Chapter 44 Confession
When this woman yelled, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on Cen Xueluo, and the discussion became louder.The Baijia Pharmacy is quite famous in M ​​City, no wonder this girl woke up the old man immediately, it turned out to be from the Baijia Pharmacy.

Cen Xueluo felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by everyone, but fortunately Lin Yichong came back in time, sweating profusely with an open bottle of mineral water and a dripping towel.

Ignoring the gazes of the people around, Cen Xueluo took the towel in Lin Yichong's hand and wrung it dry, wiped the old man's face and neck, and made the old man drink a few mouthfuls of light salt water.Seeing that the old man's spirit has improved a lot, and there is nothing serious about it, Cen Xueluo stood up and said goodbye to Lin Yichong: "Lin Yichong, your grandpa is fine, and he will try to avoid coming to such crowded and stuffy places in the future. I will leave first. "

After finishing speaking, Cen Xueluo bent down and said to Lin Yichong's grandfather politely: "Grandpa, please pay attention to your health, I'm leaving first. Goodbye!"

Seeing Cen Xueluo waved away, turned around and was about to leave, Lin Yi rushed forward and stopped again. He really wanted to chase after him and talk to Cen Xueluo, but his grandfather fainted just now and needed people care.Hesitating, Lin Yichong looked at Cen Xueluo's back obsessively, then turned around and came back.

Lin Yichong was brought up by his grandfather since he was a child, how could he hide his thoughts from his grandfather, the old man stood up with Lin Yichong's support, took another sip of light salt water, patted Lin Yichong's shoulder and said: "This girl is not bad, Grandpa Waiting for you in the rest area over there."

Although the old man didn't say it clearly, the meaning inside and outside the words is already obvious. Lin Yichong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he happily saluted his grandfather, saying repeatedly: "Thank you, grandpa! Thank you, grandpa! I'll be back soon !"

Seeing the grandson chasing after the girl quickly, a smile appeared on the old man's usually serious face, and he walked slowly towards the seat in the rest area alone.

Lin Yichong's grandfather was an honorable retired soldier. He was a soldier all his life. rebellious.The old man also feels very helpless when he obediently obeys himself sometimes and causes trouble everywhere when he turns around.

Every time he thinks that maybe his education level is too low and he doesn't know a few big characters, which delays his grandson's future, the old man can't help but sigh.At first I thought that Lin Yichong might really be finished like this, he couldn't get into high school, couldn't go to school, and spent his whole life fooling around with random people of all kinds, but who would have thought that this child seemed to be a different person later, and suddenly knew how to study hard.After a few insinuations, the old man realized that the girl at the same table with his grandson had been helping him in his studies and encouraging him to enter high school. When he saw that girl today, she was indeed a good girl, polite and capable.If the grandson is really close to this girl, he can learn well.Thinking of this, the smile lines at the corners of the old man's eyes deepened.

With great difficulty, Cen Xueluo left the noisy crowd and ducked into a relatively remote alley, and then let out a deep breath.Hearing the chaotic and hasty footsteps behind him, Cen Xueluo stopped, turned around and saw Lin Yi running towards him, sweating profusely.

Slightly raising her eyebrows, Cen Xueluo quietly looked at Lin Yichong with clear eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yichong originally wanted to say a lot, but he had never seen Cen Xueluo since he got his report card in Experiment [-]. He asked his classmates about Cen Xueluo's home, but found that only a few of them knew the approximate location. No one knows the exact address.Seeing Cen Xueluo's more and more delicate and charming face, and a pair of watery eyes looking at him, Lin Yichong couldn't help but flushed, scratched his head at a loss and then put it down, muttering: "No, it's okay."

Seeing Lin Yichong's strange appearance, Cen Xueluo was a little puzzled, thinking that there was something wrong with Lin Yichong, so he asked without thinking, "Is your grandfather feeling sick again? Or are you feeling sick?"

As he spoke, he went forward and grabbed Lin Yichong's wrist to feel his pulse.The pulse is smooth and smooth like a rolling ball. Apart from the rapid beating, it is clearly a slippery pulse, indicating that the Qi and blood are sufficient, and there is nothing wrong with it!Cen Xueluo lowered her eyes and concentrated on analyzing Lin Yichong's pulse.

Feeling Cen Xueluo's cold hand touching his wrist, Lin Yichong's heart beat faster, he felt as if all the blood in his body was rushing to his head, he became dizzy and stuttered: "I, no, I Grandpa is fine, I, I'm fine. I just, just... come to thank you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yichong wished he could slap himself across the face. He wasn't usually so stupid, so he was quite eloquent when he was bragging with his brothers.Why is my brain short-circuited today?

Hearing this, Cen Xueluo nodded, withdrew her hand, pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "You're welcome, I'm just passing by. Then I'll go first."

Lin Yichong was annoyed, but Cen Xueluo was about to leave again. He quickly stretched out his hand to grab Cen Xueluo's arm, and shouted, "Wait a minute."

His hand was clearly aiming towards Cen Xueluo's direction, but somehow he missed it. Fortunately, Cen Xueluo just dodged and did not leave, but stood there and looked at him suspiciously.Lin Yi was sweating profusely, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

Seeing Lin Yichong's uncomfortable expression, Cen Xueluo suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand."

Lin Yichong was worried about how to speak, and upon hearing this, he quickly looked at Cen Xueluo hopefully: "What do you understand?"

"You must have something to ask me, right?" Cen Xueluo stretched out her white and slender fingers and pointed, with a generous look, "They are all old deskmates, so just talk about something!" Cen Xueluo guessed that Lin Yichong was It's not that she wants to take another look at his grandfather's body, or she needs to see a doctor for other people. After all, she has been at the same table for so long. She is still willing to help with this.

Lin Yi was about to cry, and looked at Cen Xueluo speechlessly, what do you understand?What can I ask of you?I knew that I shouldn't overestimate this girl's emotional intelligence. My buddies are all in pairs and falling in love on weekdays. I have always been a loner, and I thought that I was so slow in feelings. Not too much.

"Hey, are you going to tell me or not? If not, I'm leaving." Cen Xueluo saw Lin Yichong staring at him foolishly. She didn't speak for a long time, and couldn't help but urge her.Mom's clothes haven't been bought yet, so I have to hurry up.

"Say." Lin Yichong immediately stood up straight like a soldier who had heard an order, then hesitated, and summoned up his courage to ask, "You, what kind of boy do you like?"

"What's none of your business?" Cen Xueluo froze for a moment, and then looked unhappy.She waited for a long time, but she didn't expect Lin Yichong to inquire about her private affairs.Originally, she thought she must be deeply in love with Nie Yunfeng, but now she doesn't think of Nie Yunfeng as much as Kevin. Hey, Kevin, that big boy with a gentle and sunny face... Cen Xueluo was a little distracted.

Lin Yichong looked at Cen Xueluo's delicate and flawless face, and with the courage he didn't know where he came from, he blurted out the words of confession as if death was at home: "I like you, let me be your boyfriend, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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