Chapter 53 Strange Illness
I thought it would be on the shelves earlier today, but Ruochu was excited and in a hurry.As a result, it is too late now, let me update a chapter of the public first!Thank you for your support!Thank you Menghui Mucheng, Yimeilaoren, An Yisheng ANN for their rewards!Thank you very much! ^_^

In the following days, Cen Xueluo started devil training, and she finally realized how big the gap between the strength and weakness of her internal force control was, just like that day, when she only fired two wind blades, most of her internal force was wasted, leaving only the remaining force It made the wind blade attacking the square-faced fourth child turn a corner.If it wasn't for those two people who were frightened by him, he would be the one who fell that day, and he didn't know what would happen in the end.

Sometimes Cen Xueluo is also very lucky. Although he has many shortcomings, not enthusiastic enough, lively enough, and not sophisticated enough to interact with others, at least he is relatively calm.

In the separated space, Cen Xueluo sat on the ground casually, panting slightly, feeling a little collapsed.At present, she can't lose her strength when she sends out two wind blades, but she can't control the two wind blades continuously for more than 10 minutes, otherwise she will look like her now, and it feels difficult to even move her fingers.

Li said that this method of exhausting internal energy and then recovering through meditation is very helpful for improving internal energy. Most people dare not do this because they cannot ensure their own safety during meditation.Cen Xueluo had the right time, place and people at this moment, if he didn't work hard, it would be a waste of resources.

Cen Xueluo felt the internal force in his body gathering up bit by bit, turned his head slightly, looked at the purple mist crouching on the pile of books and asked, "How long can I go out and PK with people if I practice like this?"

The cloud of purple mist shook, as if a person was shaking his head: "Don't rush for quick success. The road is long and long..."

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but rush over to pull out the top book under Ziwu, glanced at the big "Li Sao" written on the cover, and suggested depressedly: "Can you read some modern books?" arts?"

Ziwu seemed a little dissatisfied with Cen Xueluo's act of snatching the book, rolled over a bit, and flew to Cen Xueluo to stay still, as if she was looking at her.

Cen Xueluo sat "Li Sao" under her buttocks, and wrote "No Return" firmly on her face.

Li danced around helplessly, turned back again, and sighed: "I don't have the same knowledge as you. In other words, you really don't intend to help that child?"

Cen Xueluo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, but it's just that there's no need to go up to him to make people hate me."

"The doctor Bai who made you white didn't think the poisoning was a stomach problem at all?" Li sneered.

"Doctor Bai who made you white?" Cen Xueluo was shocked, "Where did you learn it?"

"The other day I passed by the living room and heard that said on TV." Ziwu jumped twice proudly.

Cen Xueluo suddenly realized that it was a fundamental mistake for him to show Li a bunch of messy books and let this guy accidentally touch the TV.

"That child, if you delay for half a month, it will be hopeless." Li said with certainty.

Cen Xueluo hesitated.It's not that she didn't see Bai Fuzai busy in the past few days, and she actually prescribed some medicines to regulate the stomach, such as hawthorn divine song, pinellia, tangerine peel, forsythia and raisin seed.Seeing that the child was still in a coma and getting weaker and weaker, that Major Xiao was so irritable that he was about to go crazy.

"I heard that Baifu invited old Mr. Bai back? If Mr. Bai can't do anything, then I will take action." Cen Xueluo pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "Li, that kind of formula seems to be mentioned in the "Medical Classics". Let’s just say, it’s not difficult to heal.”

"It's not difficult for those who have practiced the internal skills of the "Medical Classics." Li corrected, and then wrapped up a book again and read it with relish.

Shaking his head helplessly, Cen Xueluo also began to close his eyes to restore his internal strength.

The next day, Bai Yishan really came to the Baijia Pharmacy, and he went there early in the morning.The boy named Xiaoxiao was already too weak. In order to facilitate Baifu's treatment, Major Xiao simply lived with Xiaoxiao in the room in the backyard of the pharmacy.Cen Xueluo arrived at the pharmacy early in the morning, but Bai Fu was nowhere to be seen. There were only two shop assistants listlessly tidying up the shop.Bai has the shrewdness of a businessman, but also the trustworthiness of a big businessman. Every morning, he must be sitting on a chair in the shop waiting for the opening.Seeing that Bai Fu was not there, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but thump in her heart, could something have happened to Xiaoxiao?

"Where's Doctor Bai?" Cen Xueluo asked a clerk who was mopping the floor.

The clerk pointed in the direction of the backyard and yawned: "It's in the backyard, Mr. Bai is here."

Cen Xueluo suddenly understood, and then he was relieved. He glanced at the location in the backyard, and stood behind his counter, sorting out the receipts and medicine notes.In the past few days, in addition to selling beauty pills, she sometimes takes the pulse of some patients who buy medicines, and puts forward better beauty suggestions, which are very popular among customers.

Not long after, Bai Fu came out of the backyard with heavy steps. The white coat was still neat, only there were slight wrinkles at the hem.Bai Fu wiped his face, trying to make himself look more energetic, but he still couldn't hide his haggard look.When he came to the outer hall and saw that Cen Xueluo had arrived, Bai Fu was stunned, and said, "Miss Cen, my master said that if you come, please go to the backyard."

Hearing what Bai Fu said, Cen Xueluo vaguely guessed that Bai Yishan probably didn't have a cure, but why did he ask himself to go to the backyard?I've been here for the past few days, so I shouldn't have revealed anything.

With doubts, Cen Xueluo followed Bai Fu to the backyard.It was the first time for Cen Xueluo to come in the backyard of the Baijia Pharmacy. Although he knew that the Baijia Pharmacy was quite powerful, it was rare for him to build a quadrangle-like courtyard in such a large area in the urban area.

When he entered the door, Bai Yishan was checking the boy's tongue coating, while Major Xiao was pacing back and forth anxiously, with deep despair in his eyes.

Bai Yishan observed carefully, closed the boy's mouth, frowned tightly, and stroked his beard with his hand.

"Old Mr. Bai, tell me directly, is my son..." Major Xiao hurriedly asked, his voice was choked in his throat before he finished a sentence, and he couldn't continue.

"Major Xiao, don't worry. Your son's really weird. In my opinion, it's probably not a disease, but poisoning." Bai Yishan said slowly.

Hearing this, Cen Xueluo, who had just entered the door, couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she looked sideways.Unexpectedly, Bai Yishan did have two tricks. Since he can see the symptoms of poisoning, he must have a solution in his heart.

As if sensing Cen Xueluo's gaze, Bai Yishan turned his head, and when he saw Cen Xueluo, a smile appeared on his face: "Girl, you came just in time, can you help Major Xiao find out what kind of disease his son is suffering from? "

Cen Xueluo was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands modestly and said, "Where can I see any disease, Mr. Bai is your diagnosis."

Major Xiao was also confused, looked at the immature Cen Xueluo, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Bai, this girl..."

"Major Xiao, don't underestimate this little girl. Her medical skills are quite extraordinary." Old Mr. Bai said with a smile, "Little girl, are you willing to help me with this?"

help?Or test yourself?Cen Xueluo showed hesitation.

When Major Xiao heard Mr. Bai's words, he immediately regretted his recklessness that day, and eagerly turned to Cen Xueluo and said, "Little girl, as long as you can save my son, I, Xiao Qinghai, will repay you even if you are a cow and a horse." !"

The old Mr. Bai also echoed and persuaded: "Major Xiao is also in control of the power, and he promises everything."

Mr. Bai's words moved Cen Xueluo's heart. Looking at Major Xiao's earnest and urgent eyes, she turned around to look at the unconscious Xiaoxiao, and missed the flash of light in Mr. Bai's eyes.

After thinking about it, Cen Xueluo turned her head and said to Xiao Qinghai seriously: "You can ask me to save your son, but you have to promise me one condition."

Cen Xueluo didn't directly say what his conditions were. The most important thing right now was to detoxify the boy first. Before he showed his ability to convince Major Xiao, talking about any conditions was just a cloud.

Seeing that Cen Xueluo agreed to help, Bai Yishan stepped aside and stood aside with Bai Fu to watch. Major Xiao also held his breath, fearing to disturb Cen Xueluo's pulse diagnosis.

Force the inner force into the unconscious boy's body, and follow his pulse.Diagnosing the pulse with the exercises practiced in the "Medical Classics" is a wonderful process. She can even clearly feel the flow of the boy's blood, the expansion and contraction of the muscles and veins, along the arteries in the arms all the way to the heart, and the weak beating of the heart Let Ye Luoluo even worry about whether she will stop in the next moment.

Cen Xueluo's face became more and more gloomy, making the three people beside him feel anxious.

After a while, Cen Xueluo gently put down the boy's arm, raised his head and asked Major Xiao seriously: "How long has your son been poisoned?"

"Poisoned?" Major Xiao was startled, and then immediately replied, "Xiaoxiao only started feeling unwell a week ago."

"No." Cen Xueluo shook his head, "Looking at the symptoms, I have been poisoned for at least half a month. Because the dose was relatively light, the symptoms were not obvious at first, and Dr. Bai also prescribed some detoxification prescriptions a few days ago. Son, although it is not symptomatic, it has eased a little."

When talking about the prescription formulated by Doctor Bai, Bai Fu's face flashed with embarrassment, and he argued: "At that time, Xiaoxiao's symptoms were like food poisoning and gastrointestinal indigestion, so I..."

Bai Yishan raised his hand and waved it to stop Bai Fu's explanation, and said with a serious face: "As a doctor, how to prescribe medicine without a diagnosis. What does it mean to be like? I have warned you a long time ago, put more attention on medical skills, and don't always think about it." Keep doing business!"

Bai Fu murmured yes, but didn't dare to speak again.

Major Xiao was not in the mood to listen to the conversation between Mr. Bai and Bai Fu. The little girl said that her son had been poisoned for at least half a month. Is my son really poisoned? What kind of poison is it?"

Cen Xueluo groaned and did not speak. His fingers tapped on the edge of the bed. Although there was no sound, it seemed to be hitting Major Xiao's heart. Major Xiao's heart also tightened, and his eyes were fixed on Cen. Xueluo seemed to be waiting for a verdict.

After a while, Cen Xueluo finally spoke: "Your son was indeed poisoned, and it was man-made. If I didn't make a mistake in the diagnosis, this poison should be called Xigusan."

(End of this chapter)

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