The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 55 Kevin's Arrival

Chapter 55 Kevin's Arrival (Part [-])

Wearing a military uniform, Kevin looked slimmer and taller. The moment he opened the door and saw Cen Xueluo, his serious expression immediately melted into a warm smile, dazzling like the bright sun.He slightly lowered his head to look at the shocked Cen Xueluo, narrowed his eyes narrowly, and grinned to reveal his neat and white teeth.

"Why did you come?" Cen Xueluo looked surprised, and wanted to point at Kevin, but felt that it was not polite, and finally turned into a fist between Kevin and himself.

Kevin looked at Cen Xueluo's fist lying between the two of them, squinted his eyes and smiled, stretched out his long arms and made an inviting gesture: "I heard that a doctor surnamed Cen detoxified Major Xiao's son. I thought it was you, so I signed up."

"When did you come back?" Cen Xueluo asked with a smile as she entered the door.

"It's urgent, so I rushed back. I wanted to tell you, but you didn't call me, so I couldn't reach you." Kevin curled his lips pretending to be wronged.

Looking at this sunny and handsome boy, Cen Xueluo felt warm in his heart. Kevin is such a person, who radiates dazzling light like the sun, making everyone who approaches him feel warm and safe.

"Hey, don't you want to introduce?" Another young man sitting in the room quit, and muttered in a low voice that both of them could hear, "It's so cold, it's almost as good as the air conditioner."

The young man's words made Cen Xueluo look over vigilantly, and the smile on his lips was also hidden, with a guarded face.

"Luoluo, this is Baizhi. You came back to China with me this time." Kevin watched Cen Xueluo enter the house and closed the door, and then introduced seriously, "Baizhi, this is Cen Xueluo. Xiaoxiao is a medical expert in detoxification."

Hearing that this 20-year-old young man with peach blossom eyes and a slightly charming appearance was named Bai, Cen Xueluo became even more vigilant. She even ignored Bai Li's outstretched hand and asked, "Where are you and Mr. Bai?" what relationship?"

Baizhi couldn't help laughing, glanced at Kevin and said jokingly, "Kevin, your friend is very defensive? It's cold enough."

Kevin naturally knew about Cen Xueluo's cold physique, and also knew that Baizhi was referring to something, so he stood up and explained: "Speaking of it, Baizhi should be regarded as Mr. Bai's youngest apprentice, ranking seventh, but because he doesn't learn He has no skills, so I heard that he was expelled from the school last year. Haha. In fact, Mr. Bai is Baizhi’s uncle, but obviously the relationship between the two of them is not so good.”

After hearing Kevin's words, Cen Xueluo's face was still as cold as ice, she just nodded slightly, then turned her eyes to Xiaoxiao who was lying on the bed, and asked, "Is my medicine ready?"

"Okay." Baizhi jumped up with a wink, "I'll get it."

Seeing the white quinoa disappearing outside the door and closing the door smoothly, Kevin couldn't help but smiled, lowered his eyes and quietly looked at Cen Xueluo and asked, "Do you know that Xigu Powder is the secret poison of the Poison Sect? "

"Yes. I heard what Mr. Bai Fu said." Cen Xueluo grabbed Xiaoxiao's wrist and answered while feeling her pulse.Alone with Kevin in the same room, she felt a little nervous and tried to do something else to ease the embarrassment.

When he smiled, it was as warm as the sun shining on the earth, but with a straight face, there was a hint of coldness, and the edges and corners of his face were like sculptures, making him look very resolute.These two contradictory temperaments are integrated in Kevin, and there is no sense of disobedience.Cen Xueluo knew the meaning of Kevin's words. He had asked her before if she knew about the Poison Gate, and now she knew how bad it would be if she said that she could detoxify bone powder. Her cold fingertips came from Xiaoxiao The thin wrists slid down, the eyelids drooped, and the long eyelashes cast a shadow under the eyelids: "Are you sacrificing an innocent life because you are afraid of being misunderstood?"

Kevin heard Cen Xueluo's answer, looked deeply at Cen Xueluo, and was silent for a while, his handsome lips were slightly raised, and a pair of black jewel-like eyes seemed to bloom charmingly: "I knew you were Why does such a kind girl always make herself look indifferent?"

"Kindness?" Cen Xueluo's expression seemed a little mocking. She pursed her lips, then looked up at the unconscious Xiaoxiao, lowered her eyes again, and said in a low voice, "I save him on a condition."

To Cen Xueluo's surprise, Kevin's first reaction was to ask, "Did you encounter any difficulties? Why didn't you ask me for help?"

Cen Xueluo's heart warmed up when she asked this question, and with some astringent feeling, she blinked and met Kevin's anxious eyes. After a long while, she finally smiled: "Thank you."

Kevin was still waiting to ask what happened to Cen Xueluo, but Baili came back at this time, kicked open the door, and yelled loudly with a steaming casserole in his hand: "The casserole powder is here!"

Instructing Bai Zhi to put a casserole of traditional Chinese medicine aside, Cen Xueluo pointed to a large empty wooden barrel in the room and said, "Pour water!"

Baizhi looked at the wooden barrel in astonishment, then gestured and pointed to his nose: "Me?"

"Aren't you here to help?" Cen Xueluo asked coldly without looking at Baizhi, but she put her nose close to the medicine in the casserole and smelled it, then took a wooden chopstick and turned it over to check the ingredients Is there any problem with cooking.

Baiqian looked at Kevin helplessly, and found that he didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end, so he couldn't help but muttered bitterly: "I'm here to track down the clues of the poisonous door, why did I become a handyman?"

I don't know whether Bai Li's words were intentional or unintentional, but Cen Xueluo paused, stopped her hands and looked up at Bai Chen.

Kevin stretched his long legs and kicked the quinoa out: "Hurry up and fetch your water."

Apart from the unconscious Xiaoxiao, there were only Kevin and Cen Xueluo left in the room again.

Facing Cen Xueluo's clear eyes, Kevin felt a little nervous, and he explained: "Baiyu and I do have a mission. There are many things involved in the Cegusan matter, and there are orders from above to investigate this matter, and the army is going to The relatives of the leaders are to be protected..."

Before he finished speaking, Cen Xueluo turned his head and continued to look at the herbs in the casserole, and interrupted in a cold voice: "You don't need to explain to me."

"Luoluo, I don't want to hide it from you, but I don't want you to be involved either. It's very complicated." Kevin frowned slightly, his eyes sincere.

"I understand, so I didn't ask or listen." Seeing Kevin's serious expression, Cen Xueluo knew that he had misunderstood her meaning, so she couldn't help but look back and smile, "I'm not angry, it's just when I'm expressionless on weekdays. It seems a little indifferent."

After a pause, Cen Xueluo said again: "This casserole has been roasting on a simmering fire. At this time, the temperature should still be around [-]-[-] degrees. The white quinoa was served so quickly and it seemed nothing had happened. Your cultivation is really not shallow."

Seeing that Cen Xueluo didn't seem to be angry at all, Kevin smiled and said, "Yes, although this guy looks a bit feminine, he's not bad at skills. Maybe after a while, the higher-ups will arrange for the two of us and the other two." Form a team."

"Who is effeminate?" Before the Baichen man entered the room, the voice came in from outside the door.Bai Quinoa came back very quickly, but he quickly directed two people to come over and pour hot water into the big wooden bucket in turn.

Cen Xueluo was poisoned by cold, and his cultivation far surpassed that of quinoa, so he was naturally not afraid of the high temperature casserole.When Bai Zhi saw Cen Xueluo stretching out her slender and white hands to pour the concoction into the big wooden barrel with a casserole, her eyes widened in shock, then she turned her head to look at Kevin, with "it's really not easy" written all over her face!
Kevin glanced at Baichen with some pride, then leaned over and asked, "How can I help?"

Cen Xueluo was blending the concoction, stirring to dissolve the concoction evenly in the hot water, and said: "You and Baizhi, help me protect the law. Don't let outsiders intrude!"

Bailuo raised her eyebrows slightly, and was about to open her mouth to say something when Kevin pushed her out.

"How long will it take you? If there is an accident, will it cause any damage to you?" Kevin asked worriedly before closing the door.

"It should be about two hours, not too long." Cen Xueluo showed a soothing smile, "Just don't let anyone in, including yourself, and I'll be fine. By the way, go out and lock the door Come on. If something happens, just shout outside the door and I'll know." Kevin nodded cautiously and closed the door tightly.

Hearing the sound of the door being locked, Cen Xueluo also went to the door and inserted the latch on the inner door tightly. At the same time, he checked the latches on the windows and drew the curtains to block the light and white weeds outside. A curious, probing look.

After doing all this, Cen Xueluo walked to the bedside, picked up the unconscious Xiaoxiao, slowly took off the thin boy's coat, and put him into the big wooden barrel.After carefully fixing the boy's head out of the water, Cen Xueluo let go of his hand, and said in a low voice, "Li, let's start."

Seeing that the curtains were drawn and she couldn't see anything, Baiqin approached Kevin resentfully and asked in a low voice, "Are you so relieved?"

Kevin's face was serious, his gentleness in front of Cen Xueluo disappeared without a trace, he looked at the lock on the door and warned in a low voice: "Don't forget what we are here for, don't worry about other things. And ...I trust her!"

"But I always feel that something is wrong." Bai Zhi scratched her head and rolled her winking eyes, "She said she wouldn't let us in, but didn't she say she wouldn't let us check?"

"What are you going to do?" Kevin grabbed Bai Zhi's arm stretched towards the lock, his eyes were sharp, "Don't make trouble!"

"I didn't make trouble." Bai Zhi smiled and patted the back of Kevin's hand, motioning him to let go of himself, "I'm just trying to find out what she's doing. Don't worry, as long as she's detoxifying, I'll just stand here and stand guard for her." .”

After finishing speaking, Bai Qian touched the closed door with her hand and closed her eyes.

Not long after, Bai Li's peach blossom eyes opened suddenly, her face was a little panicked: "No, there is no one in the room!"

"Impossible!" A trace of panic flashed in Kevin's eyes, and he also searched vigorously, and there was no sound of breathing in the room, even Xiaoxiao's breath, which was sometimes absent at that time, disappeared.

Without waiting for Kevin to speak, Baiqin smashed the door lock, pushed open the closed door, and then stood there blankly.Inside the house, except for the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine that lingered in the air, there was no trace of Cen Xueluo, the big wooden barrel filled with the medicine solution, and the comatose boy.

(End of this chapter)

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