The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 80 The New Transfer Student

Chapter 80 The New Transfer Student
Mr. Qi's voice made the faces of the Qi family brothers change drastically, and they immediately restrained their breath, looked at the entrance and obediently stood with their hands down and waited.

Then, a soft laugh sounded, followed by a series of echoes: "Congratulations to Mr. Qi for recovering!"

Luo Luo! Kevin's ears moved slightly, he listened to the gradually clear footsteps coming towards the entrance, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, the figures of Mr. Qi, Lao Qi and Cen Xueluo finally appeared from the entrance one after another.

"Dad, are you alright?" Qi Shujun called out first, looking at old man Qi with surprise.

"Dad, we can rest assured that you are fine." The third child Qi Shuxin yelled after Qi Shujun.

Qi Shuhai was very silent, looking at Old Master Qi with complicated eyes, opened his mouth, and finally closed it without saying a word.

On the other hand, even though Qi Shumin and Qi Shuxian didn't say a word, the tears of excitement in their eyes couldn't be fooled.

Mr. Qi glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Butler Song, he snorted and said, "Old Song, why don't you stay at home and come here to make trouble."

"In this cold day, I also want to stay at home comfortably." Butler Song chuckled, but the cunning in his eyes couldn't escape Old Master Qi's sharp eyes.An old friend for so many years, Steward Song still knows exactly what Mr. Qi thinks.

As soon as Cen Xueluo came out, she saw Kevin and Hei Qi standing at the door. She nodded and smiled to indicate that everything was going well. Kevin took a deep look at Cen Xueluo, and then he was relieved to look away.

"Why are you standing there? Wait for me to invite you in and sit down? Go home!" Mr. Qi didn't get angry when he saw the sons standing at the door, and finally his eyes fell on his fourth daughter Qi Shuxian, and his expression eased some.

Qi Shuxin and Qi Shujun looked at each other in blank dismay, and followed behind Mr. Qi in despair.

In the end, Cen Xueluo didn't know how old master Qi dealt with the matter of several children breaking through the barrier. Because this matter was settled, she couldn't wait to go home and see the situation of her mother and the pharmacy.

Kevin seemed to have a lot to say to Cen Xueluo, but unfortunately he was called away by Mr. Qi before he had time.Cen Xueluo had already told Mr. Qi about his departure, so when Mr. Qi held a meeting with the brothers of the Qi family, Lao Qi had already found someone to arrange for someone to drive Cen Xueluo away who was eager to go home.

Mother Hao Yuemei has been very excited and busy ever since she knew that Cen Xueluo was coming back, dragging Mo Yifan to the street to buy vegetables, talking about cooking a good meal for her daughter.During the month when Cen Xueluo left, Mo Yifan stayed at Cen Xueluo's house and became Hao Yuemei's labor force. He almost did all the housework, which made Hao Yuemei very satisfied.

When Cen Xueluo returned home, she was greatly welcomed by her mother. Cen Xueluo, who was hugged by her mother and couldn't get out of her body, couldn't help looking at Mo Yifan who was standing aside for help.

Mo Yifan retreated from his previous decadence, looked at the intimacy between godmother and Cen Xueluo with a smile, ignored Cen Xueluo's eyes asking for help, and said: "You are back, godmother misses you every day."

Cen Xueluo naturally knew how much her mother missed her, but she was not a child after all, okay, Cen Xueluo still felt very embarrassed that she was hugged in her arms all the time and Mo Yifan was watching her.

Finally freed from her mother's clutches, Cen Xueluo smiled coquettishly and said to Mo Yifan while arranging her loose hair: "My mother thank you for taking care of me when I'm not around."

Mo Yifan couldn't help being flattered, his slightly dark complexion had a hidden tinge of red, he waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Where is it, I want to thank the godmother for taking care of me."

"Have you lived at my house this month?" Cen Xueluo asked casually, ever since her mother adopted Mo Yifan as her godson, she never treated Mo Yifan as an outsider.

"I... um. But I always sleep on the sofa in the living room, don't worry." Mo Yifan explained, seemingly embarrassed, "When you come back, I'll go back to live in the pharmacy, and I just happen to be able to watch the store."

Cen Xueluo was puzzled by Mo Yifan's embarrassment when she came back this time. She frowned slightly and looked at Mo Yifan quietly and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so out of touch?"

"I..." Mo Yifan lowered his head slightly, and said sullenly, "I think these two months are like a dream. Happiness comes too fast, and I'm afraid that if I'm not careful..."

"You are really..." Cen Xueluo looked at the boy who was a head taller than her, and shook her head angrily and amusedly, "You are my god-brother, can this matter be changed at will? But you practice The progress is good, has entered the innate level?"

"Hmm. That feeling is really amazing." Speaking of cultivation, Mo Yifan's expression became much more serious, with a pious and solemn expression, "I am much stronger than before, and my physical strength is better. I feel that I can Break three bricks with your fist."

"Don't worry, you can smash 30 yuan bricks with one punch in the future." Hearing Mo Yifan report his progress, Cen Xueluo couldn't help blinking and laughing, but secretly asked Li if there was any better cultivation method To Mo Yifan.

After dawdling for a long time, he took out a tattered book without a cover.

"Isn't it too shabby? Why don't you even have a name?"

"Oh, when I was learning to origami airplanes, I tore it up." Li Shoufu threw the book out of the space, and then went to play alone again.

Mo Yifan saw a blur in front of his eyes, and there was an extra book in Cen Xueluo's hand, and he couldn't help staring at Cen Xueluo's hand in surprise.

Cen Xueluo laughed awkwardly, and handed the book in his hand to Mo Yifan: "This, this is for you. You can practice according to this. This too old, the cover is gone, But it must be a very good exercise." If Mo Yifan knew that the cover of this book was taken to make paper airplanes, the value of this exercise book would plummet.

Mo Yifan didn't ask any more questions, and put the broken book close to his body like a baby.

On the day when he returned to school, the students showed great enthusiasm and concern, which made Cen Xueluo a little flattered.She always thought that she was just playing a soy sauce role in the class, and her sense of existence was almost equal to zero, but the smiling faces and caring greetings of her classmates made her deeply feel that the feeling of being surrounded by so good!
"How is it? Are you feeling better? I just said that your body temperature is always so low. There is something wrong with your body being cold! This time you come back and your complexion is much better!" After class, Ouyang Jingyi slid next to Cen Xueluo, very She hugged Cen Xueluo's shoulder affectionately.Ever since she got drunk and complained to Cen Xueluo at the bar, Ouyang Jingyi regarded Cen Xueluo as someone she could talk to and complain about.

"Ah?" Cen Xueluo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ouyang Jingyi in confusion.

"That's right, I heard that you had a serious illness, have you recovered now?" Wen Yuanyuan also got up from her seat and walked over, standing beside Cen Xueluo's seat and looking up and down Cen Xueluo, "I always thought you had something I don’t fit in at times, but I miss you when you’re not here.”

Fangyuan and Jia Xiaowen were obviously closer to Wen Yuanyuan during this period, and they came up behind Wen Yuanyuan, and said in a chime, "That's right, study committee member, you don't want the revolution to fall before it succeeds, let us What about these comrades?"

It turns out that Mr. Qi asked for sick leave for himself!Cen Xueluo bit her lip, feeling a little helpless, as soon as she opened a pharmacy and worked as a doctor, she fell ill, her reputation would be bad.

"Study committee member, in order to welcome you back, why don't we go out together to welcome you at noon?" Wu Liang joked and winked at everyone.

"Okay, okay." The boys in the class also booed.

"Farewell, goodbye, if the aunt in the cafeteria knows, her face will turn black." Feeling the friendly atmosphere of the classmates, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but licked the corners of her lips and joked.

When the boys saw that Cen Xueluo, the ten thousand year ice and snow goddess with a cold face all day long, smiled, they couldn't help but howl even more loudly.

As the class monitor, Nie Yunfeng stood up and shouted very seriously: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, the teacher will come over later!"

After finishing speaking, Nie Yunfeng turned to look at Cen Xueluo and said, "I think in order to avoid the dissatisfaction of the aunt in the cafeteria, I, the monitor of the class, invite you to dinner on behalf of the whole class at noon and welcome you alone."

As soon as Nie Yunfeng finished speaking, he was met with strong protests from the majority of male compatriots. Several active boys rushed over and pressed Nie Yunfeng under the seat, yelling, "Using power for personal gain! The squad leader is shameless and has no limit! Hurry up and crush him to death." he!"

I haven't been here for a month, but everyone has gotten along so well!It seems that the shadow brought by Tian Ye to Nie Yunfeng has completely passed.Thinking so, Cen Xueluo couldn't help raising her eyes to glance at Wen Yuanyuan, only to see Wen Yuanyuan biting her lip, staring at Nie Yunfeng's direction with a slightly gloomy face.

Ouyang Jingyi brushed the big wavy bangs on her forehead that seemed to have been scalded, winked at Cen Xueluo, and whispered, "Hey, you came back just in time, I still want to find time to hang out with you and have a heart-to-heart talk .”

"Okay, I heard it! Why don't you take me with you?" Zhu Dan still dressed like a tomboy, put his arms on the shoulders of Ouyang Jingyi and Cen Xueluo handsomely, and shouted with his head stretched out.

"Go, go, don't try to trick my Luoluo!" Ouyang Jingyi pulled Zhu Dan's arm away from Cen Xueluo in a protective gesture.

"Your family? Has he agreed?" Zhu Dan shook his head, squinting his eyes.

"Of course, don't teach Luoluo my family to be bad anyway!" Ouyang Jingyi grabbed Cen Xueluo's arm and looked at Zhu Dan half jokingly and half defensively.

"I don't know which of us is worse." Although Zhu Dan said this sentence with a smile, the smell of gunpowder in his words was a bit heavy.

Looking at the back of Zhu Dan leaving, Cen Xueluo asked in a low voice: "Are you two having a conflict?"

As soon as the words were finished, the class bell rang. Ouyang Jingyi said "I'll tell you later", and quickly ran back to her seat.

The classroom door was pushed open, and teacher Huang, the teacher in charge, came in with a smile, clapped his hands to signal everyone to focus on him, and said loudly, "Today is a good day. First of all, we welcome Cen Xueluo to return in good health, and second, there is good news! Three transfer students have come to our class, everyone welcome!"

Amidst the applause, three figures appeared one after another at the door of the classroom. Cen Xueluo, who was following everyone's applause, looked at it and immediately petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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