The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 36 Selling the Elixir

Chapter 36 Selling the Elixir
No matter how sad or happy, junior high school is just a milestone, and one's own ideals need to be realized by oneself after all.

In the scorching summer, the sun-baked ground seems to be on fire. The weeping willows on both sides of the road hang down their green branches listlessly. Hanging in the scorching sun, he bowed his head and cursed again.

Today, Cen Xueluo wore a high ponytail, a crisp white shirt, and blue jeans. Standing in front of a quaint Chinese medicine shop on the corner of the street, he looked at the four big characters written in flying and phoenix dances on the pure wooden plaque——白Cen Xueluo took a deep breath, then walked in.

She has been to no less than ten pharmacies in the whole city, and deeply understands the difficulty of selling products without diplomas, certificates, patents, or anything else. What kind of perseverance and belief support them from scratch.Not surprisingly, when all the pharmacies heard that she was here to sell beauty and beauty products, they immediately turned from angelic smiles to angelic spurs, and looked up and down with contempt at this teenage girl who was still studying at first glance. , and the tone was surprisingly consistent: "You are so young, what is wrong with learning? Beauty and beauty? Children, let's go home and give it to your mother!"

Those with a better attitude will say: "Son, medicines don't have quality certification, and our pharmacies can't sell them casually!"

Well, Cen Xueluo had to admit that even though she was a famous pharmacist in her previous life, she still didn't know anything about sales and ways to make money.This is one of the few traditional Chinese medicine stores in M ​​City, I hope you will have good luck!
The Baijia pharmacy does not need extravagant decorations, any advertisements, or even showing how many patents and senior Chinese medicine experts it has. The word Baijia alone is a living sign!
The Bai family is an ancestral family of traditional Chinese medicine. Several generations of its ancestors were famous doctors. The medical skills were passed down to Bai Yishan's generation. It is still a standing legend in the field of Chinese medicine.

Bai Yishan is a person in power in the second generation of the Bai family. He dislikes officialdom by nature. He left the sphere of influence of the Bai family and opened some Chinese medicine shops all over the country. Every year on some special days, he would take turns to sit in his own medicine shop. , By the way, let's see how the apprentices are progressing in their medical skills.

Cen Xueluo walked in when Bai Yishan was explaining the principles of medicine to his second apprentice, Bai Fu. As soon as he entered the door, he saw an old man with gray hair and beard holding a stick of trichosanthes and said to the middle-aged man next to him with low eyebrows, "This is heat-clearing and purging medicine." Fire medicines are cold in nature, so be sure to pay attention to the location when placing them, prevent moths and moisture, and don't put them too close to other hot medicines, and these medicines are best collected in autumn..."

Cen Xueluo's curiosity was aroused by such a comprehensive explanation of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine from the aspects of medicinal properties, storage and picking. She was already very obsessed with traditional Chinese medicine, especially the analysis of the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials, so she couldn't help but quietly walked aside and listened quietly. .

"There are many uses of this kind of medicine. The most common one is clearing away heat and promoting body fluid. For example, Yuye soup is made with Shengdi, yam, Schisandra, etc. It can also clear the lungs and moisten dryness, detoxify and reduce swelling. It is said that it can also treat diabetes and other diseases. Diseases that are hard to cure..." Bai Yishan sighed after speaking, "It's a pity that there are so many good medicinal materials, too many prescriptions have been lost, otherwise how could there be so many chronic diseases that cannot be cured of both symptoms and root causes!"

Feeling so emotional, Bai Yishan wiped the gray beard on his chin, his face was full of melancholy and regret, and his words were full of compassion to save the suffering and save the common people.

Cen Xueluo looked at this old man in a loose mandarin jacket who looked like an outsider, and couldn't help interjecting: "Tianpox powder and yin nourishing medicine can be used together to treat both symptoms and root causes?"

Bai Yishan's eyes lit up, he looked at Cen Xueluo, and smiled kindly: "The little girl is very insightful, are you here to buy medicine?"

From the moment Cen Xueluo entered the door, Bai Yishan and Bai Fu noticed her. There was no other reason, but Cen Xueluo's body was too cold, which instantly made the room much cooler. Such an extremely cold system is really rare.How did they know that Cen Xueluo's cold air was caused by cold poison. Now that he has cultivated to the fourth level of circulation, the cold air in his body can circulate on the surface. In the hot summer, it is much better than an air conditioner.

Seeing the old man talking about medicine and the middle-aged man who was listening attentively looking at him, Cen Xueluo was a little embarrassed, but still took out the beauty pill he made and said, "I'm not here to buy medicine. Yes, I’m actually here to sell medicine.”

"Come to a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy to sell medicine?" The middle-aged man asked back with great interest. He was about 40 years old, with no white beard, gentle and elegant, wearing a neat white coat, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Scholar style.

Although he could hear the ridicule in the middle-aged man's tone, Cen Xueluo quickly said the prepared remarks in the face of the smiling eyes of the two people opposite him: "This is the secret recipe for beauty and beauty handed down by my family. Tried the medicine and it worked, really, I promise."

"Hehe, little girl, do you know how to dispense medicine?" Although Bai Fu had his usual gentle smile on his face at this moment, his disbelief was evident in his eyes. "Really. You can try to sell it. If it doesn't work, I promise I won't bother you again." Cen Xueluo nodded fiercely and continued to persuade.It's just that Cen Xue is very inexperienced in sales. If she didn't look like an underage student with an immature face, Bai Fu would probably have kicked her out as a liar.

Bai Fu was about to say something, but Bai Yishan, who had been squinting his eyes and laughing as he looked at Cen Xueluo, suddenly said, "Little girl, show me your medicine."

Cen Xueluo passed the porcelain bottle in her hand as she said, quietly waiting for the old man's reaction, she dare not say anything else, she is still very confident in refining medicine, especially after learning the technique of refining medicine in the cultivation world Afterwards, the success rate and efficacy of the medicine have been greatly improved, which is beyond the comparison of the pills in the common world.

Bai Yishan opened the porcelain bottle and took a deep sniff, poured out a pill, looked at the luster of the pill, broke off a small piece, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

Bai Fuze looked at Cen Xueluo warily, and then looked at his master worriedly, not understanding why his master suddenly looked at this little girl differently.

The entrance of the pill, although sweet and bitter, is refreshing and refreshing.Bai Yishan's eyes lit up, he looked up at the nervous Cen Xueluo, and asked with a smile: "Is this medicine really your family's secret recipe? Yes, yes. It's not that we can't sell it for you, but I hope you can too." Promise me on one condition..."

(End of this chapter)

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