The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 249 I Don't Like Waste Chapters

Chapter 249 I Don't Like Nonsense
It has to be said that Yanlong is worthy of being the leader of the players in Longxiang District, the first district of the Demon Palace. With his foresight and decisiveness alone, it can be seen that he is not someone in the pool.

Longxiang District and Fengming District also sent two teams of players respectively, but Yanlong and the captain of this team from Fengming District are related, and they also helped the beauties in Fengming District on a friendly basis before, so the two teams left is closer.Although the contestants in Fengming District are all girls, they are all very knowledgeable and not coquettish.

Some people have said that the more a person has a real status and background, the less he will put on a superior posture. On the contrary, those who are not inferior always show their superior side to satisfy their own vanity.

Longxiang District and Fengming District are one of the largest districts in the Demon Palace area, and they are also settled by well-known families. Compared with the rising Lingxiao District, the background is much thicker.

Lingxiao District was originally a third-tier community, but because of the terrain, the master of the Demon Palace decided to develop Lingxiao District, and sent one of the Eight Great Demon Generals to station in Lingxiao District. The slums suddenly flourished.This is like a nouveau riche who got rich overnight, wishing to display his wealth with gold and silver treasures all over his body. Although the appearance is magnificent, he still lacks the heart of the strong and the calm state of mind.So it is also participating in the Heroes' Meeting, Longxiang District and Fengming District have always had a good reputation, but Lingxiao District will always bully others, and will wipe out the opponent's team if they encounter something that is not pleasing to the eye.This approach has attracted a lot of hatred, but there is a demon general sitting in the Lingxiao District, and no one dares to say anything.

The results in the Lingxiao District were also dismal this time. Although it wasn't considered a group loss, it was almost the same as the team loss, because only Shen Jing was still alive.Looking at the tray in his hand, Nan Gongyue's face was extremely ugly. He looked at the highest seat of the observation deck with some fear, as if he could see the murderous gaze of the big man sitting on it.

"There is only one female player left in the two pairs in Lingxiao District. Look at Nangongyue's old face, which is darker than the bottom of the pot." Shan Hong's assistant in Manshan District went to inquire about information, and after returning, he gloated at Shan Hong Said.

Shan Hong looked at the tray in his hand, and it was a miracle that none of the ten soul jade slips were broken.You know, there are already quite a few regional team leaders complaining. This time, quite a few teams were wiped out in the finals of the Qunyinghui Demon Palace. Many people suspected that it was the speculators who got in. People went in to investigate.However, Leng Zhan has always been a tough person, and all the voices of opposition were suppressed abruptly by him. None of the six great demon generals who came to suppress the formation raised any doubts, not even the eight great demon generals in the Lingxiao District. Although Yi pulled his face, he finally endured it without saying a word.

The atmosphere outside the Trial Secret Realm is weird, and the atmosphere inside the Trial Secret Realm is even weirder.

"Did you see that team of boys? It is said that they are the grandchildren of those old guys in the desert area, and none of them are easy." Among the examiners who were sent to guard the exit, there were also some who liked to gossip. A short examiner with a good personal relationship.

"Hmph, I saw it. It's a sensationalist, and it's also pretending to be cute." Obviously, the other examiner has a deep prejudice against the contestants in the desert area, and his tone is full of contempt, "It's just relying on the previous family background, really I thought I was invincible in the world. This time they pulled so much hatred, I'm afraid they won't know how they died for a while."

"They must rely on something to say that. Don't forget that Qiao Shou came out of the bloody jungle." The examiner who spoke first reminded, and then added, "Look at it later, as long as the rules are not broken , then let's not interfere."

The short examiner seemed a little impatient, smacked his lips and did not reply, but his eyes swept across the desert area very unkindly.This group of arrogant guys, it's best not to fall into my hands.

Speaking of which, the team in the desert area is also a little wronged, because there is a large area of ​​Gobi Desert in their area, where the severe cold and harsh conditions are very tough, and coupled with the good blood of their ancestors, they are relatively tall.And this height just offended the short examiner, so he didn't like this group of tall guys very much.

The coquettish Sidi with his signature sunny smile is still flirting around, how did he know that he and others were envied by the examiner for an inexplicable reason? He whistled, then turned to Chi Zhe and said, "Chi Shuangji, I think those chicks are still virgins."

"Chi Zhe!" Chi Zhe corrected Sidi again with a blank face, and then said calmly, "It seems that those girls are all famous, and they suit my appetite!"

The whole world is always silent, walking in the middle of the team.

Qiao Shou is always at the end of the team, ensuring the safety of their backs.

In the eyes of all kinds of hatred and unkindness, the five members of the team in the desert area finally did not completely lose their minds, and chose a location slightly remote from the exit.

Seeing that this group of guys did not approach, for some reason, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they are not rampant to the point of brain damage.Just as this idea flashed through everyone's minds, they suddenly saw the baby-faced captain in the desert area pull out a piece of white cloth and spread it on the ground, and then shouted loudly: "Do you need to buy geniuses and land treasures? The variety is complete. First come, first served!"

Change your sister!All your sisters!Got your sister!Many people couldn't help cursing secretly in their hearts.

"I can't take it anymore! Is this showing off your wealth?"

"Love to show off, die fast!"

"Captain, if you say a word, I will rush over and kill them immediately!"

After Sidi made a group taunt at the teams in each region, many contestants were a little angry.Who hasn't got a little temper?
At this time, Shen Jing also successfully mixed into a team, and that team was also put together piecemeal. Because Shen Jing had the captain's badge, he continued to appoint the captain of this team.But now the team she is in has very poor performance and strength.At this moment, when Shen Jing saw the people in the desert area, she wished she could cover her face with a cloth. Seeing Sidi's smiling face, Shen Jing felt as disgusted as if she had eaten a fly.

"Do you have rock flowers?" A sweet voice broke the original silence, and the thick and charming voice made people feel very innocent and cute, making everyone look over involuntarily.

The one who spoke was a little girl with a pure and sweet face. Originally, she should be like a baby being cared for and held in the palm of her hand, but now her sweet face is a little more embarrassed, and her hair looks like A little messy, like a child who went out to play secretly and came back with mud.At this moment, the girl stared straight at Sidi with her round eyes, and asked again in that sweet voice, "Are there rock flowers?"

Cen Xueluo and the others had already sneaked to the exit, and found a place to stay not too far from everyone, still dressed as a member of the Qunyi District.

Seeing the girl suddenly speak, Cen Xueluo couldn't help frowning slightly: "What does this girl want to do?"

Kevin glanced at it indifferently, twitched the corners of his lips, and revealed a wicked smile: "If you play beauty tricks on Sidi in front of Chi Zhe, she will be miserable."

Hearing what Kevin said, Cen Xueluo also looked over with interest, with a hint of treachery in his clear and bright eyes.This girl was very similar to Shen Jing, so Cen Xueluo didn't have a good impression of her.

Sidi was also taken aback. He was joking and wanted to disgust those malicious people, but who knew that someone actually spoke up, so he nodded quickly: "Of course there is! What do you give me in exchange for a beauty? "

"I have a snakebite!" The girl was petite and seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, with a cute and proud smile on her sweet face, as if a child was showing off her toys, and then her face collapsed again Come down, and said dejectedly, "But it's not much. Can I exchange fifty snakebites for your eighty rock flowers?"

Faced with such a pitiful request from such a sweet and lovely little girl, those big eyes blinked as if they were ready to shed tears at any time. People's hearts are full of flesh, and anyone who sees them will feel sorry for this little girl. Wish.

"This girl has such a powerful charm technique." Yan Long is well-informed and has deep cultivation, so he will not be confused by this girl.

And the girls in Fengming District are also not weak in cultivation, they originally felt sympathy for this little girl, but at this moment, Yanlong's expression suddenly became disgusted.

Not every district has an expert team leader like Yanlong, so most of the male players feel pity for Shen Jing and have a desire to protect them. This is exactly the purpose of this girl standing up.A total of three disciples from the Penglai Immortal Sect came to the Demon Realm this time. Shen Jing has always been the best of the three disciples. She seems to have been sailing along the river for too long and has lost her sense of danger, and Liu Yin is too Too cowardly is not enough to accomplish great things.The only Meiya who has never shown her face to Cen Xueluo and others is the one who is really scheming.Meiya does not have such a high level of cultivation as Shen Jing, and does not have Liu Yin's charming face, but her charm technique is the best practiced among her peers.

"No." It was Qiao Shou, who was handsome and slightly feminine, who refused aloud. His pair of female-like red phoenix eyes looked at Meiya lightly, without any emotion.

"Brother, but I really want to change the rock flower. If the rock flower is not my brother's quest item, why not exchange it with Meiya?" Meiya continued to lobby, her big eyes filled with crystal tears.

Qiao Shou's face suddenly became gloomy, and a fist swung out, kicking up a cloud of dust in front of him: "I don't like nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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