The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 34 High School Exams Coming Soon

Chapter 34 High School Exams Coming Soon

It seemed that her mother was suspicious after all. Cen Xueluo smiled wryly. She imagined that one day her mother would discover the difference in the pill, but she never thought that it would take a year and a half for her mother to finally realize it belatedly. She had already thought about her speech, and she couldn't hide her cultivation practice in the future. It's better to reveal it bit by bit now, maybe it's easier for her mother to accept it.

"Mom, I'm telling you something, you have to calm down." Cen Xueluo sat beside Hao Yuemei with a serious face, and grabbed Hao Yuemei's hand.

Hao Yuemei's expression also became serious, but her eyes were still soft, she looked at Cen Xueluo lovingly, and nodded slowly.

"Mom, have you heard of inner strength? There are also the alchemy and lightness exercises that are often shown on TV..." Before Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Hao Yuemei cut him off.

"Who hasn't read it, of course knows! What does this have to do with what you are going to say?"

"Mom, I'm just like the one on TV. I have practiced internal strength, learned medicine, and light body skills..." Cen Xueluo carefully observed Hao Yuemei's face.

No response?Or petrified?Strange, why did my mother look at me with sympathy?Cen Xueluo was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"Stupid child." Hao Yuemei touched Cen Xueluo's head, her tone full of affection, "Every child has a dream of being a hero, but Luoluo, you have to distinguish the difference between dream and reality..."

Listening to her mother giving her psychological counseling, Cen Xueluo couldn't laugh or cry, and in the end she had to distort the facts and said: "Mom, I actually picked up a medical book, which contained a family-passed recipe for making beauty pills, so I secretly learned..."

Hao Yuemei observed Cen Xueluo's expression suspiciously, but Cen Xueluo remained expressionless. After a while, she asked in doubt, "Do you know those herbs?"

"I go to the pharmacy and tell me the name of the medicine, and they will grab the medicine for me, and they are all very cheap medicines." Cen Xueluo's face was innocent, and there was no trace of lying.

After all, Hao Yuemei finally stopped asking, and after she was sure that the pills did not come in a wrong way, a smile appeared on Hao Yuemei's face: "That's great, Luoluo, anyway, this medicine is very cheap, mom will buy you more medicine, you practice more." Order, and then I will send some to the neighbors in the neighborhood."

ah?Cen Xueluo never expected such an ending after all his thinking. There are thousands of years of ginseng in the boiled herb, can you give it away in large quantities?She quickly grabbed Hao Yuemei's hand and said: "Mom, don't worry, you eat first, and you can give it away when the effect is good. Besides, I am in the third grade of junior high school, and I am very busy with my studies. Let's talk about it after my senior high school entrance examination is over?"

Hao Yuemei thought about it, and it was indeed the same reason. She couldn't delay her daughter's study time just because she wanted to deliver medicine to her neighbors, so she stopped mentioning the matter of going to the pharmacy to buy medicine and make medicine.

After the Spring Festival, can May Day be far behind?After May Day, will the senior high school entrance examination be far behind?
Time is like flowing water, rushing away in an irreversible manner, as if yesterday the back blackboard in the classroom said that there were still [-] days before the senior high school entrance examination, and in a blink of an eye, that number became double digits, and the reduction was shocking. with.

On the day of applying for the exam and paying the registration fee, Nie Yunfeng was stunned for a while when he received Cen Xueluo's form, and then asked, "Cen Xueluo, do you want to study in the High School Attached to M University?"

Hearing the sound, Cen Xueluo looked up at Nie Yunfeng. In the past two years, Nie Yunfeng had grown a little taller, and his bookish air became stronger. With sword eyebrows, star eyes, and a tall nose, he was already a standard handsome guy. Cen Xue Luo squinted his eyes, instead of perfunctory for the first time, he asked instead: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Nie Yunfeng was a little hesitant: "There are only two recommended places for the whole year at the High School Attached to University M. After all, it is the best high school in M ​​City. Are you sure you can get the recommended places at the High School Attached to University M?"

"Recommended student?" Cen Xueluo sneered, "I don't need it."

The so-called number of recommended students is a special quota policy given by major colleges and universities to some junior high schools. The students recommended by the school can add [-] points to the original score of the senior high school entrance examination, so as to balance the abnormal performance of some students who are excellent in their daily studies due to the state of the senior high school entrance examination. unexpected situation.

Nie Yunfeng touched his nose and left. Lin Yichong's application form was not handed in. He stared at the form with a sullen face for a long time, and finally turned to Cen Xueluo: "You said that I only have a score of 420 in the simulation. Are you going to high school?"

In his previous life, Lin Yichong did not go to high school, but Cen Xueluo is sure that Lin Yichong was not so entangled when he applied for the exam. He even tore up the application form as a joke. Now that Lin Yichong is so entangled, does it mean that fate will changed?
Seeing Lin Yichong's look of hopeful eyes, Cen Xueluo's heart moved. She stared at Lin Yichong's eyes seriously, and said with great certainty: "If you try hard to catch up from now on, with your head, you will definitely be able to go to high school. The first category cannot be guaranteed, and the second category is also no problem!"

Lin Yichong's eyes lit up: "Really? Then which school should I embrace?"

Cen Xueluo thought about it for a while, and asked Lin Yichong to choose the high school with the lowest score in the first category, and the better high schools in the second category to fill in the form.

One month before the high school entrance examination, the number of recommended students finally came down. As Cen Xueluo expected, even though she had applied for the recommendation of the High School Attached to M University, even though she had always been ranked first in her grade, the two recommended students still had It fell on the heads of Nie Yunfeng and Wen Yuanyuan.

On the day Teacher Li announced the number of recommended students, Cen Xueluo saw that Nie Yunfeng's head was hanging down, and he didn't even dare to look at himself.Sure enough, in the face of interests, Nie Yunfeng will always choose himself first.Although he didn't mind who would get the number of recommended students, Lin Yichong asked Mr. Li why there was no classmate Cen Xueluo. In this regard, Mr. Li was also a little embarrassed, and explained to Cen Xueluo apologetically: "Although your academic performance Very good, but you are not a class leader, and you are not active enough to participate in class activities, and even if your grades are not thirty points of the recommended students, the teacher believes that you have the strength to be admitted to the high school attached to University of M, so..."

Regarding such high-sounding words, Cen Xueluo didn't say a word. She understood why it fell on Wen Yuanyuan, who was around No. 10 in grade. Wen Yuanyuan was the son of a high-ranking official.This world has always been like this.

Cen Xueluo endured the depression in her heart, and wrote in English stroke by stroke in the letter to Kevin: "Right is a tool to kill people without blood. Even if there is no shortcut, I will still be admitted to the High School Attached to M University .Since you want to take the exam, take the best one!"

As the senior high school entrance examination was approaching, although everyone was under increased pressure and the sadness of parting was pervasive, the students began to quietly spread the message book among the students, and wrote parting messages to each other.

Cen Xueluo has always been very lonely, and rarely joked with her classmates, so there were very few girls who came to write her a guest book. To her surprise, Li Jing also gave her a guest book. Seeing Li Jing become taciturn, Cen Xueluo knew that the competition in the first year of junior high school had left an indelible shadow on Li Jing's heart.

Just as she was thinking about how to write, an elegant blue and white checked message book was placed in front of her. Looking up, Nie Yunfeng looked embarrassed and quickly said, "Please write a message for me too."

After speaking, he quickly turned and left.

Lin Yichong poked his head over to take a look, but was slapped open by Cen Xueluo, so Lin Yichong muttered a few words angrily and turned to look for Xi Lei.

Opening the first page of Nie Yunfeng's message book, Cen Xueluo's eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly. There was a very conspicuous signature in the lower right corner of the first page - Wen Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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