Chapter 31
His gaze sank slightly, and Kevin also laughed: "That's right, it's the same mushroom that has been broken into four pieces. Who do you think the person who poisoned him originally intended to harm?"

"Anyway, it can't be an indifferent little person like us." Cen Xueluo shrugged indifferently, as he was not that capable of making enemies.

Seeing Cen Xueluo's attitude of having nothing to do with himself, Kevin didn't feel any resentment in his heart, he looked Cen Xueluo up and down a few times, with a faint smile on his lips: "Luoluo, sometimes you are really smart It's astonishing, girls at this age rarely have such penetrating eyesight as yours. I guess this summer camp will soon be impossible..."

Cen Xueluo originally wanted to ask Kevin why he said this, but Zheng Hao, who had been listening to their conversation with his ears up all the time, dug out a mobile phone from somewhere, it was the original kind of big brother, and dialed a number in a mighty manner. Then he took the domineering big brother who was like a brick to his ear and said to the phone, "Hey, Grandpa, I won't be participating in this summer camp anymore, someone is going to kill me!"

Turning around, meeting Kevin's smiling eyes, Cen Xueluo curled her lips helplessly: "It seems that your family background is not bad, why is he so..."

"Greedy and afraid of death?" Kevin smiled after completing what Cen Xueluo hadn't finished saying, "Everyone's family background is different, the environment in which they grew up is different, and their status in the family..."

Kevin didn't finish his sentence, and a look of sadness appeared on his handsome face, presumably because he recalled some unhappy things.

Cen Xueluo patted Kevin's shoulder comfortingly, and sighed.

Kevin is a person with strong self-control, he quickly walked out of the depression, and then frowned and said: "Your hands are getting colder, what's the matter?"

From this sentence, it can be seen that Kevin did not check his own strength afterward. Cen Xueluo smiled and said, "I have a cold body. Maybe it has something to do with the practice."

After Zheng Hao’s complaint was filed, the teacher who led the team ordered people to dump all the remaining food in the pots and pans and replace them with new mushrooms that were confirmed to be non-toxic, when the camp guards ran away Come over, whisper a few words to the round-faced teacher who led the team, and the round-faced teacher left with that person in a panic.

Zheng Hao was still angry after reporting the case, he spat out, and then said to Li Guoheng fiercely: "Guoheng, don't blame someone in that group of boys again, if I catch them, you beat him to death for me !"

Cen Xueluo couldn't help biting her lips, trying not to laugh, Kevin also looked at Zheng Hao helplessly, only Li Guoheng nodded with a serious face, and agreed honestly: "Yes."

Sure enough, as Kevin expected, the members of the summer camp had just finished eating after being busy for a long time, and the teacher who led the team announced with a serious face that due to some unexpected reasons, the summer camp would end early.

Although various things happened on the second day of the summer camp, many of the students who participated in the summer camp won this opportunity with great difficulty. emerges in everyone's mind.

Those who are familiar with Zheng Hao's details naturally suspect that the reason for the early end of the summer camp is on Zheng Hao's head. The girl with short hair who looks like a boy came up and punched Zheng Hao: "Zheng Hao, tell me, did you do it?" thing?"

"What's none of my business?" Zheng Hao said stubbornly.

"Hmph, I knew you were willing to play games at home all day long. You can't suffer. It wasn't your father who forced you, so you definitely didn't bring it." The short-haired girl said unceremoniously, "You don't want to come. , and even hurt everyone to play badly."

"Wang Yajie, don't slander me." Zheng Hao looked at the eyes of the people around him, quickly pointed at the short-haired girl, and shouted by name and surname, "Why do you say that I hurt everyone?"

Seeing that Wang Yajie was going to continue to reveal his faults, Kevin quickly stopped him: "Okay, Zheng Hao can't be blamed for this. The thing is indeed beyond our expectations, and fortunately the poisonous mushrooms are small in weight. If they are too big, people will die."

Junior high school students are still young, and they always feel that death is far away from them. At this time, when they heard that someone would die, their faces changed when they were frightened, and they dared not blame anyone anymore.

After announcing that the summer camp ended early, teachers from various provinces brought students to participate in the summer camp and began to organize students from their own provinces to line up. Zheng Hao and the others obviously did not intend to follow the teacher, because his father called when he was having trouble with Wang Yajie They called, and Cen Xueluo could hear Zheng Hao's father roaring on the phone from far away, then Zheng Hao hung his head like a grandson and begged Kevin and Li Guoheng to sit with him in the car sent by his family. Go home and explain.

"You..." Kevin stood in front of Cen Xueluo, looked at the girl's beautiful face like a flower and her icy aura, worried in his heart, and asked like a big brother, "Luoluo, after school starts, I will give you I wrote the letter. Also, this is my phone number, if you need anything, you can call me. In the future... you need to make more friends and make yourself happier." Kevin didn't know why he became so rambunctious When he saw Cen Xueluo's lonely appearance and the vicissitudes that he occasionally revealed inadvertently, he felt distressed for no reason. What exactly did Luoluo go through that made her become so withdrawn and indifferent at a young age.

"Yeah." Cen Xueluo nodded slightly, and gave Kevin a reassuring smile. Although the smile was like a flower, it was still difficult to hide her own glamorous temperament, which combined together had a special charm.

Watching Kevin and Zheng Hao leave, Cen Xueluo returned to her indifferent look. She quietly raised her head and gazed at the mist-surrounded mountain peak. After a little thought, she walked to the meeting place in her own province. The teacher is already doing the roll call and ready to go.

Carrying her schoolbag on her shoulders and walking in front of the busy teacher, Cen Xueluo said bluntly to the teacher, "Teacher, I won't go back with the team."

"What?" The teacher was taken aback, sized up the thin but exceptionally beautiful little girl in front of him, and frowned, "Student Cen Xueluo, right? Are you kidding? The teacher brought you out, so you must be kept safe." Take them back. No one is allowed to fall behind!"

"Teacher, my family has relatives in the capital. I said hello when I came here. This time I have to stay for a few days. Then my family will send me back to M City." As a last resort, Cen Xueluo lied.

Maybe it was because she was too calm and composed, the teacher hesitated to believe it: "Okay then, you call your parents and I will confirm."

Cen Xueluo froze for a moment, then nodded: "Then teacher, I'll call my mother and ask my mother to tell relatives to pick me up, okay?"

"Okay. I have to confirm your safety. Let your adults pick you up."

Picking up the phone, he dialed a number that he hadn't remembered for a long time, and the call was connected soon. Cen Xueluo hesitated for a moment, and said, "Kevin, I want to ask you to do me a favor..."

(End of this chapter)

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