Chapter 114 Uneasy
But how should I explain it to Luo Minghao?He Qing looked at Lin Mowan who was smiling in front of her, feeling a little sad.

"How about this, Mo Wan. Tomorrow, I'll call Minghao and tell him about it in a different way, and then how about you go to Shan Yisheng?" After thinking for a long time, He Qing slowly came to her senses Opening his mouth seemed to be greeting Lin Mowan.

"My mother, this is my business. Why do we need Luo Minghao's consent? I hate him so much." Lin Mowan couldn't understand why He Qing did that. It was all her own from the beginning to the end. thing is not it?
"What do you know!" He Qing's face turned dark, "Luo Minghao likes you, but you don't know that we haven't got all of Yao's property yet, and when Luo Minghao is used, if we decide not to follow you He said, what should we do if he betrayed us halfway?"

He Qing saw Lin Mowan curled her lips in disapproval, walked up to her and sat down, holding her hand kindly: "Mo Wan, let's tell him that we did it to confuse Shan Yisheng. Go back, you will come back when our Shan Yisheng completely ignores Yao Yiyi, men need to be coaxed, can't you just coax Minghao, if you don't care at all If you like Minghao, wait until mom's plan succeeds or you succeed in getting together with Shan Yisheng, can't we just kick Luo Minghao away?"

Lin Mowan lowered her head and thought for a while, then nodded, as if she was in a bit of a dilemma: "Okay, Mom, we have to make a deal, if I hook Shan Yisheng into my hand, you can't compare me to being with Luo Minghao Already."

"En." He Qing nodded happily, joking, Shan Yisheng and Luo Minghao are completely weaker than the latter, if Mo Wan is really with Shan Yisheng, then she will try to persuade Mo Wan dug the sy group into her own name bit by bit, and one day she would be able to own the sy group.It seems obvious which is more important between the huge sy group and Yao Yiyi's small fortune.

He Qing looked at Lin Mowan, and only hoped that she would succeed in taking down Shan Yisheng. If so, her future would be really bright.

Greed really grows wildly with people's thoughts, but what can happen so easily as people want.

Soon He Qing will know what it means to lift a rock to shoot herself in the foot.

Yao Yiyi returned to her room uneasy. The company had already called to inform her that she could go back to work. This should be a very happy thing, but she didn't feel the slightest bit of excitement in her heart.

Shan Yisheng was hospitalized?

What is the reason?
During dinner at night, Yao Yiyi didn't go downstairs because he really didn't want to see He Qing and the others, and Luo Minghao didn't come back either. Lin Mowan and He Qing were behind the dinner table.

"Mom, look at that Yao Yiyi, who obviously doesn't come down to eat at home, and clearly doesn't take you seriously!" Lin Mowan has always hated Yao Yiyi, and when she thinks about her, she has almost faded away in the company now. She was accused of a crime, and the matter had nothing to do with her, and she was depressed because she could go to work in the hospital tomorrow.

He Qing snorted coldly, did not speak, put a mouthful of vegetables in her mouth, and chewed slowly: "Let her go, anyway, this Yao family, she will leave sooner or later, Mo Wan, now you just leave yourself Put your mind on Shan Yisheng."

In fact, He Qing is also worried that Shan Yisheng is a wise person, so she may not be able to use this trick, but thinking that she used the beauty trick to get Luo Minghao in her hand at the beginning, not only did she start to bring a glimmer of hope , maybe, really will succeed?

As soon as she mentioned Shan Yisheng, Lin Mowan's eyes burst into laughter. That perfect man, she must be easy to get her, she couldn't believe it. Even a man like Yao Yiyi, who can be obtained by a slut, she would get. less than?

"Okay, let's eat quickly, Minghao didn't come back today, remember to find me in the office tomorrow." He Qing put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, explained a few words to Lin Mowan, stood up, turned and went upstairs.

"it is good."

Yao Yiyi arrived at the company early the next day. Although he didn't come to the company for only one day, the documents on the desk were already piled high.I couldn't help but frown, isn't there anyone else who can handle it?Then if she won't come, are these documents just piled up here all the time?
With a helpless sigh, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. Now that he has returned to the company, he must continue to do what he should do.

The whole morning passed, and it was rare that Lin Mowan didn't come to find fault. Yao Yiyi packed up the documents and was about to go to lunch, but when he looked up, he saw Meng Weini.

"Vinny, why are you here and didn't go to eat?" The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and this time the incident was so big that she didn't dare to look for her, and she would be fine if she got tired.

"Die Yiyi, where have you been these few days? I wanted to call you only to find out that I didn't have your number. I subconsciously called your internal number." Meng Weini was also very worried about Yao Yiyi, but because she was in a different place Even if Yao Yiyi comes to the company sometimes, the two of them can’t see each other, “I’m here to see you for dinner, and I have something to talk to you about.”

"En? What's the matter?" Yao Yiyi was curious, what would she want to tell him?

"Let's go eat first, I'm hungry." Meng Weini stuck out her tongue mischievously when she remembered Xiang Heng's explanation, secretly hesitating how she should speak to Yao Yiyi.

"Yiyi, I... let me ask you something." During the meal, Meng Weini said to Yao Yiyi in a negotiating tone. ——I still take a little care when dealing with these personal issues.

Seeing Meng Weini's expression for the first time, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but find it funny, took a bite of his meal and nodded: "What question can make Miss Meng so cautious?"

"Have you dated Shan Yisheng, the president of Sy Group, before?"

The smile on Yao Yiyi's face didn't have time to get lucky, and his face froze like that, with some moisture in his eyes.

Meng Weini saw that Yao Yiyi's expression was not right, she waved her hand hastily: "If you don't want to say something, then don't say it, let's first..."

Because she had only been abroad before, she didn't know a lot of things. Yesterday, Xiang Heng asked him to go out and asked her to tell Yao Yi, saying that Shan Yisheng was in the No. [-] Hospital in the city center. At that time, she still felt that Curious, why did Shan Yisheng tell her in the No. [-] Hospital? It took a long time to find out that the two of them had been in a relationship. At first, she didn't believe it. Yao's and SY Group are so competitive now, and she is still Yao's daughter. , How could they be together with Shan Yisheng Now it seems that it should be looking for you.

Yao Yiyi bit his chopsticks and slowly lowered his head: "That's right, we were indeed together before, but we separated again later."

"Eh..." Meng Weini didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, but thought of Xiang Heng's explanation, hesitated for a while, and finally decided to say, "Xiang Heng, he asked me to tell you that Shan Yisheng is the first in the city center. Hospital."

The movement of Yao Yiyi's hands stopped, and the rice that he had picked up fell on the table. He kept the same posture. Meng Weini looked at her worriedly: "Yiyi, are you okay?"

It's all the fault of that Xiang Heng, is there anything you can't say by yourself, you have to let yourself say it!Meng Weini poked the rice in the bowl vigorously with her chopsticks, and kept complaining about Xiang Heng.

Yao Yiyi shook his head in ecstasy, his eyelids were half downcast, his eyelashes automatically curled up, it was very pretty.

Yao Yiyi didn't say anything until the meal was over, and Meng Weini didn't know what to say. After eating quietly, the two went back to their respective departments. Before leaving, she took Yao Yiyi's hand and looked at her worriedly. : "Yiyi, be happy. As for the hospital, you can decide whether you want to go or not. No one can force you to do anything, huh?"

Yao Yi nodded and didn't say much. She didn't make an elevator. After she broke up with Meng Weini, she turned left into the stairwell.

Because there is an elevator, people rarely climb the stairs, but the place is still very clean, Yao Yiyi walks slowly, it is very quiet, she thinks it is very suitable for her, now she just needs a quiet place.

There is a huge window at each stairway, which can take in all the scenery to the south of the company. Yao Yiyi sat on the first step, looked at the passers-by outside through the glass, and remembered that night.

At that time, the two were very close, and she could smell the strong smell of alcohol on his body. At that time, she misunderstood that he had done such a thing, so she never looked up at him seriously. Now that I think about it carefully, his face was It's not so good, is it?

Obviously in poor health, why did he drink so much alcohol? Yao Yiyi frowned, really worried about him, but if he really went to see him, would he take care of him?

He must be hating himself to death now, for saying such exaggerated words, being so decisive, and being so annoying.

Yao Yiyi bent down, buried her head between her legs, and warm tears flowed from her eyes.

Is he going to the hospital because of himself?

Yao Yiyi raised her head slightly, the teardrops on her face slowly fell down, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes, then she shook her head as if denying herself, the teardrops on her face were shaken off by her, how could Well, how could it be for oneself? They obviously have nothing to do with each other.

But no matter what it was, she really wanted to see him.

Really Want.

Lowering her head again, Yao Yiyi bit her lip to hold back her sobs, her whole shoulders heaving and falling with a pitiful feeling.

Across the quiet stairwell came the woman's intermittent sobbing, capable of breaking someone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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