Chapter 242
The white mist in the trial secret realm is indeed filled with a tyrannical atmosphere, but it will not cause any harm to the human body. At most, it will make the players more excited and lose control of their emotions.Where there is fighting, there will be bloodshed, and where there is bloodshed, there will be casualties.

Now, more than a dozen teams are chasing a team in a desert area. It seems that there are fewer people.

Most people think this way in their hearts, looking through the white mist to see the players in the desert area with blurred figures in front of them, it is like looking at a dead person.

"A desert area is easy to deal with. The problem is their geniuses and land treasures. How do we divide them?" Some teams have already begun to plan ahead, and they are very far-sighted in analyzing the chaos after gang fights.So they found two other nearby teams that seemed to be not weak, and began to discuss with each other while flying at low altitude.

"It's impossible to eat alone. It's best to combine several teams to kill the others! Killing the first team is killing, and killing the fourth or fifth team is also killing." I have to say that there are really ruthless people in the chasing team, and no matter how much they propose Kill a few teams, but this proposal is in the hands of others.

The proposed captain and the other captain looked at each other, and they shot at the other team at the same time.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"Sneak attack! Despicable villain!"

"You go back on your word!"

The team of people who were attacked suddenly panicked and cursed.However, just relying on words of mouth will not make the opponent lose a piece of meat.Soon, the team that was attacked by surprise was completely wiped out by the two teams that had conspired long ago.

"Hey, old rules, five to five points!"

"It seems that fishing in troubled waters is really a good trick! This is the third team of silly birds!"

Hearing the conversation between the captains of the two teams, I suddenly realized that the two teams had been colluding secretly for a long time, and then deliberately pretended that they didn't know each other well, so as to seduce the other teams to cooperate together, and then attacked when the other party was not prepared Sneak attack.

"It's really despicable." Cen Xueluo, who was hiding in the dark, transmitted voice to Kevin angrily.

"They have helped the desert area a lot of trouble." Kevin smiled, "Since they have caught so much, we have to watch closely and don't let them slip away."

Qi Long always kept silent. Even though he couldn't hear what Kevin and Luoluo were talking about, he could clearly see what was going on in Cen Xueluo's mind, so he couldn't help but take a cold look at the two men who were fishing in troubled waters. team.

These two teams are also rare among the teams chasing the desert area. Most of the other teams have fallen behind the desert area in an orderly manner, and there are also two or three teams that have negotiated to join forces.Of course, the news that the two teams fishing in troubled waters in the back were killing other teams was not hidden from their ears, but these teams didn't care at all.

"The more aggressive the reptiles in the back are, the better. It's better to clean up those people in the back, so we can take action later." A man with long hair flying at the end of the line glanced at the back lightly and sneered. road.

"Captain, why does it feel like the fog is getting thicker?" The man flying in front frowned and said strangely.

"Hmph! Inform the other two teams, let's speed up and get closer." The long-haired man snorted coldly, still standing at the back of his team.

Fifteen figures increased their speed at the same time, whizzing past the low altitude, the misty white mist was impacted and rippling back and forth, gathering quickly and then slowly spreading around.

This is a relatively low jungle, surrounded by many huge stones, overgrown with weeds.At this time, a colorful face that was scratched emerged from the weeds and undergrowth, its eyes rolled around treacherously, and it said happily: "The fish is hooked!"

If the pursuers saw it, their jaws would definitely drop in shock.Because the face drilled out from below was none other than Sidi, the captain of the desert area they were chasing.

"The fog is so thick, there is no need to draw it like this!" Not far from Sidi, another ghost-like face appeared, but Chi Zhe was full of disgust and dissatisfaction.Chi Zhe himself is obsessed with cleanliness, but Sidi said that the field troops should all be dressed up, which is good for concealment.I must have not brought my head out at the time to agree to him drawing on my face!It's really dirty!After killing these people, you must find a place to take a good bath!
Qiao Shou didn't join in the bickering between the two. He was very patient and vigilant like a hunter waiting for his prey.Counting the number of people silently in his heart, Qiao Shou finally said in a low voice, "Collect the net!"

Qiao Shou didn't transmit this sentence, his soft voice spread through the white mist, which surprised the group of contestants who just flew past.Although they reacted quickly, knowing that they and the others might have fallen into a trap, before they had time to discuss countermeasures, the surrounding white mist suddenly became so thick that they couldn't reach their fingers, and even the teammates around them quickly blurred and disappeared. In the white mist.

"What kind of magic is this!" Some people exclaimed in horror, trying to shout loudly to contact their teammates, but their shouts caused echoes like shouts in an empty canyon, and in these echoes The only thing that didn't exist was the response from his teammates.

"Damn it, it's an enchantment!" The male captain with fluttering hair was the first to react, frowned and cursed in a low voice, and then his body suddenly stopped in mid-air.Immediately afterwards, layer after layer of ripples appeared centered on his body, oscillating like sound waves and spreading far away, and the thick white mist also became thinner during such oscillations.

The captain knew in his heart that only by finding the person who released the barrier could he break the barrier, so he tried his best to mobilize the inner breath of his whole body and release his mind to search.The captain's enchantment is also very strange, it can be infinitely expanded and searched like a sound wave, as long as his internal energy is sufficient and his cultivation is strong enough, it is possible to cover the entire trial secret realm.

Unfortunately, how could Qiao Shou make such a mistake.

Just as the long-haired captain was working hard, he suddenly heard an extremely feminine voice softly whispering in his ears: "Don't bother, you have no chance!"

"Qiao Shou!" The long-haired captain was startled, he immediately restrained his mind, turned around, and saw Qiao Shou's incomparably handsome face looking at him expressionlessly.Mingming's handsome and feminine face is like the most caring and warm lover, and her voice is even softer as if trying to heal people's hearts, but her expression is so indifferent and rigid.It has to be said that Qiao Shou is a person full of contradictions, and what he hates the most is when others talk about his handsome but feminine skin.

"As expected of the captain of Kuangya District." Qiao Shou praised in his mouth, but his face was still indifferent, and he nodded perfunctorily.

"I have heard for a long time that Qiao defends your reputation as a bloody killer. Today I want to see if your reputation is in vain!" Knowing that he and others must have been plotted by the desert area, the captain of the Kuangya area couldn't help but worry about his other team members. But the more worried he was, the calmer he was. He looked seriously at Qiao Shou, who was standing in the air opposite him, and stretched out his hand, and a six-foot broadsword shining with golden light appeared out of thin air.

Qiao Shou's pupils shrank slightly, and a red cloud appeared on his soft and handsome face, as if a shy girl blushed when she saw a young man she loved.But if Sidi and the others were there, they would know that Qiao Shou was excited.

Qiao Shou didn't take out his weapon, but just stretched out his delicate and slender hand, and then made a gesture to the captain of Kuangya District, asking for a move.

"Today I'm going to see whether it's my Kuangba swordsmanship or your bloody hands!" the captain of Kuangya District roared, the sword in his hand shot through the white mist with golden light, and the people in the midair A gust of hurricane suddenly blew up around the head of Kuangya District, and at the eye of the hurricane, the head of Kuangya District's long hair fluttered, and he said a few words coldly from his lips, "The first form of the Kuangba Saber Technique—Wind Dance! "

The golden sword light was mixed in the strong wind and whizzed away like a typhoon. Everything it passed was torn to shreds, even the stones on the ground were chopped into small pieces and rolled into the air.As soon as the captain of the Kuangya District drew his sword, he was full of domineering, with an invincible momentum.As soon as he made a move, the captain of Kuangya District used his trump card, which was the most proficient, powerful and most sure move he used!He didn't believe that Qiao Shou, who was also at the peak of the bigu period, could catch it!

The wind blows across the border, the wind blows away, and the sky is in a mess.

But in the mess, there was no figure of Qiao Shou.The captain of Kuangya District was startled, swung a knife and attacked behind him, but suddenly felt his scalp go numb, looked up, and saw Qiao Shou hitting his head like a shell falling from a high altitude.

The body fell sharply, and at the same time, the captain of Kuangya District raised the big knife in his hands as if holding a spear, stabbing towards the top of his head.

With a sound of "click", the big knife seemed to touch something, and then the captain of Kuangya District felt light in his hand, and the long knife that had been with him for many years was broken in half by Qiao Shou's delicate and slender hands.

Afterwards, Qiao Shou pushed away the remaining half of the long knife lightly, and without slowing down, he directly inserted the half of the long knife in his hand into the head of the head of Kuangya District.

The slender figure fell to the ground lightly, and then the thick body of the captain of Kuangya District also fell from the midair suddenly, hitting the ground with a bang.

The captain of the Kuangya District opened his eyes very wide. He didn't understand how Qiao Shou could break his own knife with his bare hands. He was also at the peak of the bigu stage, how could he be unable to do a single move in his hands?Not reconciled!So unwilling!

"The first is too much nonsense, the second is too slow, and the third is that you can't correctly understand your own strength." Qiao Shou watched the captain of Kuangya District whose body fell into a puddle of mud, but his eyes were still open and refused to make peace, and he couldn't help sighing. , said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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