Chapter 57

Facing Cen Xueluo's eyes that were as clear as water, Kevin's resolute lines softened slightly, he blinked and smiled and said, "Of course I'm curious. But this is your privacy, isn't it? If you don't tell me, I won't ask."

If you don't tell, I won't ask. Kevin's words hit Cen Xueluo's heart hard, making her heart suddenly soften.After staring at each other for a few seconds, Cen Xueluo lowered her eyes slightly, her diamond-shaped lips were tightly pressed, and she took out the gaudy cloak that Li gave with shaking hands.

"This is?" Kevin was shocked by such gorgeous and gorgeous colors, and asked in amazement.

"This, you can hide your breath." Cen Xueluo explained as she opened her cloak.

Kevin looked up and down the weird cloak in surprise, and nodded with a strange expression.

Cen Xueluo bit her lip and said suddenly: "But I didn't use it to hide. I don't want to lie to you."

"Luo, you're crazy!" Li shouted as he rolled back and forth in the space.

"Li, I believe he won't talk nonsense." Cen Xueluo responded silently from the bottom of her heart, extremely firm.

Sure enough, Kevin just froze for a moment before showing a happy smile: "I understand. I'll take care of the quinoa side. And... thank you."

He didn't say thank you, but both of them understood.

Xiaoxiao woke up around ten o'clock in the evening. At that time, Major Xiao had rushed back, asked Cen Xueluo about the progress of detoxification, and stayed by the bed.The moment Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, Cen Xueluo clearly saw the tears in the eyes of this strong soldier.The silent father's love, although not spoken, is always as deep as a mountain.

Seeing Major Xiao sitting on the edge of the bed holding back his excitement, he said, "Xiaoxiao, it's fine if you wake up, it's fine if you wake up..." Cen Xueluo also felt a little sad, she suddenly thought of Cen Mingyuan, at least he was watching I grew up by myself, divorced my mother for so many years, do you really not miss yourself at all?Or he is living like a fish in water now, and has forgotten his wife who was a mess and himself who is still studying.

Sadly leaving the warm temporary ward, Cen Xueluo slightly raised his head and looked up at the night sky. What is the reason for his hard work to start a new life?Home is still fragmented; Li still has no body flying around in the form of purple mist; Mo Yiping's revenge has not yet been avenged; himself, do you still want to fail like this?
"Luoluo." A soft call from behind interrupted Cen Xueluo's self-pity. She turned her head and saw Kevin in military uniform, looking handsome and masculine.

Kevin followed Cen Xueluo when he left. Seeing Cen Xueluo standing in a daze, looking up at the night sky, his eyes were empty and confused, as if they were about to disappear at any moment, he couldn't help but speak softly. called out.

"How are you?"

"It's okay." Cen Xueluo pulled her lips, wanting to smile, but found it so difficult.

Kevin approached this enigmatic girl worriedly, not understanding why her whole body was filled with sadness and vicissitudes in an instant: "Is it... Is there something that bothers you? The exchange you said with Major Xiao, I can help ?"

"No need." Cen Xueluo shook her head slightly, but found a look of disappointment in Kevin's eyes, and couldn't help but add, "If there is really any trouble, I will call you. I know your phone number."

Seeing Kevin's happy smile, Cen Xueluo couldn't help feeling silently in his heart. In his previous life, Kevin was always mature, steady and gentle in his impression. Now that he got to know him again, he found that he also had a childlike and innocent side. Fully revealing his emotions without concealing them.It's great to feel completely trusted without suspicion.

For several days, Cen Xueluo was busy preparing Chinese medicine for Xiaoxiao and recuperating her body. When she was free at night, she would open the door to leave the space to refine the medicine. The refined beauty pills were sent by Major Xiao to Bai's house The pharmacy sells it. Considering that Major Xiao has the power, the Bai family pharmacy still dare not do anything blatantly.

Kevin and Baizhi often go out, and sometimes they come back late at night, and Cen Xueluo never fails to ask about their whereabouts.

After working for a few days, the black-faced officer brought a message to Cen Xueluo.It is said that it came from the Baijia pharmacy. Someone went to the Baijia pharmacy to look for Cen Xueluo, and when she saw that she was not there, she didn't say much, but left a sentence of "My surname is Mo".

Upon hearing this message, Cen Xueluo knew that Mo Yifan must have discovered something or something important, and immediately decided to set off to find Mo Yifan.

Mo Yifan was not in the rental house, but Cen Xueluo saw a book on the square table of the rental house with sharp eyes. Cen Xueluo had seen that book many times, and the last time it was just It was placed on the windowsill of Mo Yifan's house.

As expected, there was a note in the book that seemed to be torn off. There were only four words on the note - Xijiao Forest Farm.

In M City, the Western Suburb Forest Farm is a place that people keep away from. There are no other reasons. One is the desolation. Next to the forest farm is a large cemetery, which looks gloomy. It's not peaceful there.There are always some homicides happening there every year, such as missing persons, dismembered corpses and dumped corpses.In short, the police in City M have developed a habit. Whenever something happens, that is the first place to investigate. If you just look around, you can find some murder weapons left over from an unknown age.

Cen Xueluo thought about it, went to the phone booth on the side of the road and called Kevin, then took a taxi and headed towards the Western Suburb Forest Farm.

When there was still a short distance away from the forest farm, Cen Xueluo got out of the car, and a gust of wind blew in his face, and he actually felt a little cold in this scorching summer.

"It's very cloudy here." Li Zhen said plausibly.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said coldly: "With you as a cultivator, what are lonely ghosts?"

"We are not a system." Li retorted solemnly.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate atmosphere and occasion, Cen Xueluo really wanted to laugh unceremoniously, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her eyes turned to the direction of the forest farm: "Okay, get down to business, let me see what's going on over there Condition."

Seeing that Cen Xueluo obviously didn't believe him, he slumped down on the stack of books in the space, and said shamelessly, "I don't provide telescope and perspective mirror services."

"Then you must at least give me some treasure, right? If there is a big scene where thousands of people are fighting, and I pass by, they will rush towards me. I always want to get some magic weapon, just Throwing it away like King Tota Li's pagoda, everyone disappeared in an instant..." Cen Xueluo couldn't help laughing at Li's appearance, so he deliberately teased Li while walking.

After Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Li jumped up, then fell silent for a while, and said seriously: "I have a magic weapon, but you can't use it now, those small troublemakers are fine, if it is really very lethal, you will There is trouble. If there is a real fight, it will be up to you! Don't be nervous, the hundreds of people in front probably won't be able to hurt you."

It turned out that his nervousness was still noticed by Li.Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and smiled bitterly. She raised her eyes and looked at the large lush forest in front of her. There were a few lookouts standing at the edge of the forest. They were clearly divided into two groups, with a small group standing on one side, smoking and chatting in twos and threes.

There are many vans, motorcycles, unlicensed cars, and even an old bus parked outside the woods. On the colorful and peeling paint body of the bus, you can vaguely see the advertisement that was sprayed on it in the past, "Take a luxury bus , enjoy a happy journey!".What I know is that there are gang fights here, but those who don’t know think this is a scenic spot with people sightseeing!
Mo Yifan was standing in the middle of two forests in the forest farm, mixed among a group of young people. He didn't understand when Cheng Fei and the bald head walked together, but the time was too tight to inform Cen Xueluo, so he had to follow along first. Cheng Fei's people came here.

Brother Jun and Cheng Fei were standing face to face less than three meters away. He looked a little old when he was nearly forty years old, with a little gray hair growing on his temples. He was not tall, with a slightly fat belly and an ordinary face. People, I'm afraid they will only think of him as a kind uncle next door.

The two armies are facing each other, although there are many tough fighters on the army side, but the few who stand at the front are obviously in their thirties, while Cheng Fei and the bald head are still young boys, impulsive and aggressive .Such a comparison between the two sides clearly feels that they are not on the same level.

Brother Jun raised his head slightly and looked at Cheng Fei who was standing opposite him, with complicated eyes, he said meaningfully: "Cheng Fei, I always knew that you are not someone who is on this road, so I have always tried my best to protect you , I won’t let you wade into the muddy water. But, do you really want to turn against me for a kid who has nothing to do with you?”

Cheng Fei didn't dare to look directly into Brother Jun's eyes, and slightly turned his head away in embarrassment.That's right, he has always opposed Brother Jun's transactions that go against his conscience, but if he is honest, in the Black Tiger Gang, he is probably the person that Brother Jun cares most about.However, if the ways are different and do not conspire with each other, this conflict will eventually become bigger and bigger, and in the end it will be life and death.

"Bald, what are you thinking?" When Brother Jun turned his gaze to the bald, his expression and eyes immediately changed, full of sarcasm and contempt, "Don't tell me that you opened a bar and sold drugs, and finally fell asleep suddenly. I feel enlightened!" After saying one sentence, his tone changed from being playful at the beginning to being vicious at the end, and after he finished the last few words through gritted teeth, Brother Jun stared at the bald head with sharp eyes like knives.

The bald head felt that his back was very cold, the hairs all over his body stood on end, cold sweat dripped out from his shiny forehead.The majesty accumulated by Brother Jun for many years made him subconsciously afraid. Although the bald head is a fool, he is also a bit clever. He knew that he had already torn his face and could not lose his momentum, so he stuck his neck and said in a rough voice: " Brother Jun, it's not me helping you, but what you did to Mo Yifan is too shameful! Everyone wants to keep their family members out of the way, and if you do this, the brothers will have no idea!"

It doesn't matter what the bald head said, but he betrayed Mo Yifan who was hiding in the crowd. Cheng Fei's face changed before he had time to speak, Brother Jun's sharp eyes swept over him immediately, and said with a half-smile on his face: "Mo Yifan Yifan? Now that you're here, let's come out and meet you!"

 Thanks to the book friend 130127151713476 for the reward, I feel very warm in my heart!At the end of this month, I will not add updates because I am rushing to save the manuscript at the beginning, and I will add updates frequently from February onwards!Thank you for your encouragement and support! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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