Chapter 41

Thanks to An Yisheng ANN for the reward~ So according to the usual practice, add more to show Ruochu's gratitude.At four o'clock in the afternoon, the second watch will be delivered on time~

Cen Xueluo didn't have any advanced skills to teach Mo Yifan, she thought, Mo Yiping probably didn't want her brother to live in such a bloody way, and she, from the moment of rebirth, might not be destined to be ordinary in this life , Fighting and killing will definitely be inevitable in the future, so let everything start now!

He comforted Mo Yifan and told him to be careful, and if he had any news, he could go to the Baijia Pharmacy to find him or leave a message for him.When Cen Xueluo returned home, she told her mother euphemistically that she wanted to learn more about medicinal materials and learn medical skills, so she found a part-time job in a Chinese medicine shop.

Hao Yuemei was very pleased with her daughter's sensibility and precociousness, but at the same time felt sad. She lowered her head while holding a jacket that needed mending, and began to cry: "Luoluo, isn't mom really useless? Even if you don’t drink, I will support you to study, but now you have to work to earn money by yourself. If you follow your father, then..."

A cold hand held Hao Yuemei's big rough hand that was tightly pinching her blouse. Hao Yuemei raised her head with tears in her eyes, and saw Cen Xueluo looking at her obediently and smiling.

Cen Xueluo sighed from the bottom of her heart. She originally wanted to be gentle, but who knows that she still hurt her mother. She showed a cute smile and coquettishly shook Hao Yuemei's arm and said, "Mom, I'll just follow you, do you think I'm a burden?" ? I really want to learn more medical skills, and my dream in the future is to go to Capital Medical University! Don’t you support me?”

Even though she knew her daughter was comforting her, Hao Yuemei still laughed amused by Cen Xueluo's flattering and coquettish appearance, her heart warmed.

After chatting with her mother for a while, Cen Xueluo returned to her room when she saw that her expression was unharmed, closed the door, and let out a deep breath.

With a movement of her fingers, three embroidery needles glowing with blue fluorescent light were sandwiched between her slender index finger and middle finger. Cen Xueluo's long eyelashes drooped low, and her eyes were fixed on the embroidery needles between her fingers, with mixed feelings in her heart.Biting her lips lightly, Cen Xueluo said silently in her heart: Yiping, I will help you get back the humiliation and injustice you suffered, and I will not let your brother be stained with blood.That's all I can do for you, rest in peace...

Due to the continuous light rain all night, the air was particularly fresh the next day. Although it was a sunny day, the temperature was not very high. It was a good time for shopping!

As expected, Baijia Pharmacy lived up to its reputation and was extremely efficient.When Cen Xueluo got up early in the morning to report, he saw a huge advertisement in front of the Baijia Pharmacy from a distance, with a few large characters written in extremely attractive characters - beauty products!
This, is this too exaggerated?Cen Xueluo covered her mouth and looked at the long queue in front of the Baijia Pharmacy, and for the first time felt the mighty, domineering and majestic effect of the advertisement.

Bai Fu had been busy in the store early in the morning, but Bai Yishan didn't come, so he directed people to arrange the counters and put up the advertisements. With the reputation of the Baijia Drugstore for many years, those old customers would definitely flock to it.Bai Fu looked at Cen Xueluo who was squeezing through the door, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched meaningfully.

Cen Xueluo managed to get in. Although he had the internal strength to protect his body so that he wouldn't be too crowded, the crowd looked down on him with the eyes of jumping in line. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

Everything was ready, Bai Fu opened the door with a smile that was not a smile, and arched his hands in an antique way to the customers queuing at the door: "Thank you for your support, I have waited for a long time. As we all know, the medicines produced by our Baijia Pharmacy are genuine , Childlike and innocent, with many years of reputation, so if we dare to sell this beauty medicine, we dare to say that it is absolutely effective!"

Most of the customers queuing up at the door are women, most of them are middle-aged aunts, and they are from a good family. They sell medicines for beauty and beauty, blood and energy, including weight loss, etc. I don’t know how many times I have tried them. Although those medicines can’t kill people, But when it comes to the efficacy of the medicine, it is not satisfactory.Hearing Bai Fu's introduction at this time, he immediately became excited, as if a pot had exploded, and everyone started talking about it.

Some talked about the sadness of buying supplements for many years, and some talked about the painful lessons of losing weight. When it comes to emotions, their faces are full of regret and tears.

Bai Fu saw that the rendering effect was almost done, so he gave Cen Xueluo a wink, told her to stand over, and said loudly, "Everyone, this medicine is the ancestral secret recipe of the girl Cen Xueluo next to me. It is said that the curative effect is very good, and our Baijia Pharmacy has also verified that this medicine does not have any side effects on the body, but for specific matters, please consult this girl Cen Xueluo!"

Bai Fu bit the word "it is said" that "it is said that the curative effect is very good" very hard, and after finishing speaking, he handed the counter to Cen Xueluo and asked her to stand in the middle.

The sufferers who were so enthusiastic and thought they had finally found the beauty medicine were silent for a moment, and were a little dumbfounded.After a few seconds of silence, the whispering sounded again, and a middle-aged woman with a fat body and rich clothes asked loudly: "What? This medicine is not made by your pharmacy? What can a child at such a young age know?"

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard it, and said in a hurry: "Say it earlier, it caused us to queue up so early in the morning!"

"What is this? How can a yellow-haired girl guarantee the efficacy of the medicine. What if it doesn't work?"

Seeing that the long line at the gate was about to leave, Cen Xueluo glanced at Bai Fu who was leisurely, and immediately understood Bai Fu's intentions.I think Baifu was also under the pressure of the old Mr. Bai Yishan, so he had to help himself to do publicity, but he must be very unconvinced in his heart, so he deliberately made a big noise, but at the end he pointed out his talent It was the owner of that prescription, and the customers who had come to line up to buy the medicine would definitely feel dissatisfied when they heard the contrast.

Although Cen Xueluo is not proficient in socializing and intrigue, it does not prove that she does not understand the ways of the world and the ups and downs behind it.It seems that it is impossible to count on Bai Fu's help. Since he wants to see a good show so much, he should cooperate well.Cen Xueluo turned her clear eyes and looked at the rich middle-aged lady who was the first to ask her, and her clear and clean voice reached everyone's ears with a moderate volume: "Auntie, although I am old Small, but also a little proficient in medical skills, this formula is passed down from my family, since you don’t believe me, auntie, can you come forward and let me take your pulse and tell me how your body is doing?”

Traditional Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and the pulse is extremely complicated. Even an old Chinese doctor who has studied Chinese medicine for many years may not dare to say that the pulse has been passed down. Hearing that this teenage girl actually said that she wanted to take the pulse on the spot, she was about to rush away. People stopped in their tracks immediately, forming a circle to look lively.

Quietly watching the rich lady walk in front of her, Cen Xueluo calmly motioned for the lady to sit down, and said loudly to everyone: "Today, I, Cen Xueluo, swear that if my pulse number is wrong, then Even though everyone is leaving here, I will never appear here, but if everything I say is correct, please believe me once and try this..."

Cen Xueluo paused for a moment, shamelessly gave the pill a name, and then said: "Try my family's ancestral beauty pill. Today, the beauty pill is sold at half price, and I will issue a receipt. If it doesn't work after a month, I will Willing to give you a full refund!"

Seeing that the crowd finally stopped leaving, and some of them were still curiously waiting for their pulse, Cen Xueluo secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to sit down and prepare to take his pulse, Li Li sneered and said, "I just left Guan just caught up with such a big bustle. Nourishing pills, so tacky!"

(End of this chapter)

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