Cen Xueluo replied with her heart. If it was Qi Yang, she could Unceremoniously taught him a lesson, and even knocked Qi Yang on the head to tell him to understand the rules in the future, but now it is the cold-faced Qi Long who can listen to his heart!Cen Xueluo couldn't say anything that hurt people's self-esteem like this and didn't save face.Maybe it's because Qi Long, being a dragon, has too strong aura...

Facing the share proposed by Liu Yin, Yun Lang spoke first, "It's a bit too much for you to share the results of our protection as soon as you come!"

Shen Jing shrugged innocently: "Sister, you see, our people fought for a long time and suffered heavy injuries in exchange for this cold orchid fruit. If my sister agrees to share with you today, my teammates will not be willing! Although we are The remnant soldiers are defeated, but if my sister insists on taking it by force, we will have to do our best!" At the end, Shen Jing's sweet little face was full of grievances, as if to say that you are still robbing us after we are all like this. How unkind!

Although Yun Lang already knew something about Miss Shen Jing, he couldn't help blinking when he heard her say that.Obviously she was the one who transmitted the sound to him to let him speak these words, okay?Also, my team obviously won the battle, so how could it be defeated? !However, the more the delay was, the more his team members would be able to recover more energy, so Shen Jingai could say whatever she wanted.

Before Liuyin could speak, she heard Kevin's voice transmission: "Don't let her delay, let's call directly!"

Liu Yin couldn't help but smiled wryly, and sent a voice transmission to Kevin: "I'm sorry, I can't do anything to Shen Jing. If I want to fight, I won't participate."

"Is it because you don't participate, or does your entire team not participate?" Kevin's voice transmission was a little aggressive.

Liu Yin froze for a moment, then turned around to look at her team members and said, "Sorry, I decided not to participate in the Hanlanguo battle, what's your opinion?"

Seeing Liuyin's reaction and behavior, Kevin couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Cen Xueluo didn't know about the conversation between Kevin and Liu Yin, and couldn't help being a little surprised at Liu Yin's backlash, but seeing Kevin's unsurprised expression, Cen Xueluo simply kept silent and didn't make a sound.

"Hey, Captain Liu, what do you mean? Are you running away?" Xiao Zijie opened his eyes wide in shock and asked quickly.

"It's okay, we respect their choice." Kevin said leisurely, preventing Xiao Zijie from asking.

Li Ruifeng, Jing Chuan, and Song Jiaquan were also obviously taken aback. They didn't quite understand why Liu Yin suddenly chose to quit, but they quickly agreed: "Naturally, we're advancing and retreating with the captain."

Shi Bupo kept his gloomy face and didn't say a word. Seeing his teammates express their opinions, Liu Yin looked over, and then said indifferently: "Me too."

Seeing that everyone was going to leave with her, Liu Yin smiled at her teammates in relief, and then said to Xiao Zijie, Cen Xueluo and the others with an apologetic face: "Sorry, our team quit Hanlanguo. Competition, if you don't participate, I can guarantee that you can also leave safely..."

Before Liu Yin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kevin in a cold voice: "No need. But I have to make some things clear in advance. We are originally from the same district, and we should support each other. Since at this critical moment you want to We didn't stop you from retreating, but no matter what happens afterwards, you are not entitled to share the Hanlan fruit, and if you walk halfway up the road, the cooperative relationship between our team and you will be terminated!" Kevin evil Although Mei's face was not full of murderous intent, the eyes she looked at Liu Yin and the others were very indifferent, as if looking at strangers she didn't know.

Liu Yin's heart sank, her expression was gloomy.She understood that this decision of hers was truly divorced from Kevin's team and completely offended them.It's just that Kevin and the others don't know how strong Shen Jing is, how vicious his heart is, and how vicious his attacks are!Forget it, as long as he saves the lives of the members of his team, he will always have a chance to find other genius treasures.

Li Ruifeng was also very upset. He was always grateful to Cen Xueluo for saving him. Although he had a hot temper, he never took revenge.In this situation, he is also very embarrassed, but he is really sincere to Liu Yin, and it is absolutely impossible to let him leave the team.Li Ruifeng, whose face was all red and white, had no choice but to cup his fists at Cen Xueluo, and said shamelessly, "Miss Xueluo, Li Ruifeng will always remember the grace of saving your life. If you have the opportunity, I will repay you!"

After Li Ruifeng said that, Jing Chuan followed suit and gestured.

Song Jiaquan silently nodded to Xiao Zijie and the others without saying anything.

Instead, Shi Bupo, who had always been gloomy and eccentric, looked at Cen Xueluo and said, "Let's discuss it when we have a chance."

Shi Bupo didn't say clearly what he was discussing, but Cen Xueluo knew in his heart that Shi Bupo was very proud of poison art, but he happened to be famous for his medical skills because of the solution to the Xianxian powder during the competition in the wild mountain area, which would definitely make Shi Bupo very dissatisfied.I just don't know if the discussion he mentioned is a friendly exchange or a malicious competition.However, no matter what it was, Cen Xueluo was not afraid of him.

"Waiting for you at any time." Cen Xueluo's voice was always cold, but revealed a strong confidence.Maybe she wasn't the most experienced, had a lot of experience in dealing with enemies, and even didn't know enough about the cultivation world, but when it comes to medical skills and poison making, Cen Xueluo doesn't need to be too modest.

Hearing this, Shi Bupo took another deep look at Cen Xueluo, and said gloomily, "Be careful."

Liu Yin and the others felt ashamed of Cen Xueluo and the others, embarrassed to stay longer, they turned around and left quickly.

On the contrary, Kevin was very displeased with Shi Bupo's abnormal behavior, grabbed Cen Xueluo's hand and squeezed it, and muttered in a low voice, "What does that kid mean?"

"Huh?" Cen Xueluo raised her head and looked at Kevin with a slight smile.

There was a lingering sourness in Kevin's voice: "That yin and yang boy won't have any plans for you!"

Before Cen Xueluo could speak in the future, Yun Lang got angry first: "You guys who don't know how to flatter, this is not the place for you to flirt!"

Ten people on my side, and eleven people on the other side left five... Huh?Why are there eleven people on the other side?But now this is not the point, the point is whether the dog and man have a clear understanding of the situation?Under such circumstances, he dared to flirt like no one else, was he provoking himself as a bachelor?I really want to send them directly to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!

Shen Jing giggled, and cast a glance at Yunlang.Although she is not as charming as Liu Yin, her sweet face is endearing, and she rolls her eyes coquettishly, which is quite charming.

It's just that Yun Lang didn't dare to appreciate Miss Shen Jing's eyes. His fear of Shen Jing was deep-rooted, and he immediately shrank his head and fell silent.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jing of the Penglai Pioneer School had such a high status in Lingxiao District.Noticing Yun Lang's expression, Cen Xueluo couldn't help thinking to himself, and paid extra attention to this seemingly harmless silence.

(End of this chapter)

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