Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 116 It's Like a Dream

Chapter 116 It's Like a Dream

Shan Yisheng didn't actually fall asleep, he just closed his eyes.

Qin Meihui was sitting while peeling apples earnestly, and at the same time was reporting the company's affairs to Shan Yisheng.

Suddenly, Shan Yisheng slowly opened his eyes as if he remembered something: "Manager Wang, how did you deal with it?"

"President, don't worry, I have sent it to the police station according to your order, but I don't know who gave the document to him from his appearance. It seems that he is going to take the blame." Qin Meihui cut it Cut the peeled apples into pieces and put them on the plate, "President, do you want to..."

Shan Yisheng closed his eyes gently, shook his head and didn't speak, Qin Meihui helplessly put the sneak attack aside, he didn't know if he really had no appetite, even if he could have some food in the past few days, he still wouldn't eat anything. If things go on like this, it will be difficult for him to recover from his illness.

"What's going on over there?"

"En?" Qin Huimei turned her head to look at him, eyes still closed, her long eyelashes fluttering gently, "I heard that Yao Yiyi has returned to the company to work normally, it seems that she should be fine, you Don't worry.

Shan Yisheng stopped talking again, Qin Meihui hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "President, since you care about Miss Yiyi so much, why do you want to..."

"You go back first. If there is nothing important in the company, you can go back and have a rest first." Shan Yisheng interrupted Qin Meihui, obviously not wanting to say or listen. Qin Meihui realized that she seemed to have made a mistake. Slightly lowering her head and pursing her lips, she stood up and opened the door not long after she stood up. When she looked up at Yao Yiyi who was at the door, she didn't respond for a moment.

Yao Yiyi felt a little embarrassed looking at Xiang Heng in front of him, but now seeing Qin Meihui come out again, he felt even more embarrassed.

"One... one one, why are you here?" Qin Meihui forgot that the door in her hand had not been closed, because she was surprised that her voice could not be controlled, and even Shan Yisheng in the ward heard her shouting, and he yelled Opening his eyes, he stared at the door tightly, but Qin Meihui blocked his sight, no matter how much he looked around, he couldn't see Yao Yiyi's figure.

"I...I..." Yao Yiyi stammered and wanted to find an excuse to explain, but what should he say?Could it be that he happened to pass by here?Or did you come with friends?
Yao Yiyi made countless excuses for himself in his heart, but in the end he denied them one by one.

The three of them stood at the door without talking, Qin Meihui looked at Yao Yiyi, then at Xiang Heng, and cleared her throat uncomfortably: "Ahem, I'm going back first, Yiyi, let's go in and have a look, the CEO is now The body is very weak and needs the care of others."

Yao Yiyi was originally worried about Shan Yisheng's body, but he became even more worried when he heard Qin Meihui say this. He forgot to think for a moment, nodded indiscriminately, and rushed into the ward as soon as he entered the door, Qin Meihui closed the door. I was not calm for a while.

Looking sideways at the door, he didn't have the courage to turn around.

Xiang Heng stood outside the door and looked at Qin Meihui, smiling a little sternly: "Aren't you afraid that she will take revenge on you if you do this?" The door was closed so quickly, was it because she was afraid that she would go back on her word and run out?

With a calm expression, Qin Meihui raised her hands and straightened her hair on both sides: "It's okay, the president will thank me and maybe give me a salary increase." Then she bowed slightly, "I'll go back first."

Xiang Heng nodded, didn't say anything, glanced at the closed door of the ward, turned around and left, originally planned to come and see him today, it seems that he is not needed today.

Shan Yisheng looked at the woman at the door, with a trace of annoyance in her eyes, where is she going to nest all the time?
Yao Yiyi was also very depressed, what should I say to him after it passed?
Seeing that Yao Yi hadn't moved for a long time, Shan Yisheng looked away, but said, "I want to drink water." His voice was faint, without the slightest emotion.

Yao Yiyi's heart paused, and he turned around slowly, but he didn't dare to look at Shan Yisheng, he walked to the bedside hesitantly, and poured Shan Yisheng a glass of boiling water.

"Yiyi, are you going to keep ignoring me like this?" Shan Yisheng stopped Yao Yiyi's profile, feeling annoyed and funny in his heart, although he was really unhappy about his previous attitude, but he knew her There was a misunderstanding, and he didn't blame her.

"I..." Yao Yiyi also felt that he was too twisted, since he had come here, he should talk to him and look at him well, why do he always say what he doesn't mean every time.

Sighing softly, Yao Yiyi sat down in front of the hospital bed, and handed him the cup in his hand: "Drink some water."

Shan Yisheng watched her not moving, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Yi Yi, I have no strength in my whole body."

Yao Yiyi paused, looked at him suspiciously, carefully helped him up, and carefully handed the cup to his mouth: "Drink slowly."

Shan Yisheng gave a low voice, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

After drinking the water, Yao Yiyi was embarrassed again, sitting there at a loss, Shan Yisheng went to hold her hand: "Yiyi."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at him holding his hand. His hand was so big, with well-defined joints, and it wrapped around his hand just right.

"Yiyi, no one in the company made things difficult for you, right?" He must have suffered a lot before, how could He Qing and Lin Mowan let her go so easily, they must have caused a lot of trouble.

Yao Yiyi felt a little sore. These days, she seemed to be the only one left in the world. No one asked her "Are you okay?", and no one thought about how much she needed help. People are struggling.

Seeing Yao Yiyi not talking, Shan Yisheng knew that she must be sad and uncomfortable during this time, but he seemed very powerless about it. In fact, he let her go back to Yao's just to let her exercise well next?

I really want to put her under my wings and protect her well, but with all the hard work and suffering she has endured before, is it all for now?
Shan Yisheng took a light breath, suddenly, he really wanted to hug her.

"Weini, did you tell Yao Yiyi about Shan Yisheng's stay in the hospital?" Xiang Heng sat in the car for a while, thinking that Yao Yiyi would go to the hospital, and Sheng's mood would definitely be much better. Thinking of this, Xiang Heng couldn't help but smile, and the haggardness on his face was not as obvious as before. Before that, he had to be busy with his office work and worried about Shan Yisheng. It was Meng Weini's credit that Yao Yiyi could come, Xiang Heng had a gentle smile on his face, took out his mobile phone and dialed Meng Weini.

"Didn't you tell me, how dare I not say it." It can be seen that Meng Weini is also in a good mood, and she can still joke with Xiang Heng like this.

There was a steady and gentle smile on Xiang Heng's face, but there was some worry in his eyes. The two of them are not together now. Although Meng Weini is a young lady, she is not like other rich people's daughters, who are casual and carefree. A little money can do it, and sometimes he thinks that she must also have a story, which is why it is so difficult to approach.

"Vinny, shall we come out for dinner tonight?" Xiang Heng switched the phone to his left hand and slowly drove the car away from the hospital.

Meng Weini is still working in the hospital now, she lowered her eyes and thought for a while before refusing, "Not today, there is a dinner at home." She frowned slightly, as if she was also worried about this matter.

"What kind of family banquet, take me there, I don't have a place to eat tonight." Xiang Heng's mouth sank, but his tone did not change.

Meng Weini hesitated for a while and didn't speak, and finally found an excuse and hung up the phone. Xiang Heng threw the phone on the back seat angrily, and the expression on his face became even more gloomy.

"Mo Wan, I heard that Shan Yisheng has been staying in the hospital for the past few days, you have to seize the opportunity, take good care of him when he is weak, and slowly walk into his heart, you know? He Qing took a sip of coffee and glanced at Lin Mowan on the sofa, "The sooner this matter is the better, Mom doesn't want to wait any longer, you know?"

"Mom, I got it!" Lin Mowan walked to He Qing's side, hugged her arm and acted like a baby.

"Now Chu Cheng doesn't seem to care much about Yao Yiyi. It seems that we are too kind to him. If we don't show him some color, he won't take this matter to heart." He Qing suddenly thought Chu Cheng gave him a check last time, and asked him to come back and look at Yao Yiyi. He promised it well at the time, but he didn't expect that there was no news at all now.

"Mo Wan, help mom and call Chu Cheng for me."

"En." Lin Mowan let go of He Qing's arm, turned and went out.

Chu Cheng's desk is very close to Yao Yiyi's desk. He Qing deliberately made this arrangement in order to make it easier for the two of them to get in touch. Lin Mowan glanced at Yao Yiyi's empty desk with disdain. I was sick today so I asked for leave, hum, I deserve it, it would be better if I died of illness.

There was some fierce light in Lin Mowan's eyes, which was fleeting.

"Chu Cheng, I think I'm calling you." Lin Mowan's attitude was very bad, she didn't actually dislike his appearance, it was just that this kind of poor man made her feel disgusted for no reason.

Lin Mowan put all his thoughts on his face, Chu Cheng could see it, he just glanced at her indifferently, without saying anything, stood up and walked to He Qing's office first.

"You... pretend to be garlic!" Lin Mowan stomped her feet angrily, and followed behind Chu Cheng.

"President." Chu Cheng looked at He Qing respectfully, "What do you want from me?"

"Chu Cheng, you've been a lot more arrogant recently." He Qing was originally standing by the window, but when she heard Chu Cheng's voice, she slowly turned around and stared at Chu Cheng with a slightly gloomy face.

(End of this chapter)

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