Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 128 It seems that I really like her

Chapter 128 It seems that I really like her

Lin Mowan lowered her head: "I see."

He Qing waved her hand: "Go out, I still have things to do."

Even though He Qing said so many things, she was still unconvinced. When she returned to her job, a female colleague next to her saw that her face was not very good. She knew that she was the CEO, and she was usually very flattering to her, but this time she was not. exception.

"Oh, Mo Wan, what's the matter with you, you came here with an angry face, did you get angry with that short-sighted person?"

Lin Mowan glanced at her angrily, and snorted coldly: "How many people in the company do you think would dare to provoke me, don't talk to me, I'm still angry now."

The woman next to her ignored her words: "Now that bitch Yao Yiyi is not in the company, who else would dare to make you angry. Could it be?" The rest of the words did not go on, but both of them understood.

Lin Mowan nodded: "Isn't it? My mother always trusts me so much. That bitch always tells me to take advantage of her. I really don't know where her use is?" It seems that the more she talks, the more angry she gets. Lin Mowan drank the water in the cup in one breath, and handed it to the woman: "You, go and pour me a cup of tea."

The woman was stunned for a moment, her eyes slightly displeased, but she still took the cup and got up and walked towards the tea room.

"Hey, isn't this the famous person next to Lin Mowan? Why, he can even do things like pour tea and water. He really deserves to be an all-rounder." Meng Weini put the cup in her hand on the table, looking where The woman, with a little complacency in her eyes, "Someone told me just now that you and Lin Mowan were gossiping in the office? Tsk tsk, no wonder you have a gossip face, and you really think others are when you say such things at work. Can't you hear me, childish."

Meng Weini felt a little thirsty after working for a long time. She was making a cup of coffee in the old tea room, but she was depressed when she heard a colleague who was usually close to her say that Lin Mowan and so-and-so were talking ill of Yao Yiyi in the office.

People are not in the country and they are still tossing.

"By the way, tell your master something, biting her tongue behind her back, Xiaoxin bit her dumb." After she finished speaking, she left. The woman gasped for breath looking at Meng Weini's back, but she knew that Meng Weini was also a That's why people of high status didn't dare to open their mouths to argue with her, and they were so angry that they almost threw the cup in their hands.

"Yiyi, are you up?" Chu Cheng called Yao Yiyi early in the morning, with a gentle voice, "Cry now, I'll take you to have breakfast."

Yao Yiyi fell asleep in a daze, and fell asleep very late last night, thinking about that kiss all the time in his mind, always feeling hot on his lips, as if his lips had never left.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that she fell asleep in a daze. She had only slept for a few hours when she was woken up. Yao Yiyi wasn't unhappy, but she was also embarrassed to lose her temper casually: "Go eat breakfast ? Can’t we just eat at the hotel later, it’s so troublesome to go to other places.”

"Where does this hotel have a delicious breakfast? Get up quickly, and I'll take you to a good place." Chu Cheng seemed to refuse to give up when he couldn't get his hands on it.

"But have you ever been to Singapore before, why do you know where there is good food?"

"Just get up soon, and you won't be able to eat later when you're playing." After Chu Cheng said these words with a light smile, he hung up the phone. Yao Yiyi closed his eyes forcefully, and put the phone beside the bed , and squinted in a daze for a while, then remembered Chu Cheng's words in his mind, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the time, fortunately, he didn't squint for a long time, and hurriedly got up and put on his clothes.

After finishing in a hurry, Yao Yiyi waited for him at the entrance of the lobby of the hotel as Chu Cheng said. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see anyone. He checked the time and found that it was getting late. He took out his mobile phone and prepared to call him. But someone held his wrist, Yao Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, such a familiar aura, could it be him?

Not knowing whether it was because he was afraid that he would be disappointed if he guessed wrong or for some other reason, Yao Yiyi kept his head down like that, without any movement.

Shan Yisheng's heart warmed up when he saw the look of low eyebrows, and called her with a magnetic voice, Yao Yiyi was a little moved, and slowly raised his head.

"Yiyi, I'll take you to have breakfast." His eyes were very bright, Yao Yiyi remembered that when he was in the hospital before, his eyes seemed to have lost all their vitality and were dim, but now they seem to be much better.

He pulled her away.She followed him unknowingly. It would be great if she could go on like this without end.

At this moment, Yao Yiyi completely forgot why Shan Yisheng was here, and that Chu Cheng was waiting for her. She just wanted to follow behind him quietly, and the two of them walked on like this.

Knowing that Shan Yisheng stopped in front of a breakfast shop, Yao Yiyi looked at him as if he had recovered: "I... what are we doing here?"

"Come over for breakfast, you haven't eaten yet, aren't you hungry?" Shan Yisheng's voice was filled with laughter, she felt so cute in such a daze.

Speaking of breakfast, Yao Yiyi thought of Chu Cheng, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Oh no, Chu Cheng is still waiting for me."

After speaking, she turned her head and was about to go back, Shan Yisheng's dark eyes were instantly covered with a layer of cold air, and she quickly took her hand: "Where are you going?"

His voice was very cold, without any emotion, Yao Yiyi flinched a bit, and looked at him with those big eyes: "Chu Cheng...he is still waiting for me..."

"Let him wait," Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked at Yao Yiyi's seriousness and got a little angry, "What's the relationship between you two, eh?"

Yao Yiyi knew him and had no regrets, and hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "We have nothing to do with each other, we are just colleagues."

"Then why are you so nervous about him?"

Shan Yisheng's tone was full of jealousy, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and looked at him cautiously: "You are jealous, right?"

Shan Yisheng didn't answer this question. He took Yao Yiyi's hand and walked towards the breakfast shop. His legs were straight and long, and he walked very fast. Yao Yiyi had a hard time following him. She raised her head to look at him , carefully found that his ears were red, Yao Yiyi was stunned, he didn't keep up with his footsteps, and almost fell down, he thought he would fall to the ground, but he didn't expect that he would fall on Shan Yisheng's body in the end Boss: "Can't you be more careful when you walk."

There was a trace of coldness in his voice, but it was difficult to conceal the worry in it. Because Yao Yiyi was a little flustered for a while, he thought he was losing his temper with him.

"What's wrong with me walking like this? Who told you to take me out? You still walk so fast, and you're still treating me so fiercely..."

Yao Yiyi was sobbing, and tears flowed out. Shan Yisheng didn't expect her to cry, so he panicked and frowned: "Why are you crying?" Sighing softly, Yao Yisheng Sit down on the seat, "I have never cried so much before."

As soon as Yao Yi heard his words, tears fell even more fiercely. He couldn't help but hugged her like coaxing a child: "Don't cry, others are watching."

Yao Yiyi also felt that this was not good for her, she lowered her head and dared not speak, although she stopped crying, there were still big teardrops on her face, Shan Yisheng felt distressed, and gently wiped away her tears with her sleeve : "Don't cry, I'll take you out for a walk after breakfast."

Yao Yiyi didn't say a word, but felt that something was wrong. Why didn't he come here to discuss an acquisition this time, but to travel?
Because of crying, Yao Yiyi's nose and eyes were red, and she looked cute and tight. Shan Yisheng couldn't hold back, and lowered his head to gently peck her lips: "Let's eat first."

Chu Cheng went downstairs curiously. Just now the waiter told him that Yao Yiyi called him, but when he went up to check, the door of her room was obviously closed. Could it be that she hasn't woken up yet?Chu Cheng knocked on the room, but no one answered, he frowned involuntarily, what was going on.

Back in the hall, Yao Yiyi was still not seen, Chu Cheng began to worry, if she was unfamiliar with the place here, would something happen to her?
As soon as he took out his mobile phone to make a call, a woman told himself that Yiyi had gone out with the president. Chu Cheng looked at Qin Meihui in front of him, remembered what happened yesterday, and immediately knew that Yao Yiyi was taken away by Shan Yisheng.

"Where are they, where did they go?" There was an unconscious stiffness in his tone.

"I told you this to inform you, so that you don't have to worry about going outside to look for one by one. It doesn't mean that I will do things for you and answer your questions." Qin Meihui turned around and left after saying these words calmly. Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then felt powerless. In fact, Yiyi was willing to go with him, otherwise, how could others take her away by force in such a crowded place.

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng couldn't help but want to laugh. Originally, he said that coming with Yao Yiyi would not only perfectly fulfill He Qing's orders, but also might really have some development with her. In the end, it was just a stepping stone for others.

After returning to the room and having a casual meal, Chu Cheng hesitated whether to report this phenomenon to He Qing with his mobile phone in hand. Now that the two people are walking so close, does it mean that there is hope for reconciliation?
No, they reconciled, He Qing will definitely make trouble for herself.

Moreover, speaking from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want the two to reconcile at all.

Chu Cheng squeezed his hands and called Yao Yiyi, but was told that the phone had been turned off. He showed a different smile than usual, good job.

It seems that Shan Yisheng's coming to Singapore this time has long been planned, and the purpose does not seem to be to acquire a company.

Chu Cheng threw the phone aside, a little conflicted, should he let them go, or take measures,

means?Thinking of this, Chu Cheng smiled wryly, as if he had really changed a lot, and he was no longer the same as before.

Chu Cheng slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly felt very tired. He seemed to really like her.

(End of this chapter)

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