Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 123 Deliberately making trouble

Chapter 123 Deliberately making trouble
The whole process went smoothly, Yao Yiyi was secretly thankful, but fortunately Lin Mowan didn't speak, otherwise this cooperation would probably be difficult to succeed.

Just when Lin Mowan was about to sign the contract, Lin Mowan suddenly spoke up. She expressed in fluent English that she was not satisfied with the profit that this cooperation brought to Yao's. Yao Yiyi looked at her in shock. She was clearly making trouble on purpose. .

The person in charge of the other party obviously frowned, looked at Yao Yiyi and expressed doubts, and asked who was in charge, Yao Yiyi quickly forced a smile and was about to say it was him, but Lin Mowan took out her position to speak , and then Lin Mowan had nothing to say.

Originally, it was Yao who sent out the cooperation this time. The other company thought for a long time before agreeing to talk about it first. They didn't expect that Lin Mowan would screw it up in the end.

Yao Yiyi gritted his teeth and sneered at the back of the other company's resolute departure: "Lin Mowan, you are really good."

Lin Mowan slowly stood up from her seat, and arrogantly glanced at Yao Yiyi: "You are really flattering yourself, didn't mom let me study with you, you have not made many deals these days , You are really disappointing." After finishing speaking, he let out a few shrill laughs and left the reception room, Yao Yiyi looked at her back with a cold look in his eyes.

She really didn't understand whether she was taking revenge on her or Yao shi.

Yao Yiyi walked straight to He Qing's office, wanting to say that she didn't want to take Lin Mowan with her anymore, how could she handle such a person.

As soon as she reached the door of the president's office, Yao Yiyi heard Lin Mowan sobbing and saying her name, she stretched out her hand to push the door open, paused, she frowned and continued to listen.

"Yao Yiyi, that bitch, pushes it on me when she has a problem. Mom, I haven't seen her negotiate a few cooperation cases recently. I don't think she has much ability. Whoever negotiated the cooperation cases before?" I don’t know whether it was really negotiated on my own or was unspoken by others, the current people..."

Yao Yiyi looked down at his hand and unconsciously clenched it into a fist.

Let the villain file a complaint first, Yao Yiyi raised the corners of her lips slightly, her eyes were a little helpless, fortunately she didn't care about Lin Mowan's words, but she couldn't be too presumptuous.

Knocking lightly on the door, Yao Yiyi opened it and walked in.

"President." In fact, she never liked calling He Qing's mother. Although she would try her best to avoid it at home, sometimes it was unavoidable, but she seldom called her mother when she was in the company.

In fact, the relationship was not very intimate.

"Yi Yi, what's going on these few days, I heard from Mo Wan that you have ruined all the cooperation matters." He Qing took a look at Lin Mo Wan, then set her sights on Yao Yi Yi.

Yao Yiyi raised his eyes and looked at Lin Mowan with a smile that was not a smile: "Yes, the cooperation projects have not been negotiated these days, but I have to thank Mowan for my blessing. I didn't come when I didn't come. If there is even the slightest problem, she just came here and none of the cooperation projects have been successful, what should I say, is she a disaster star?" Yao Yiyi's voice was unclear, and Lin Mowan immediately became angry when she heard it.

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Lin Mowan's voice seemed a little sharp.

"What's wrong with Mo Wan, things at work are not good, can't you even understand what others are saying now?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi make fun of her so quietly, Lin Mowan was completely angry, she almost jumped up in anger, pointed at Yao Yiyi's nose and cursed: "You bitch, what are you doing, who knows you Did you agree to the successful case before because you slept with someone else?"

Yao Yiyi didn't make a fuss when she heard her say this, and approached her with squinted eyes, unable to see her emotions clearly: "You're very good, who knows if it's because I was unspoken by others, right? I'm interested in this face, look at your face, it can scare people to death as soon as you go out, look in the mirror more often when you have time, don't run out to scare people when you have nothing to do."

Lin Mowan's face turned red, her eyes stared at Yao Yiyi viciously as if she was about to kill someone, wishing she could give her a glance.

Yao Yiyi still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with obvious disdain: "President, if there is nothing else, I will go out first."

He Qing didn't say a word, Yao Yiyi didn't care, took a look at Lin Mowan and left the office in a good mood.

"Mo Wan, did you mess it up, so you haven't achieved much in the past few days." He Qing glanced at Lin Mowan, she still knew a little about her character.

"Mom!" Lin Mowan had already suffered from Yao Yiyi, but now that He Qing asked her this question, it was obvious that she was not happy about the game.

"Nonsense, do you think these things are just for fun? You put personal matters into official business, and Yao's and Yao's are ruined, and it depends on you." Thinking that all these big cooperation plans are all because of Lin Mowan He Qing felt angry when he failed in making trouble.

Lin Mowan could also hear that He Qing seemed to be really angry, so she didn't dare to say anything, and stood there with her head down.

Shan Yisheng looked at the document in his hand, raised his head and asked Qin Huimei curiously: "Are there many people interested in acquiring this company in Singapore?"

"There are quite a few. I heard that not only our wife Sy wants to acquire, but also Yao's, some other companies have given up one by one because they heard the rumor that Yao's and us are interested, but there is still a strong one. Opponent." Qin Meihui said nothing on her face.


"Green in the United States, after the previous president resigned, a young new president took office, saying that he intends to develop in Asia, but this will also be speculation from the outside world, and it is not sure whether he will be interested in companies in Singapore."

Shan Yisheng raised his lips and stood up, walking to the window: "If that's really the case, then don't worry, I've heard a little bit about Green in the United States, and those are speculations from the outside world. I heard that the new president There are too many things to do when I take office, so I will temporarily ignore the acquisition of the new company." Turning to look at Qin Meihui, a playful smile appeared on Shan Yisheng's face, "It seems that this time it has become the sy group and Yao competition."

Qin Meihui did not speak, waiting for Shan Yisheng's next words.

"Since Yao's intends to acquire a company in Singapore, Jiu Jiu will definitely send someone to negotiate. You can arrange it. If Yao Yiyi is the person sent by Yao's, then book a ticket for me with the same itinerary."

"Yes." Qin Meihui nodded and turned around to leave the office. Shan Yisheng sat on the office chair and played with her pen, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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