The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 88 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

Chapter 88 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture
Ouyang Jingyi wanted to take Cen Xueluo along with her. According to her experience, it's better to keep such excitement to a minimum. If something goes wrong, she might ask the passers-by around to ask what happened.But Cen Xueluo's expression was a bit scary, as if he was determined to watch the excitement to the end, and insisted on letting Ouyang Jingyi go first, Ouyang Jingyi had no choice but to whisper: "Stay away later, so as not to cause trouble Get into trouble. Go home early!"

Not long after Ouyang Jingyi left, the ambulance personnel arrived. A man who looked like a doctor walked over quickly, made a general inspection, and then directed people to carry the old man onto a stretcher.

Following the flow of people, Cen Xueluo followed the ambulance personnel to the park entrance. From a distance, he saw an Audi galloping towards the main gate of the park. A middle-aged man in a suit and tie got out of the car. .

"Dad—how is my dad?" The middle-aged man walked quickly towards the medical staff as soon as he got off, shouting loudly as he walked, his face full of anxiety.

"You need to go to the hospital for a detailed examination to be sure!" The doctor stopped the middle-aged man who wanted to get closer to the stretcher, and said politely, "Will you go with the ambulance or drive by yourself?"

"Hurry up, I'll ask the driver to follow you!" The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead, as if remembering something, he said, "Go to the best hospital!"

"Sorry, we are from the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, and we won't go anywhere else." The doctor politely rejected the middle-aged man's request, and declared, "If you don't want to go, you can choose to send yourself to another hospital now, or to our hospital." He was transferred to the hospital after emergency treatment.”

The middle-aged man in a suit stared angrily, pointed at the doctor's nose for a long time, and said angrily: "Okay, you send it to your hospital! If my father has an accident, I will tell you to walk around without food!"

The ambulance turned off its siren, flashed red and blue lights and roared away, followed by the Audi that the middle-aged man was riding on.

Everyone was pulled away, and the bustle naturally ended, and the onlookers scattered and left while discussing.

"Hey, I just said that I feel that Lao Wen's face is not right recently, and I told him to go to the hospital for a checkup, but he just didn't listen!" An old man in his 60s with a gray beard shook his head and sighed.

"The Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University is good. His son is here, and he will definitely invite experts for consultation." The fellow travelers also had worried faces.

It seems that Mr. Wen is quite popular.Standing in the crowd, Cen Xueluo listened to everyone's discussion, and looked up thoughtfully in the direction where the two cars disappeared.Affiliated Hospital of Medical University?Will western medicine misdiagnose this poisoning symptom?Should I go and see myself?
After hesitating for a moment, Cen Xueluo decisively took a taxi to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University.

"Luo, do you think you are the savior? You will cause trouble sooner or later!" In the space, Li Zai was very dissatisfied with Cen Xueluo's meddling style, "If in our cultivation world, you save people casually, you will be exposed." Hole card, the only thing waiting for you is a dead end!"

"But this is the secular world, Li, I can't do nothing about myself, it's a life." Cen Xueluo insisted on her own opinion very stubbornly.

Li Qi pouted, turned around and hid in the purple mist to sulk.

When he arrived at the hospital, Cen Xueluo realized that he had no idea where the old man was sent to.She asked the staff on duty in the hospital lobby, who knew that the little girl in hospital overalls rolled her eyes and asked, "Which elderly person are you asking? What's his name? How old are you? Which department?"

"The ambulance brought it just now..."

"It was just delivered? Then it must be rescued. What is your relationship with the patient?"

Unable to stand the work of the nurse on duty, Cen Xueluo retreated. She was standing at the door of the hospital, wondering if she should release her breath and search layer by layer, when she suddenly heard Wen Yuanyuan's voice.

"Mom, mom, which ward is my grandfather in?" Wen Yuanyuan had already changed out of her school uniform, and was wearing a pink T-shirt. Her hair was a little loose, as if she didn't have time to take care of it when she went out.

"The third floor. Hurry up." A middle-aged woman in a professional dress with exquisite makeup took Wen Yuanyuan's arm and walked towards the elevator.

Wen Yuanyuan...Master Wen...Old Wen...It's such a coincidence!Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat, and she also moved to squeeze onto the elevator.

"Cen Xueluo? Why are you here!" Seeing Cen Xueluo squeeze in before the elevator doors closed, Wen Yuanyuan's eyes widened in surprise, as if seeing an alien.

"I, I came to see a friend." Cen Xueluo shrugged and lied, "What about you? Why are you here?"

"My grandpa fainted suddenly, I don't know what happened..." Wen Yuanyuan obviously has a very good relationship with her grandpa, and her eyes turned red immediately when she mentioned grandpa, with crystal tears rolling in her eye sockets, her delicate face Pear blossoms with rain are even more lovable.

Although the relationship with Wen Yuanyuan has always been bad, but seeing Wen Yuanyuan crying for her grandfather, Cen Xueluo suddenly felt that Wen Yuanyuan was much more pleasing to the eye.If a person is not filial, then he must be equally cold-blooded to everyone, but if a person is filial, at least his conscience has not been completely wiped out.

The third floor arrived in the blink of an eye, and as soon as the elevator stopped, Wen Yuanyuan's mother stepped out first, without even looking at Cen Xueluo, Wen Yuanyuan nodded to Cen Xueluo before hastily following.

Before the elevator door closed, Cen Xueluo pressed the button to open the door, and then calmly stepped out of the elevator.

"Wen Yuan, how is our dad?" The woman in business attire saw her husband waiting in front of the emergency room at a glance, and hurried over, fearing to disturb the rescue in the operating room, she asked in a low voice.

The middle-aged man sitting on the bench loosened his tie, his face was gloomy, and he shook his head silently.

"Don't worry, Dad will turn the bad luck into good luck." The middle-aged woman sat beside her husband, comforting her husband softly, and looked around calmly and rationally. When she saw the discarded toilet paper on the ground, she couldn't help feeling disgusted. frowned.

Wen Yuanyuan rushed over and lay down in the door crack of the operating room to look in, longing to see her grandfather safe and sound, but the narrow gap and the blue curtain blocked her sight, and finally she turned away in disappointment with tears in her eyes He came over and asked with a choked voice, "Dad, what happened to grandpa?"

The middle-aged man seemed very tired. He took off his gold-rimmed glasses, looked deeply at Wen Yuanyuan and waved: "Yuanyuan, come here."

Wen Yuanyuan went to his father and squatted down, looked at his father's tired face, opened his lips, and finally buried his face in his father's knee without saying anything.

"Hey, don't cry. Your grandfather will be fine. Didn't he still promise to teach you calligraphy?" Wen Yuan felt his legs were cold, worried about his father and his daughter, he couldn't help but patted his daughter on the back, let go He comforted in a soft voice.

"Yuanyuan, wake up, how old are you, you know how to cry when something happens." Wen Yuanyuan's mother frowned, not getting used to her daughter Liushenwuzhu's fragile appearance, and shouted softly.

"Wen Yuan, is the doctor here okay? Let's contact the experts directly? Go to the China-Japan United Hospital, I heard that the experts there are very good!" After drinking Wen Yuan Yuan, the middle-aged woman turned her head and suggested to her husband.

"Okay, Baimei, let's wait for the results of the rescue first." Wen Yuan sighed, reached out and rubbed his face vigorously, trying to make his expression less stiff.

"You procrastinate when you do things." Wen Yuanyuan's mother, Bai Mei, snorted coldly and complained dissatisfiedly, "You can wait if you want, if something happens..."

"Enough! Will it be okay to be quiet!" Wen Yuan couldn't bear his wife's nagging and complaining at this time, and couldn't help but growled in a low voice.

"Who am I doing this for? Aren't I worried about your father's accident? Don't even think about it. If your father has an accident, your promotion today will be over! He is your father! Otherwise, you, a son, will not Worry, what am I trying to do here!" Bai Mei was yelled at by her husband like a cat whose hair has exploded, her complexion changed drastically, and her words became sour.

"Mom, grandpa is inside for rescue, so please be quiet for a while!" Seeing his parents quarreling again, Wen Yuanyuan couldn't help crying more fiercely, choked up and persuaded the fight.

In the end, Baimei snorted coldly and closed her mouth, but that expression of never ending with you made people look very uncomfortable.

Cen Xueluo, who was hiding in the corner, silently listened to the quarrel between Wen Yuanyuan's parents, feeling a lot of emotion, it seemed that every family had their own hard-to-recite scriptures.It seems that Wen Yuanyuan has a great reputation in the school, and they are said to be descendants of high-ranking officials, but the family atmosphere is not very harmonious.Sometimes it's better than the kind of ordinary worker's family, which is kind and friendly. At least there is no fame and wealth, no fights, no lust for profit infected by the bustling city, and you can completely let go of your guard.

The long corridor outside the emergency room was silent for a while, except for Wen Yuanyuan's sobs from time to time, there was the impatient tapping of Baimei's high-heeled shoes.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the emergency room finally opened, and a doctor in light blue came out, asking with a serious face, "Who is the family member of the patient?"

"I, I am! Doctor, how is my dad?" Wen Yuan hurriedly stood up, strode over to the doctor and asked anxiously.

Baimei and Wen Yuanyuan also stared at the doctor in unison.

Li laughed heartlessly in the space: "Usually in this kind of scene, shouldn't the doctor say sorry, have we tried our best?" Li imitated the way the doctor shook his head and sighed in the movie, and he laughed backwards and forwards.

Cen Xue really couldn't understand Li's indifference to human life, so she simply ignored him and listened attentively to the doctor's answer.

"The patient's condition has stabilized, but he still needs to be hospitalized for observation." The doctor's brows were not relaxed, as if there was some unsolvable doubt, "The old man is getting old, and the functions of internal organs are deteriorating. Shock. However, other possibilities cannot be ruled out, and no conclusion can be drawn now."

(End of this chapter)

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