Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 108 Shan Yisheng's Difficulties

Chapter 108 Shan Yisheng's Difficulties
Shan Yisheng supported his drowsy head, only felt that his headache was about to explode, he kneaded it lightly a few times, and squinted at Xiang Heng beside him: "Do you have any cigarettes?" Maybe it was because he drank too much Because of the alcohol, his voice was hoarse and slightly magnetic.

Xiang Heng squinted at him, good guy, he still smokes after drinking so much alcohol, it seems that he is not only the hospital, he is not going to give up, right?

"No!" Xiang Heng replied angrily, this person really didn't cherish his body at all.

Shan Yisheng turned his head expressionlessly, stood up and was about to go to the bar to buy a pack of cigarettes, but finally fell down on the sofa, his hands clenched into fists and pressed hard against his stomach, with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing that something was wrong with him, Xiang Heng quickly supported him: "Heng, what's wrong with you, is there something uncomfortable?"

Shan Yisheng's complexion was very bad, his lips turned white, but he shook his head and said that he was fine, Xiang Heng really wanted to give him a good beating, and told him not to drink too much, but he didn't listen, he had to drink, drink He was uncomfortable and refused to admit it. I really don't know why he is so brave!

"Let's take you to the hospital!"

Xiang Heng supported Shan Yisheng who was sweating on his forehead and was about to take him to the hospital, but Shan Yisheng pushed him away forcefully: "I don't want to go to the hospital, just leave me alone, I'll just go home and rest for a while. I go home."

He stumbled out, Xiang Heng cursed in a low voice and hurriedly followed: "Why are you driving when you're already like this, I'll take you back."

In the end, Shan Yisheng still didn't go to the hospital, Xiang Heng couldn't hold him back, so he drove him home, and he drank a little too. He didn't dare to drive too fast, but he was worried about Shan Yisheng beside him, so he turned his head to look at it from time to time. He, the latter just stared out of the window, the expression on his face was much better than before.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

"It's all right." He took out a bottle of water for him, and kept his eyes on the situation on the road seriously.

Shan Yisheng looked back at him, maybe because of the severe pain just now, his movements were a little slow, he took the water slowly, but didn't drink it, put it aside and continued to look out of the car window.

Xiang Heng sighed heavily and concentrated on driving.

Shan Yisheng's mind would always think of what happened in the afternoon, every word she said, every expression, stabbed deeply into his heart like a knife.

Suddenly, Shan Yisheng saw a pair of figures on the side of the road, his heart contracted violently, he turned his head abruptly to let Xiang Heng stop, the expression on his face was panic that he didn't know.

That woman, how could she hug another man!
Xiang Heng didn't know why, but seeing Shan Yisheng's nervous face, he stopped the car as he said. Shan Yisheng didn't care about his uncomfortable body, and he rushed out of the car just after the car stopped. Xiang Heng was worried about him. , hurried to the table.

Because of his stomach discomfort, he didn't run fast, but because the car stopped in time, he didn't drive very far, and soon Shan Yisheng saw the figure of Yao Yiyi hugging someone else.

Shan Yisheng panted heavily, bent over and kept his hand on his knee, with one hand still resting on his stomach. In fact, his heart hurts badly, but there is no extra hand.

Xiang Heng followed behind Shan Yisheng: "Sheng, what's the matter with you?" As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Chu Cheng's back, and there was someone in his arms, Xiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, he had already guessed that Chu Cheng The person in his arms is Yao Yiyi.

After eating, He Qing went back to the room. Luo Minghao glanced at the winding stairs, and sat beside Lin Mowan: "Mo Wan, Aunt He has been so busy these days, what are you busy with?" I haven't seen her so busy. Could it be that something happened in the company these days?I haven't heard her talk about it either.

Luo Minghao had a puzzled look on his face. Could it be that He Qing has started to guard against her now, so she won't tell herself what happened to her?

Lin Mowan is eating fruit. She usually doesn't eat much. She usually relies on eating fruit. Her lack of appetite is one of the reasons. The most important thing is that eating fruit can keep her in good shape. She can wear whatever clothes she wants, and every time there is a banquet, there will be many women around her asking her how she usually keeps her figure. She likes the feeling of being surrounded by stars, she is unique.

"If you want to know anything, you can ask Mom. If you ask me, how would I know? She rarely tells me anything about the company." She cast a disdainful glance at Luo Minghao, and Lin Mowan's gaze shifted. on TV.

Luo Minghao's gaze followed Lin Mowan to the TV, as if it was showing an idol drama, he didn't pay attention to it: "I don't want to know anything, my aunt is not too young now, I'm just worried about my aunt, she recently It's hard work, and I don't know if her body can bear it anymore."

Lin Mowan didn't seem to hear what he was talking about, and she focused on watching the TV, the hostility flashed across Luo Minghao's face.

"Mo Wan, when will I take you to see the wedding dress, anyway, the two of us are going to get married." Luo Minghao had nothing to say.

"Don't tell me about this." Lin Mowan's face darkened immediately. She actually didn't like He Qing taking advantage of her life's events to rob property, but could she do anything about it? Her business was what He Qing said It's all right, and He Qinghang will tell her, first stabilize Luo Minghao before talking.

Perhaps remembering He Qing's explanation, the expression on Lin Mowan's face eased, but it was still not very good-looking: "This matter is still far away, do you want to eat fruit?"

Obviously changing the subject, Luo Minghao didn't understand her thoughts, so he gave a sinister smile in his heart, but on the surface he smiled harmlessly: "Feed me."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and waited for Lin Mowan to feed him fruit.

Lin Mowan secretly annoyed herself why she threw a rock at her own foot, put on airs and threw the fruit plate in front of Luo Minghao's eyes: "Take it yourself."

Luo Minghao's eyes flickered, he knew Lin Mowan's temper, he knew enough was enough, so he picked up a toothpick and ate a small piece of apple, then raised his head to watch TV: "Do you want to go shopping tomorrow? It's been a long time since we went shopping together."

It seems that only by saying such words can we successfully take her out and gain some approval from her.

Luo Minghao sighed silently in his heart, ignorant woman.

Lin Mowan's unblinking eyes, which were originally staring at the TV, were now staring at Luo Minghao, but she was thinking in her heart whether she should agree or not.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with agreeing.

Nodding cheerfully: "Okay, let's do it tomorrow afternoon. It's too cold in the morning and I can't get up at all." Because the company is now managed by He Qing, so Lin Mowan uses that relationship every time she arrives late and leaves early. No matter how dissatisfied the others were, they would only talk about it in private. After all, she was the president's daughter, so who would dare to stand up and say nothing.

He Qing just turned a blind eye to this.

"Okay." Luo Minghao responded obediently. There should be no arrangements for tomorrow afternoon, so he can just go shopping with her.

Yao Yiyi was a little greedy for Chu Cheng's warmth, hesitating whether to push the person in front of him away, but when he heard Xiang Heng's voice startled suddenly, he pushed Chu Cheng away subconsciously.

Although her strength was not very strong, Chu Cheng didn't have the slightest defense, and was pushed staggered by her. He looked at Yao Yiyi with some helplessness, not knowing what was wrong with her.

Yao Yiyi stood there biting his lip, looked at Shan Yisheng in a state of bewilderment, and then felt ridiculous, why he was nervous, the two of them had no relationship for a long time.

When she raised her head again, Yao Yiyi's eyes had regained her calm. She didn't look at Shan Yisheng again, and said to Chu Cheng, let's go, turned around and left without any hesitation.

At this time, Chu Cheng, who had already had a general idea of ​​the situation, glanced at Shan Yisheng calmly, and followed behind Yao Yiyi without saying a word.

"Yiyi." Shan Yisheng straightened up, ignoring the discomfort of his body, stepped in front of Yao Yiyi and grabbed her arm firmly, "Yiyi, you..."

Seeing the expressionless Yao Yiyi and Yisheng's throat tightened, unable to say anything, he leaned against the light by the side of the road and just looked at her like that.

Yao Yiyi squeezed her hands vigorously, and shook off Shan Yisheng's hand vigorously but did not shake off: "Who are you?" Her eyes were full of indifference, and she looked at him strangely, as if two people Really never met.

Shan Yisheng shrank his heart, subconsciously squeezed his hand hard, Yao Yiyi snorted, Shan Yisheng let go of his hand in panic, Yao Yiyi sneered, turned and left.

Shan Yisheng stood there blankly, did not look at the back of Yao Yiyi and Chu Cheng leaving, Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yi with a stiff face, then looked at Yao Yi not far away, suddenly gritted his teeth , and ran towards Yao Yiyi.

"Duo..." Xiang Heng frowned, and stopped in time, "Sheng actually has his own reasons, everything he did was for your own good..." Even though she was his own sister, but this time, He really felt that Yao Yiyi had gone too far.

Yao Yiyi felt a strange feeling in her heart when she saw the person in front of her. She remembered him as Meng Weini's boyfriend.

Although curious about why he met Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi didn't ask any further questions, she turned sideways and walked forward, Xiang Heng sighed helplessly, and turned back to look for Shan Yisheng.

He had already gotten into the car, and he seemed unconscious. Xiang Heng opened the driver's door and sat in. Knowing that Shan Yisheng was in a bad mood, he didn't say anything, and drove him back to the apartment.

"Sheng, go back and have a good rest. Don't think about it. Dodo must have misunderstood something. You can explain clearly when the time comes." Xiang Heng sat in the driver's seat and explained to Shan Yisheng, who nodded , and left without further answer.

 happy reading~
(End of this chapter)

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