Chapter 3 Internal Selection
In the office, Teacher Li, who is nearly half a century old, has slightly white temples. Looking at the five children in front of him, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "You also know that the city's math competition is about to begin. The teacher is very optimistic about you five... "

Before Teacher Li finished speaking, Wen Yuanyuan asked with a look of surprise: "Teacher, didn't Geng Yunyun and the four of us participate in the past? Why did you change people?"

Wen Yuanyuan looked innocent, and asked without any intention, but cast a vague glance at Cen Xueluo out of the corner of his eyes.

The smile on Teacher Li's face faltered slightly, and he explained: "Student Cen Xueluo is very talented in mathematics, and being able to solve today's problem is a good indication of his level."

"Luoluo, did you really make it yourself? It's amazing!" Wen Yuanyuan looked at Cen Xueluo with admiration, but her eyes were extremely contemptuous.

Cen Xueluo stood there expressionless, without saying a word.

Cen Xueluo's silence confirmed the conjectures of several people. Nie Yunfeng said anxiously: "Student Cen Xueluo has a good foundation in mathematics. I remember that when she first reported in junior high school, her mathematics scores were the highest in the class."

"But that was when I just reported, and the knowledge of elementary school..." Wen Yuanyuan didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning behind the words was very clear.

Teacher Li was also a little anxious, and waved his hand and said, "As for the quota for the competition, I and other teachers will study it again. If it doesn't work, we will conduct an internal selection, so that every student has the opportunity to prove their ability."

Unexpectedly, the matter of the competition quota would be carried out in the form of internal selection. Wen Yuanyuan and the others were a little surprised, but in the end they gloated and looked at Cen Xueluo. After all, they were still very confident in their own strength.

Cen Xueluo was silent all the way, without saying a word, and when he returned to the classroom, Lin Yichong hadn't come back, and he was nowhere to be seen until the end of class, so Cen Xueluo looked at the "Medical Classics" in the space again with great interest.

After all the afternoon classes were over, Lin Yichong returned to the classroom with a stern face during the self-study class. His blue and white school uniform was still stained with some dust and green grass clippings. It seemed that he had gone to fight somewhere.

Everyone had a tacit understanding and pretended not to see it. Only Xi Lei, who had always had a good relationship with Lin Yichong, asked, "Chongzi, why did you go?"

"I had a fight with those bastards from class three." Lin Yichong chuckled, sat down, glanced at Cen Xueluo who was in a daze, his smile disappeared immediately, he snorted coldly, and lay down on the table to rest his mind.

The self-study class has always been relatively casual, but the discipline is still good. After all, class one is considered a key class. Students write homework, discuss topics, and even chatterers will consciously lower their voices.

The door of the class was suddenly opened, and there was a sudden silence in the classroom. A needle could be heard falling on the ground. Teacher Li strode in.

"Students, the city's mathematics competition will start in fifteen days. I believe everyone knows that the top ten in the city will advance to the provincial competition, and those with excellent results in the provincial competition will have the opportunity to participate in the national competition and even participate in the national youth summer camp. , This is a very important competition." Teacher Li paused, looked at the students sitting upright with enthusiasm, and said in a cadence, "In order to give everyone a fair chance to compete, our teaching and research group specially decided to hold a full competition next week. In the grade-level mathematics internal selection competition, the top ten can represent the school to participate in the competition."

After Mr. Li announced the exciting news, he said a few more words of encouragement to everyone, and then left with the lesson plan in hand.

As soon as the news came out, the classroom was like an explosion. Some people were happy, some were sad, and some didn't take it seriously at all, such as the person sleeping next to Cen Xueluo.

"Great, Geng Yunyun, now you can go to the competition!" Wang Xiaoyan and Geng Yunyun have the best relationship, and she couldn't help being really happy for Geng Yunyun when she heard about it.

Geng Yunyun had a look of worry on her brows, she smiled timidly, her eyes were still a little red and swollen.

In fact, Wen Yuanyuan was not very familiar with Geng Yunyun on weekdays, so she also smiled and said at this time: "That's right, Geng Yunyun, your grades are so good, the quota should be yours, let's study math problems together in the self-study class in the future? Squad leader Nie, will you also guide us?"

Nie Yunfeng frowned, looked at Cen Xueluo who was wandering in the sky, hesitated in his heart, and finally nodded under Wen Yuanyuan's repeated urging.

Lin Yichong, who was sleeping on his stomach, was quarreled, his eyelids were half-opened, and he looked at his tablemate with an indifferent face. Her clear eyes looked out the window, and the small lips under her straight nose were slightly pursed, as if there was a smile on her face.

It seems that Cen Xueluo seems to be in a good mood?Lin Yi became curious and couldn't help kicking Cen Xueluo's desk. Seeing Cen Xueluo look down at the desk and then at himself, he coughed and said, "The teacher said that the competition places will be selected internally."

"Well, I heard it." Cen Xueluo looked at Lin Yichong puzzled, not understanding what this guy meant when he said such a word to himself with a straight face.

"What exactly do you mean? Are you sure?" Lin Yichong couldn't help but asked directly. He was not a mute character, and he always went straight. Very upset, I ran out and had a fight to vent.

"En." Cen Xueluo responded, but did not answer, and turned her head to look out of the window. She hadn't studied the herbs in the book in her previous life, and she was thinking about how to combine them to bring out the best properties of the medicine.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Seeing Cen Xueluo's indifferent indifference, Lin Yi became furious and yelled out without thinking.

The voice of this sentence was a bit loud, the class fell silent for a while, and they all looked over, not knowing what caused the little overlord to get angry.Seeing Lin Yichong losing his temper at Cen Xueluo, no one dissuaded him, but most of them had the mentality of watching the show.

Lin Yichong's angry roar attracted the attention of the whole class, but the person concerned seemed to stay out of the matter leisurely, without even blinking an eye.

Lin Yichong felt a surge of hot blood rushing up, and stretched out his hand to pull Cen Xueluo with his eyes wide open.

Seeing that Lin Yichong was about to put his hand on Cen Xueluo's shoulder, Nie Yunfeng suddenly stood up with a cough and said, "Study well! Don't make any noise!"

Lin Yi punched his hand, and turned his head to glare at Nie Yunfeng, who came out to disrupt the situation, with undisguised anger in his thick eyebrows and big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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